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ET Escape 4 - The Mysterious Monolith Walkthrough

ET Escape 4 - The Mysterious Monolith

ArtKivez - E.T. Escapes From the Mysterious Monolith is another point and click escape game from Art Kivez. A team of archaeologists have gone missing on the jungle moons. As soon as you land your ship it mysteriously loses power. You must find the missing archaeologists and restore power to escape! Good luck and have fun!

Play ET Escape From the Mysterious Monolith

ET Escape From the Mysterious Monolith Walkthrough

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it took me to "the robot reformatory" game instead

Now that you say that - me too! I don't care as I have played none of them till now.

And unnecessary to say that I'm stuck. I've opened the panel and need to cut off the power but none of the pink helper's items works on any hotspot.

Progress. The magical POP let me click a tiny spot on the guy's head with the balloon. Now the hair is charged. Every girl knows this kind of hairdo.

Well then, maybe I have more success in that other game.

meritneith take balloon and rub your hair

Thanks kevaus, I've changed to the monolith game now.

For the monolith game, I have gone around, taken a bowl, and have a part of an artefact. I'll walk a second round and try to use the skills of the pink shifter.

With a gas bubble I've chased away the serpent.

Am I the only one here?

I'm here too, unfortunately all I've done is scare away the serpent. There's a colour code needed and the arms of the statue need to be in a certain order, but I have no clues yet.

Next progress! In front of the door there is a paper (which told me how to get rid of the serpent) you can turn around for a clue for the arms of the statue. This gave me the second part of the artefact, I copied them in the shifter and have a key now.

There is a note by the tent. On the back is the clue for the statue's arms.

Fuchsia, the hint for the colour code is in the scene where that strange creature sits on the nest on the floating rock, behind the hay left of the skull. Can't remember what I got from the colour code, maybe one part of the key?

Sh**! FF crashed down, I have to restart! Well, I hadn't done too much until now.

AH HA! Make the key by getting the blob to copy the two pieces of the artefact.

Okay, done that. In the scene with the two aliens (use the key) you can take a tube out of the back wall. I think we can use it on the tree where the serpent was.

In fact I could put it there. But no sap, and I can't place the bowl there.

And in the scene with the six-arms-statue there's a worm in the tree I can't reach. It could be the food for the creature on the nest.

Ha! Use the mallet twice on the tube after putting it into the tree hole. Now I have sap in the bowl.

I gave the sap to the alien and received an axe. Used this on the dead tree (far scene to the right) and got a floating rock now which might be very useful. First try will be the worm.

You can get the worm when you go though the whirlpool. You shoot out high enough to grab the worm...and you do feed it to the creature. But your goal is to move it off the rock, so you don't want to just give it to the creature!

am stuck at monolith with 2 floating rocks,can't get him to climb on to next rock,so i can put "sparkler"in hole

What the heck? No worm, and I thought I could place the sparkler in the monolith but now I have that damn rock floating too high and I can't reach it now! Do we have to look for a third one? Maybe that with the nest of the creature but I think we need the worm?

Woo! And out! However, it does look like there might be an extra ending as you can still wander a bit after you have freed the archeologist(s). Never mind, that was way too complicated for my little brain!

Good find, Fuchsia! I'll try that.

Yeah! Put the worm into the rock hole. Thanks Fuchsia!

And out now. Good game, very logical and tricky.

yep.get last floating rock from feeding bird

For my opinion the game is underrated with 2.5 stars.

How to get gas bubble?

Lisa, use the net from the shifter and try to catch a bubble from the front hole. You might need a few attempts.

Thank u meritneith

i dont get the color code,how i turn the arrows nothing happens

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Ok the color code.. don't COPY the X, continue the line of color!

Where do you get the tube for the tree sap?

Aha. POP

       Anonymous  4/17/14, 6:56 AM  

Tube was behind the aliens.
Where's the sparkler? Got 3 floating stones up to the monolith.

       Anonymous  4/17/14, 6:57 AM  

Pop - missed scene to left of aliens.

I spent a long time for this game,
but I am really happy to escape without help.
I like ArtKivez games.

Do I detect a bit of Selfdefiant here?????

Tube was behind the aliens.Friv Jogos online,
Where's the sparkler? Got 3 floating stones up to the monolith Friv Online.

always funny to see people asking questions that were alreadsy answered in the comments above - are they too lazy to read? (escaped with some help from the WT - good game!)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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