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Escape from the Stairs Walkthrough

Escape from the Stairs

NeatEscape - Escape from the Stairs is another point and click type room escape game by Neat Escape. Try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Only one possible ending. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


I thought the code was 438 but doesn't work?

The order of numbers the box on the bottom level is not the order you would expect.

Reorder them, you'll hit the right one

Got it but makes no sense.

Yeah. Maybe the game maker stayed up too late partying :)

Think so! Thanks anyway!

Anyone still here? Where to use the magic hand?

well, I haven't found the 4 yet, but if it's above the 8 on the staircase, then the order makes sense

4 is on 1st floor.

a hint for where to use the hand please?

Oh, the 4's on the bottom. Okay, it makes no sense

nokra I don't have a hand but I'll bet it's for grabbing the key you can only see coming down from the top of the stairs

Didi you get a L/R clue?

nvm..this game is lame anyway....

I have clicked every view I could find...never saw any stinking key! LOL

Yep, I was pretty sure it is for the key too...ty, just1.... :)

Found it...a little black dot at top of screen that I missed because I made the game too big! LOL

Ahhhh...nice fortune... :)

Geez, finally found L/R clue - a missed view down 1st staircase

Look at the stairs for the clue for the left right box.

And that's all you need to get out

Lol I picked a misfortune at the end - "I will flowering shoots out from now". Perhaps I should beware of bringing my gun to the garden?

Finally out of the bathroom! lol. Easy even if the numbers were in the wrong order. Have a feeling we'll be stuck in the hallway for awhile.

I have a "Tool of Something" but can't get the key with it. What am I missing?

POP - I didn't realize that the table you're first facing is also a number.

The numbers' order has to do with something other than their position. How else are the tables different from each other? (Out, by the way. Was expecting it to be longer.)

At least it wasn't a toilet...

Nice going, Miaren. Should have thought of that

Can anyone tell me where the 'magic hand' is, or how you get the 8 and the 4? I found the LR clue on the stairs and the rod without help, but now I'm stuck.

Oh, I see the numbers are the other tables - difficult to see that without knowing from the above hints. But where is the hand?

Oh I see again - the numbers give the hand.

Where the 3 (I thought it was an E at first) is, is a metal rod to the left of it. Attach the two "pieces" to that to get the "magic hand" to get the key hanging from the ceiling. Go to the exit door and back away from it, and then you can see the key at the top and middle of screen.


When you enter the room, go back one step and notice number code with different sized frames... it is a clue to order the numbers you get according to the size of their frame.

So number 4 is the table that is holding the number box and is the biggest. Table 3 is the smallest (on stairs) and then is table 8 which is in between.

Enter the code and get a piece of magic hand.

Go up the stairs, check the stool, find silver rod next to it. Attach with piece you found in number box.

Go up further. Look down. A small arrow on stairs. Why? Because if you click there you see the steps are lit up in a pattern. Follow the pattern to solve L/R key box. Take last item you need to assemble magic handle.

As you are at top going down, there is a strange shadow above a stool. Click and you'll find it is a key you can't reach. Use your magic handle to get key.

Open door and choose a luck card. One of them brings misfortune, one gives you a good year and one gives you a fantastic year. Go with your first instinct!

And enjoy 2014!!!

       Anonymous  1/3/14, 11:21 PM  

L/R pattern? I'm laughing. I see no pattern that works.
From the top, there is a white arrow on a step with brown, then a step with yellow on the left. The next step is brown, then a step with yellow on the right. The next step is brown on both sides, then a step with yellow on the right. A step that is brown, then a step yellow on the left. A brown step, and a step with yellow on the left again, followed by a brown step.

This COULD give a 10 count code, If I repeat whatever the last step (from the top where the arrow is) I get LL RRRR LLLL which doesn't work. I've tried LL RLRR LRLL, etc.

How do I "skip" the brown steps? Or are the brown steps the code, and I'm to skip the yellow ones? What am I not seeing here?

look only at yellow steps ==> LRRLL

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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