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Escape with the Documents Walkthrough

Escape with the Documents

123Bee - Escape with the Documents is another point and click room escape game developed by 123 Bee. A cat burglar enters this office with the intent of stealing some valuable documents. After laying his hands on them, he realizes his escape route is blocked and has to go out the main door. Help him find the spare key using the clues and objects in the office. Good luck and have fun!

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The pic clue isn't ratboard, trying ti worl it out.

Got the word EVENTUALLY. The thing next to your computer that you move the mouse around on

Its a mouse not a rat.

ok it isn't a rat ..; but I still need red and turquoiz gem I think.. one medallon for first screen.. and surely the word.. but I click everywhere (numbers, dots, red key are ok ).. but don't know what else.

pop found finally the star in last room.. click many times but maybe need a pop

Solved all the puzzles, but still missing some of the gems. Nothing left to do, so I guess I'll quit.

Hi everyone. How do we solve the gem safe?
I have all gems (after clicking a million times on cupboard door in last scene), but stuck now.

another pop or clever comment is needed for that red gem I suppose. (still don't pop the word and it is surely hidden there)

I suppose we must put color in the right place in that safe .. but nothing move because I miss red one

@gre-nadine: did you get a box with numbers on it (I think from the mouse-safe...) You can change those numbers for the calculation to be correct and get red gem.
But not sure anymore, if I got the red gem there, sorry!

No, sorry, red gem was in mouse safe...

leithan .. it was by the star and I got the turqoiz (light blue) I'll check but I'm pretty sure.. I never get the word to open mouserat safe

You get number box from star safe.

ah yes ok.. thank you anyway

gre-nadine, look at RSA Momma Cyndi's comment above, she gave a hint about the word for the mouse safe

so where is that secret word to open that mouse rat safe, please :-) ?

Word for mouse safe is:


ha ha ..; too late with write again.. I'm not english and I use my mouse directly on table so.. maybe I must use something else.

haha, had to look it up too, I'm also not a native english speaker!

Still stuck on that gem safe and need to take off. Good luck, gre-nadine!

just two words to all of you, leithan particularely :-) THANK YOU

I put colored gem in right place (just next to same color).


       Anonymous  5/26/14, 9:52 AM  

Where is the hint for the word (mousepad) ?

I'm still missing 3 gems and one other little circle from the other wheel that goes with the house

       Anonymous  5/26/14, 10:12 AM  

@ Jinx McGee,

I'm with you (I understood that we had to guess the word mousepad... sigh...) and I miss the same things as you.

Where is the star?

       Anonymous  5/26/14, 10:51 AM  

There is a rag on the front chair, in the meeting room (rag used on the screen in the same room).

We need a Walkthrough on the 0 + 0 = 10 enigma alone ...

You have to move the gems to their corresponding color by clicking on them, moving them to the center and then moving them to one of the 3 open spots.

I can't get the gems to move

Click the gem, click the open space you want it to go to.

I'm pretty sure I'm missing hte light blue gem and that's why it won't work

Can't get the rag to work at all, giving up

RSA Momma Cyndi, Thank you for word hint!!!!

The cloth don`t work on the dirty screen.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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