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Ole Kids Room Escape Walkthrough

Ole Kids Room Escape

OleGames - Ole Kids Room Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Ole Games. In this game you are locked inside kids room and you try to escape the kids room by finding items and solving puzzles. There is no one near to help you out. Find some useful objects and hints to escape from the room. Good luck and have fun!

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loading, 4ever and ever

what a stupid game!

found 3 numbers,and stuck

cannot find any objects :(

What about the clock?

cannot find any objects :(

I thought the 4th number would be 8 from the clock but no! Don't know if the number on the book is a 6 or a 9. Dont know what colour goes with what. Terrible game!

tried lots of no. combo's,but nothing

       Anonymous  2/18/14, 8:33 AM  


Stupid game

Me too
Tried the various combos of 5486
Nothing works

yeah joe m,nothing works,think i'll give up

Can't make any sense of the colours.

for 1st code, It works with 5864 (by tries) but don't understand why :(

8 for clock and 3 numbers on bed, book, lamp but not at all in color order

in second room I can see V on blue frame, X on little yellow watering can and VIII with lamp
but I can't open the drawer

Do X then V then VIII

In another of these awful rooms now!

Collecting coloured balls now - who knows what order THEY'LL go in...

Ah - I have a TV remote from somewhere - that gives ball order.

Last ball high up on ceiling top left.

FOURTH room now!

In the fourth room, look around and find letters. There are three of them for the left hand cabinet. Y is obvious. The other two letters are on the books, underlined. Then you make an obvious anagram and use them with the key - click again for another key, into ROOM FIVE!

Collect 3 symbols and fish food. Feed the fish for a key, enter symbols in the order you found them, left to right in the room, and it says OPEN IT. I've tried the key in the lock on the cabinet and on the door, but it doesn't seem to work there. Perhaps there's another key?

Yes, use the key from the fishbowl on the Cabinet top right - get another key.

Redo the symbols on the lower cabinet, use the new key there and get YET ANOTHER KEY. GAME OVER!!!!!!!!

I have tried all possible orders for the drawer. X V VIII, and so on, none of them open the drawer. Bug maybe? Tried them all at leist 3 times each.

Same for me Serenna !

Serenna - I tried it again, and it didn't work for me the first time. I had to put V X VIII and then fiddle with the V until the drawer opened. See if that works for you.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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