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Escape Through Back Door Walkthrough

Escape Through Back Door

123Bee - Escape Through Back Door is another point and click room escape game developed by 123 Bee. A thief after having burgled the house breaks the key of the main door while opening. The only way he can go out is through the back door for which he has to find the keys. Help him to get it with the clues and objects available in the house. Good luck and have fun!

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First but not last

who knows ?

I just hope I don't have to learn craddle songs in english

Oh well, played some good games today, already bored with this one, have fun all of you

Stuck on the arrows. How counterclockwise? There are 7 blocks.

also stuck on arrow drawer. Tried all sorts of combinations. No idea where to put the blocks or what the letter safes are

erstood) to do)

top, right, left, bottom, right

The blocks go in last room top left of the door

Need one more letter ..don't know 6 letter word in kitchen.

What is the word for the drawer in third room

What word in the kitchen?

Thanks Dabi and Bhecbr. Any idea why the arrows go like that or did you brute force them?

RSA turn each arrow once anti-clockwise

aah, thanks Edward - see no logic in that though.

Ahh..out at last.Clue for 6 letter puzzle is on the walls.

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The words in the bedroom is just anagram of escape (so that was easy enough) but I have tried all sorts in the kitchen and not getting anywhere.

RSA..Look at what's written above washing machine


Edward - anti clockwise?

Think of two words that describe what's written on the walls and choose one that has 6 letters.

Bhecbr - in the bedroom? I got Peaces, Peace, Pe

Thanks, Edward. I have been trying to get that to squeeze into the two cupboards instead of just using it for one of them.

I'm not enjoying this one :(

don't know the six lettre word, something like nursery rhimes, please tell me

OKAY - found the pen and paper by the washmachine.

shylock - *rhymes*

thanxz cyndi

There must be multiple anagram solutions because I used something different and it worked.

How do I do the puzzle on the counter front in kitchen?

also still need a key and the third part of circle for bedside table.

Can't find where to use candle and matches, need one block.

rhymes 6 sex letters

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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