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Escape from Basement House Walkthrough

Escape from Basement House

123Bee - Escape from Basement House is another point and click room escape game developed by 123 Bee. A billiard player invites his friend to play billiard in his basement house. On receiving an urgent call leaves out, informing his maid to ask his friend to stay in a room. But, unfortunately the maid locks the door by forgetting that the person is inside. After waiting for a long time, the friend decides to leave since it was getting late for him. When he decides to leave, he comes to know that the house is locked and no one is home. Now, the friend has to search for the spare key to escape. Help him in his search. Good luck and have fun!

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Cursor now indicates hot spots - thank you 123Bee!

Good Morning! going in

Use the 5 color code with the color pointer for 5 digit number code

Not getting the answer under the fireplace, even with the book clue.

2 digit code above fireplace on wall....missed that many times

alliswan: look at the tv green letters and use book to convert to numbers.

NotYou-thanks, I've tried 8134-is that wrong?

spoiler for tv code spo3il13e4r

Alliswan numbers onl 1 to 5!

AHH! Thanks guys! Out now.

word from black frame above fireplace had me stuck for a while.

where is the 5 color code?

How to get code colour have a clue with only 3 colours...

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stuck with RBG clue...used book...need lots of stuff...i cant understand the 5 digit clue with 5 color pointer (12345 is WBRGY but what does that do for me?)

what are billiard balls for

I don't know either Pats Fan. Guess I'll come back later and see if anyone left more hints.

Ohh...Evans did leave a clue...word in between the black blobs in frame...sLpoIilFerT...gets crescent...gives magnet...gets key

have 2 teardrops and stuck again...the 5 digit code is holding me back i suppose...

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billiard balls opens the drawer with the Blue Green Orange circles (121)...

RBG clue is for a box in the cabinet in Billiard room

only a couple of hotspots left...need a candy, 2 flames, one symbol under native American picture...can't play the house-shaped game and don't know 5 digit clue from color pointer...

same as Pats Fan
tried 43512 but don't work

aha...persistence pays off...needed the candy to get clue for color number...got candy by doing the house puzzle...start at one of the odd number intersections and drag to another point


I had to get out...I was lonely in there...

thanks a lot Pats fan

It IS 43512...but you put it into the squares above. I thought I had to make the pointer point to certain numbers to get THAT drawer open.

Out now....fun!

I'm missing one air symbol, and one circle under the pic. I've done nothing with the bubble pic and haven't solved the 3 button puzzle in the billiard room. What step am I missing?


Didn't know the bubbles in the 3 buttons in the billiard room expanded...made it look like bubble picture. :)

Great game as always, thanks 123Bee!

Have silver key, and I'm missing one water drop. Already used key on cage and it doesn't work on exit door. Where do I go from here?

POP! Nevermind, drawer in kitchen

where is the clue for the 2 numbers in the kitchen?

Sabine - you found it on the wall above

great - now I am out. Thank you

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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