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Rocket Escape Walkthrough

Rocket Escape

Games4King - Rocket Escape is anther free online point and click escape game from Games 4 King. Assume that you are in a documentary crew traveling through the jungle on a National Geographic survey of that jungle, you are unaware of the trouble that will occur. You got into a trouble made by animals over there. Your crew members escape from their by leaving you alone. so, you are in the situation to escape from their by finding the hidden clues. Click on the objects to interact and solve the puzzles to escape. Good luck and have fun!

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So far: Found and used 4 bees and 4 leafs and got a heart. Found knife, feather and bird.

Used feather on the stone with holes, then I could take the flowers from right side. Used them on stone and got another heart.

Used bird on very left tree and got a red gem. Used the knife left side on a stone and got my 3. heart

Anja, where are the bees ? Got 3 hearts and 4 leafs.

Used gem on right tree, got key, used key and got my 4. heart

Hmmm where is 5th heart?

Got a gem, use funny bird on left most tree middle.

Tried to use the knife on the hole in left tree and now it stucks in middle of scene. But I got the last heart there.

Nice Game Design. I like this.

@emmes: bees are in water under the leafs there (don't know how they called)


Used all 5 hearts on gate, got 4 present, used knife on them and got 4 spheres. (Knife is now gone)

Thx Anja, found them.

Used spheres on house got the 2 missing "wings" and out.

I like the game, good graphics, nice colors

Whooshka bees got me out LOL

where to use the knife?

they are called lily pads in the water - for the bees

Out too, but short again and no puzzles to solve, more a hidden object game.

Zoe, for the knife bottom left, there is a rock.

I need the fifth heart.

Thanks Emmes - I use the knife on a rock? I see a rock bottom left, but knife doesn't work on it.

pop...just found the spot - thanks~

Out - thanks for the hints!

ZOE!!!!! where is that spot!??? I can't find it either!

POP...it is the same rock you see in the flowers scene, but...you have to click the very bottom if it for a new view!

LOL..."You are a Graet!"

Is someone at Game 4 King getting married? Looks like it .. opening the presents ..

leroy you're everywhere

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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