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Find the Escape-Men 109: Let It Go Away Walkthrough

Find the Escape-Men 109: Let It Go Away

Find the Escape-Men 109: Let It Go Away is another point and click type escape the room game from No1Game. Find the 10 Escape-Men, solve some puzzles, and escape from the room! Good luck and have fun!

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Find the Escape-Men 109 Walkthrough

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Popcorn (eat them)
Duck tape (used)

wait in front of screen for a bit...

Hola just starting]

Front row closeup view of chairs. Running man 2 and spades clue

Screen view has 2 subviews from the seats...

Got a nice joke, not sure how...

turning on the projector (three cards safe) gets a lot of green men. Still looking for one

damn it keep restart each time I click an escapeman???

aah, under corner of the curtain.

Need hint on three card safe combo...

Got card symbol puzzle!!!!!
Use chair + popcorn cup (bottom) + girlfriend speach

Out... lot of cursing...
Anyone needs help?

There is tape to top left above the projector.

Kinda odd even for Escape-Men.

Replayed to check how I got joke but no good...

For the good joke, just switch on the projector, go around and come back to the projector

There must be some bug (??) I got joke before turning on projector...
Now it showed just after getting ticket... don't know what triggers that

How did you get the ticket without turning on the projector? The projector makes the ticket go onto the screen

I played two times
1st I got joke BEFORE turning projector
2nd I turned projector, got ticket, and only AFTER that, joke showed up

       Anonymous  6/27/14, 10:35 AM  

WOW. Pictrage indeed. :)

aah, I see, Jon. Maybe it is triggered by opening the safe?


played again (a few times), it seems to be catching the guy who drives AND speaking to the wizard wannabe that triggers it

It might just be a bug that was fixed right in between Jon's two playing attempts!


Adding to the opinions, bad language should not be used on this site, not funny and not appreciated.

ditto - no more bad language please!

good game apart from that. thank you

I personally don't mind the language, but I am wondering why they put it on this site. This just doesnt seem like the place for it.

Game keeps restarting every few seconds. Tried many times.

       Anonymous  6/27/14, 1:49 PM  

Wow someone has a woman problem. or a problem with women.

not enough hints projector was mentionted but no one said where.only have 4 men ( from cup,corner of curtain,from seat and one from gut on veichle on stage.

figure out the shape code then rest came and out had joke made me laugh

There have been a couple of times with this game maker that are "off color" is the kindest way I can put it. I agree about the bad language. I think a lot of younger folks play some of these games that are easy and cute, so it's not good for that reason, if not other reasons as well...people like these games well enough without the distasteful parts...just my opinion, that's all.

Ok....love the game (love all Escape men games)...the language is fine because language and words only have the power you give them (I personally have more important things to deal with). If you are concerned about the language for your children's sake, you really should check any game before you let them play...that is on you, not the creator. If it offends your better senses, you need to get out more.

Also, the language is only implied. There are other words that could be created from the available letters. It's all in how you think about it.

WOW. This one was NSF with the language,

Sneaky one on the bottom right curtain.

Love these games. They are cute and usually surprisingly funny.
The language is not needed. Yes, it is all around us but it is nice to get a break from it here, on this game site.

This comment has been removed by the author.

DarkBritta: Definition of the word "opinion":

"A personal view, attitude, or appraisal."

That is all it was. If you don't like my opinion too bad so sad.

Inferior game compared to the rest. I'm talking about the actual finding the men themselves. Although I fail to see the reasoning behind the language? not necessary in my opinion.

not getting hearts safe. 3 spades on chair and 2 diamonds on cup = what?

only found 1 running man - on stage

Robin Rob - there is one heart, two diamonds, and three spades. Each number tells you where to put each symbol.

tishtosh..it's refreshing to hear your opinion! It's good that you share what you believe and I appreciate your point of view - thank you.

TooCule..how many diamonds are there? 2. there are 3 spades. so...diamonds are in the second place ( #2) and there are three spades, so spades are #3. I brute forced the first number, but I think it's hearts...if not by default it would be clubs...hopes this makes sense to you!

       Anonymous  6/28/14, 1:21 AM  

3 stars, not my favorite in the series

Zoe: the girl's dialogue had one heart in it. I didn't figure that out until after I brute forced it! I wonder if the language problem is due to translation? Maybe the creators don't realize that that language is too strong for everyday public use.

YUP! Language was a bit shocking for an escape game!!

Easy one...didn't appreciate the bad language, even if it was "bleeped out," so to speak. Same reason I don't go to the movies!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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