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Find the Escape-Men 93: Graduation Walkthrough

Find the Escape-Men 93: Graduation

Find the Escape-Men 93: Graduation is a new Japanese point and click type escape the room game from No1Game. Find the 10 Escape-Men, solve some puzzles, and escape from the Ninja House! This game has one ending. Good luck and have fun!

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good morning! New Escape-Men game = great start

exit door-sign, under carpet, and teacher gives 3

go upstairs for figure to strong box

Good morning Byassen,
I have to do some work at home, butttttt, escapemen, what can I say ...

1 in uniform upstairs

good morning arrie. Key inside strongbox for room. get a basketball

following you around ...

1 in screen on stage

2 men fighting (to the right in same room as teacher in the beginning). They keep fighting... lol

1 in the exitsign, keep clicking the switch-cord..
Some scenes are a bit difficult to find, like the uniform, the two fighting.

Wait in the window, take the girl and use her to let the boys stop fighting.

Nothing special happens when you get the 10 men :(
They just get into one big man and then the end-scene already. But the end scene is funny again.

Where exactly did you get the teacher you mentioned in your 2nd comment?

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was wandering around for ages before realising there is a scene to the right of the balcony with uniform and switch

thx small-tool... Was wondering what the windowscene was about.

Ah, I found Kyoko ! Wait patiently at the window!
She tries to separate the fighting guys, guess what ... 3 more.

Those three are the last ones, let the ceremony begin.

Wow, great speech ...!

sneaky one under the green rug (left upper corner) in front of one of the grey double doors. :)

Better start working, but I guess more games will come before weekend starts.

Btw. for later players:
I think (but not sure) you have to go to the fighting boys a few times (and click them) before the girl will come in the window scene (but you still have to wait a while there).

Kyoko only shows up after seeing the fighting-boys twice.

Ha, Small-tool, I also checked. And yes, click them.

Bored waiting for a girl t the window.

Context in case anyone's curious (probably not):
Japanese school years end/start in March/April, so the timing of this game is appropriate.

Is there anybody who's actually reading through all the text at the start? :)

I cant find the 10th. I got the fighting boys and the girl and i searched everywhere., I still cannot see the teacher.

i got: carpet
ball (throw into hoop)
exit sign
student in dress (when you go to the playground)/letter
boy fighting
boy fighting

Cant find the 10th! please help!

Same here Chris. Stuck.

Guess everyone left.

Looks like you're missing the one from the button on the uniform.
When upstairs you can go the right balcony.

Oh for pete's sake!! Check the girl again and pull her head off!! Ten!!

Thanks S-T!

Sorry, this one I don't like... :(

My girl won't show up at the window :'(

i cant find the boy fighting,

nvm finally find the boys fighting

You're not bad oranges... just wanted you all to know that.

My girl didn't appear at the window so can't continue (I wasn't being impatient lol I waited for ages) ;)

i cant get girl to show at window either been sat there 15 mins dam it

ok i got her to appear not sure if pulling the lever up the stairs triggered it.got 6 men,got the girl bk and uniform and a box and stuck

No shaz, you have to visit the fighting boys twice and click them to read the text. Then Kyoko passes by.

wat do i do with box it only thing i have in inventory,have 8 men now

it ok gotta copy pattern on to box

and out that was fun

       Anonymous  3/28/14, 10:40 AM  

I stayed in the window scene for at least 10 minutes but nothing ever happened. I saw the reference to the switch where the uniform was and flipped it several times but still nothing happened at the window scene. ~ :(

I am sure that since I have posted this, I will go back to the window and it will happen and i will let you know.

I found copying the pattern to box very difficult...LOL I drew it and everything and still had to do it about 5 times! Just me, not the game....LOL
The switch for the girl in window needs to be down, I think.

How do you get the one from the exit door sign?

saw the comment of Arrie NL now: keep clicking the cord.
Where is the teacher, i don't find him

I don't think it was the right description Jef Pedal.
Forget about the teacher. I think the student in dress was meant there (use letter on her)..

second ground from the window clic on top right you see a room with a lever and a jacket on wall
go back to first ground and see a white square you get 2 escape men

ummm...transvestism? Are the boys fighting over a boy dressed like a girl???

for the box
3w 2g 4w
2w 4g 3w
3w 2g 4w
2w 5g 1w
2g 1w 3g 2w 1g
4w 3g 2w
4w 3g 2w
3w 2g 1w 1g 2w 2w 2g 2w 3g
1w 2g 5w

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ignore that last post. row 4 should be 6g

slart Bon - great effort - that's a hard puzzle! I wrote things down, too, but then I couldn't follow them - lol!

For the green man image in the box, imagine that the squares on each line are numbered 1 to 7, then press them in this order:

Numbered 1-9 of course, not 1-7!

slart Bon and Clodagh - you guys know how to communicate the best ways to see this type of puzzle. Not easy and thanks!!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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