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Wow Escape from Dense Forest Walkthrough

Wow Escape from Dense Forest

WowEscape - Wow Escape from Dense Forest is another point and click room escape game developed by Wow Escape. A don't miss game for all adventure lovers! You decided for an adventurous trip to the forest. Unexpectedly you get lost in the midst of the forest. A big slam, someone hit you at the head and made you unconscious. After a while, you seems to be in a bizarre place with all sort of creepy things. Your inner voice says "This is not the right place to linger around", so you must escape from this place. Use your wits to find the way out. Be careful anything may happen! Good luck and have fun!

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Lets try a wow and see if I say WOW LOL

I guess we are hunting bugs now LOL

I remember playing one like this before, and I enjoyed it - here goes!

Hard to find stuff. Graddhopper very well hidden.


You start to see bugs and creatures everywhere, even where they don't exist - wooooooh!


Enlarging the picture helps a lot. Wouldn't have found the frog without that!

I need to find a frog? HUMMM

POP just as I posted LOL frog in scene with 3 digit puzzle

Found oel and ladybird for trunk but missing the bug.

I still have Berrys and a plate?

"owl". grrr.

Found only 1 snake so far.

bandytrc: berries and plate in scene 3 where chest is on the floor...

Found the Owl in scene were the arrows go left and right.

oops, sorry, forgot first scene, so it is in the 4th scene...

something hanging on tree, but can't take it.

I think I need a chameleon for the top left slot of the 'six places to put things' - it would be that, wouldn't it.

TY escapism !!

Thanks for the berries and plate hint Escapism.

Use bird on turtle.

missing a snake (left down), and a lot of other fauna too... :-(

Clodgh the chameleon was in a scene up top on left, f that helps don't remember the scene though

missing snake, worm and firefly...

thanks roberto, i wanted to do that but forgot it, stupid me...

LOL Bird pecked on the turtle to make him move!!!

POP about firefly, in 6th picture, left down-ish

Thanks Bandytrc - really obvious in the very first scene! (Couldn't have had my eye in that early on - that's my excuse anyway).

Oh, my last snake's just appeared in the tortoise scene - I'm sure it wasn't there before!

one snake was in scene with the Bird, Butterfly, Egg puzzle

That was great! Thanks for the help everyone!

Missing bottom left snake, earthworm for trunk, snail and bird for tree, butterfly and egg for farthest puzzle.

The snake in turtle scene was TINY!!!! LOl

So tiny, no WOW at all from me. Headache.

Still need third snake, and a worm...

Roberto bottom left snake was in scene with bird,butterfly,egg puzzle

@bandytrc Thanks for the last snake location. After that it is pretty straigthforward

Even you telling me where the snake is, I can't find it. :(

3 Snakes give worm.

I'm where you are, roberto, missing worm, left snake and egg.

Oh! Did it! Thanks.

Look just below the puzzle Roberto real small

Roberto, bandytrc, where?? I've zoomed to the max but can't find it.

Now I'm missing butterfly , dragonfly(?) and snail.

Out wow is right!! Wow comes when you see how small they are!! LOL

At the bottom. middle screen.

THANKS BANDYTRC! Got it too, zoomed on 200 %!

I had the puzzle enlarged and I saw it just below the puzzle

Ok, snake gives worm gives egg gives 'escaped' gives peace of mind... :-)

LOL That's why I said WOW !!

Still stuck. Waiting for help.

For dragonfly look at my comment at 8:41 (sorry, had misnamed the animal, DRAGONfly not FIREfly, i always mix those up)

What are you missing Roberto?

dragonfly found thanks. Now searching for snail.

Snail was in turtle scene I Think.

Turtle scene just a bit to the left was snail

The bird goes on the turtle for number code

Yesssss! It was there waiting for me!! Thanks so much!.

I am missing the butterfly that goes with the bird and the egg. Anyone please?

You get butterfly when you put all items on tree.

Thanks Roberto, am still missing the fish and the feathery bird for that one. Have no idea, have clicked everywhere

Oh, it´s not a bird, it´s some kind of insect lol

And it´s not a fish, it´s a gecko og lizard thing. Have just enlarged the picture haha

Tine One moment going back in

There's no fish in this game.

Roberto I know, I corrected myself above and am still laughing at myself.

Thanx bandytrc

Do you need the Dragonfly?

Oh is that what it is, yes the dragonfly and the lizard thing

dragonfly is on bottom right in scene with the owl ladybird puzzle

Anyone know where to find the worm?

worm comes from all snakes plaved

Ok...3rd snake eludes

Yay! Found the dragonfly, thank you so much bandytrc, now I just need the gecko/lizard thing

Still in search of the last sneaky snake..........

NN I enlarged my screen to 250% before I found the last snake

anyone needing Chamelon It's top left of very first scene

Thanks Tine Ros....how in the world are us old people suppose to see these extremely well hidden critters?....LOL

anyone sill here? I can't find the bird that goes with butterfly and egg

you need key first for the bird

it's the one in the cage

egg come from, when you place he worm

Can't find bird for puzzle with egg and butterfly. Can't find where to use plate and berries. I'm so sorry to leave ... I was near the end

Refreshed page: I see that is the very biord in the cage: but how did you get the key then? I've done all puzzles, except p'lacing the plate and berries. Anyone still there?

Anyone stll there? where do you place the plate? Is this that gives you the cage key?

An I-like-a-challenge-every-now-and-then-when-I-have-the-time-for-it-through.

At the left a green gecko.
Below cage a pink butterfly, we need a key for cage-bird.
At the left a red flower and yellow butterfly, right of bl.arrow a white snail, leftish-up of y.arrow a snake.
Snake in the tree, in a straight line right of bl.arrow a grasshopper, a brown box, brown dirt.
Down right of left tree a red butterfly, rightish-up of that grey plate, on left tree 6-things needed.
sunny path.
In a straight line above right y.arrow an owl, in a straight line below left y.arrow a dragonfly.

Go left.
In a straight line right of bl.arrow a frog, at left tree a three number code, no BF.
Go forward.
Left berries can be taken, safe in middle of screen, below that (somewhere leftish/down of butterfly spot) a snake.

Back to sunny path, go right.
Place the 3 butterflies on the tree = ladybug.
Go up. Place 3 snakes = worm.

Back to maddow, brown box.
Place owl, ladybug, worm = egg.
Place grey plate on the brown dirt, place berries = bird in tree.
Back to turtle. Put bird on turtle = number 527.
Go to the tree with the three number code = key,
Back to 6-things tree.
Place gecko, grasshopper, snail, frog, flower, dragonfly = butterfly.
Back to cage-bird, use key, take cage-bird.

Go to safe in middle of screen. Place cage-bird, butterfly, egg = y.arrow = out.

To the WOW folks: This type of game is one of my favorites!! I had just been wishing for a game from you like this & you delivered!! Thank you so much! I thoughouly enjoy the nature sounds & the ease/challenge of finding all the critters. PLEASE KEEP MAKING THESE TYPE OF GAMES-BUT MORE OFTEN PLEASE!!!!

Usually like Wow games, but this one was pathetically ridiculous - clickety click everywhere, searching everywhere, can't see anything, need magnifying glass or scanner or something. Got so sick of it finally just X'd out. Tree puzzle where the all the items go (chameleon, frog, etc) was so dark some of the places were completely black so there is no way to know what to even search for. Clicked a million times for the frog after seeing arrie's walkthrough, but it was not there until enlargement about 10 times. That was when I quit - that is pathetic to have to do that. 159% annoyed at this one.

Now thats a good one..thanks WOW

2 butterflys 1 snake and a (flower?) that is all. I quit!

Didn't mind most of these things being hard to find for once, as I find it justifiable: they are animals and good at camouflaging themselves. (I had a lot of the same reactions in this game as when I go in the woods: ...OH WOW did not see that -insert animal- there right in front of my face. Especially the big snake....) but the two small snakes and dragonfly were wayyy too hard to see.

Great WT Arrie

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