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Utility Room Escape Walkthrough

Utility Room Escape

Yotreat - Utility Room Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Yotreat. The worst case scenario is that you are trapped in the room full of disgusting and smelly clothes that is giving you nausea. Find a way to escape from this room before you kill yourself. Add the objects to the inventory panel. Combine the objects in the inventory panel. Use them to open the door. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


The sock colors are for the code on the clock.

Grrr... made a plunger but neglected to take it. So it disappeared. Starting over.

Mine disappeared too, not replaying

Yeah, my plunger stick disappeared.
Not worth restarting this one.

theres a sneaky drawer above the cupboards with detergent

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I have a blue box, bowl with bubbles, 2 peaces of paper, something that looks like a part of a fruit and a note with mountains. Don't know what to do.

Wow! Suddenly it all came quick! Out now! Can I help?

Can't find clue for colored arrows/ traingles?

Noelle, I needed the vid WT for that one too.
It's like rmcr8 said. There's an extra drawer to be opened above where we found the paperclip. Put the DET into the bowl with water, wash the piece of dirty cloth and get the clue.

Ahh. I haven't found the dirty fabric yet. Clicked all over laundry basket.

Whoo, where again was it .....

Put the three pieces of paper together for a word. Put the knob on the left at the washing machine. Turn the knobs til you made the word. It opens and tadaaa.

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only found 2 pieces of paper and no cloth to wash. Can anyone remember where these things were?

you miss the middle piece of paper I guess?

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There's a box in the laundry.
There's a stick in the window and a reddish looking-like-a-knob-thing..
Combine those two, click it to get it in your inventory.
Use it on the sink, get the rosette. Place rosette in the box =
middle piece of paper.

For anyone coming in later, click the W button, it leads to the vid-WT.

Nice game, I give 4 stars

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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