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Into the Wild Walkthrough

Into the Wild

Into the Wild is another point & click adventure type escape game developed by CarmelGames for MouseCity. Join Crystal Rose Divine in her new TV show, as she explores the mysterious MugaBuga tribe. Good luck and have fun! [Submitted by lilaweiss]

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lets see this 1

Break bottle with the log you chopped down.

I am stuck with worm, hook, bowl, mortar and pestle, log, recipe.

Oh, NOW I can use the log to cross the water. :-p

I used log to cross waterfall and can't take it back to break bottle

Use the gift from the tribesman to slide on the rope at the cliff. Remember the colors from his hut!

Had to start over and break the bottle first

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funny game

very easy and nice

I haven't found where to go fishing yet.

use boomerang on zipp line

@klea - where and how did you get water? The waterfalls and beach aren't working

Oh of course - as soon as I posted the above I managed to get the rod to work at the waterfall - was sure I'd already tried that!

It's hot water you need from the spring on the opposite side at the waterfall.

@Clodagh - fish at the waterfalls after getting hook and worm

mortar and pestle breaks bottle

TY for hot water Clodagh!

Does the gelatine come from the fish somehow?

And out already. Too short

what a silly game!

Feed fish to bear then grind bones

Oh, the bear! They like fish!

Thanks LW Team Member!

Thanks too Klea for the cliff slide clue.

what is colour code for bottom of zip line?

evans, ir's in the camp scene

lol, had to jump off the cliff to go see it. Cute game.

Hope that someone's still there, can't find the worm.

Got it, tree chop scene, there's a hole in the ground.

Yay Mouse City my favorite

OMG...Is that our Clio Rose??? LMAO!

I found worm in the jungle, right of tree trunk...where is the bottle please? I always miss the most obvious thing! LOL

It was good but a bit too easy this time.

Nokra - take the giant rock and gunpowder from the cliff and shoot the pirate ship. They send the bottle

Great game! Funny! I put logs into my purse every day!

smash the bottle with the log...

Help with a Basic. How do you get a gift from the Chef?

Smash bottle with mortar and pestle.

I smashed bottle with the log. Does the bottle have anything to do with the Chef? I can't get a Gift from Him.

Missed the whole thing about getting the water from the springs at the Falls. That is all I needed to prepare the recipe and do the rest to Escape. Cute game.

Get hot water from other side of waterfall, as well as red berries and put in bowl, mash fish bones in mortar to make gelatine after bear has eaten fish. Put in bowl with berries & hot water to make potion. Give potion to Chef who gives you boomarang as gift. Use boomarang on rope on cliff to cross over.

For anyone who uses the log to cross river before breaking the bottle, I actually used the pestle and mortar to break it so I don't think it HAS to be the log (so don't have to re-start) :)

Get the bottle by loading the canon (with large rock and gunpowder) and shooting the ship

Quite an easy game.

Way to easy this time..

That was lame.

Wahahahaha! "I'll just put this log in my purse"! fantastic

....(ò¿ó)... muga buga, well that was lame

what do i do im stuck with ...

a mortar and pestle, a lighter, a paper (with recipe) , a worm , a rope and stick, a bowl with fruit and water and a rock

plz help!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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