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50 Shades of Small Walkthrough

50 Shades of Small

Small-Tool: 50 shades of Small is another free online puzzle/riddle game created by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. There are 50 levels to complete. You will need stamina, brains and a lot of help. This is not easy! We want you to finish in the best sense of the term. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Riddle is updated!

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Janet, that level made me CRAZY! If you have the right movie, only the last name is needed, no anagram

Hi Clio - darned if I know - it just appeared... Shouldn't have been able to do that I don't think ;-)

I am just getting gibberish on 10. The hints seem to make sense but when I apply it then nothing makes sense....to be sure...I wrote the numbers out and directions for what to chose are from the row above? does this have 6 letters (commas separate?)

Thanks Donas - must have wrong movie I had anagrammed names of the two performers - shouldn't have expected it to be that easy (sigh)

p.s. Does anyone else hit Next instead of Newest on the Comments page and get taken to a whole different game? Can't tell you the number of times I do ....

Tangled, for top row, 5 letters, first is 3rd letter of nine = N

I am realy bad with riddles, without hints I would't get anywhere. But even after reading on hints about level 17, I still have no idea what to do. Where is the hint for who is the man on the left and that character on the right and their corelation? All I noticed (and it was allready metioned here in the comments)is that there are a lot ob words with letter B inside. Could someone please give a more specific hint on how to solve it?

Tangled - For #10, there are pairs (#,#) of numbers, 5 pairs 1st line, 4 pairs 2nd line, 5 pairs 3rd line.

Spell out 2nd number and use the 1st number to select the right letter. You'll have three words. Look for what's missing

jas, try a google image search with the pic, it should take you to a man who made a law about the insect in the pic

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jas - do you know how to use Google Image search? You can find the guy that way.

I don't get it. I see what you did but I am lost on how and what to apply for the rest.....(sigh) so frustrated to just not see it but know it's there.

Who is the guy in lvl 17...I can't find him, and all the hints say is that "if you know who he is and now he relates to the cartoon character than you can get it" Is he the discoverer of crickets??? I couldn't find a pic of that man anywhere

Thanks Donas and Janet! I googled the image and found out who that scientist was and what he did with crickets. I think I will be checking other comments on that level now, I hope they make more sense now ;)

Tangled, keep on trying, 2nd pair is 1,1, so first of one, O

L19 - Is the movie CANDYSHOP? I found two movies, 2007 and 2010 with same name but none of the director's names are working

mehroon, not candyshop, you have too many letters

Still not getting #19 - how to look for right movie - so far have 1 on Child sex trafficking, one on an edible lingerie shop and (as an offshoot) one on a drunken bachelor party - Help!!

Thank you Donas - remove both "and"'s....

Hi Zoe - welcome back.... Can you do Google Image for the scientist?

Zoe do you know now who he is now? I can you his name if you want, but just to give you a hint - it contains that big animal mention in the first line and is old

No, I have tried googling 'bear grylls' and get some young survivor guy. then I tried the "discoverer of crickets" - nothing. No one discovered bees, they've been around too long.....

L20 - picture + my brain = ? Help please

Zoe - 1st part of name is anagram of old

2nd part of name is bear - btw 1st part of name has the vowel in the middle

Mehroon - I'm as confused as you are. If level 20 wants me to use my brain, I'm in trouble

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 8:45 AM  

I don't get any movie...

lod? dol?

Now add bear to answer #2

Alpha - take out 2 and's and let granny be your guide

And pls hurry up we need help on 20

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 8:51 AM  

from names or from text?
(totally blackout here atm...)

Look at the names of the entertainers

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 8:54 AM  

left one before or after marriage?
(don't have any «and» there...)

Tangled - are you still having trouble with 10 - pls let me know....

For 20, some letters are forbidden, so remove them from the text for a hint, then what list do you keep in your brain?

Alpha - are we talking about the same level? My level 19 had the pictures of two girls - look at the last 3 words and remove 2 and's

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 8:59 AM  

Janet, thank you a lot for lvl18!
L 19. Is it a movie of 1997?

I just got back on.....small emergency with cat!

Donas - removed the letters - got a 5 word phrase + your brain. Still clueless

Level 19 - no much earlier movie... Classic suspense film by a master director

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 9:06 AM  

thx Janet, got it now...
(still don't know though, where's the hint to remove & what...?)

Look at mehroon's comment @8:22 - and remove three letters....

Janet, my brain list has 26 things ;)

AΩ, it isn't really remove it's "and" ? "and" ?

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 9:07 AM  

nvm, i've got it, thank you for hints.

OMG!!! I was seeing pairs but not the right pairs....i saw x,xx,xx as pairs versus x,x....:) so happy!! thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!

Yep, Tangled I did the same thing....

Well, brain is shutting down and husband is making comments about "who is that stranger" whenever I leave the computer room. Will be back later..... Leave wonderful and multiple hints!!!

ok...17 is too much math for me....going to stop there. Thanks for the brain exercises!

Zoe, I'll post, then delete a spoiler if you want

am way back on the egg of 14 but following the hints am just getting nonsense, is it a word or numbers as letters I get dont make a word

ger, that egg is rotten, maybe caesar could help you change time to emit

back for a short while and looking at level 21

oh I was working on ward and draw but I forgot to rot silly me and thank you donas

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 9:41 AM  

wow - got L20 on my own! :-D
(new wonder of the world LOL)
granny likes remainders...

welcome to 21 AO

at tension springs to mind but no joy

ok Donas...still lvl 17...here are the letters I've been getting most recently..can't make two words from them, tho...HENLIJGN.

(I did do the +5 to the number of bee's after I split the lines into two parts.)

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 9:47 AM  

speaking out loud (title) - but it's not doublet...

For level 21, apply the text to the title

got an answer, but not working

Zoe, the H and I are right, it isn't an anagram. For the 2nd row, there are 4 words and 5 Bs, so double it to make 8 words and fit the shortcut, then 10+5= 15. I'm not sure i you want a spoiler or not, but will either walk you through it or spoil, just let me know

are we talking J&E here?

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 9:53 AM  

neither .... Peaks or 2 from the Bush family...

yes- that's where J&E come in, the first ones in the bible- do you have the solution?

enzed and AΩ, not entirely sure what you mean, but if you said it out loud, I might hear it differently

Donas- so might that person that looks like you

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 9:59 AM  

yep, there are mono or bi ones... haha

Still stuck on 11....reading hints from yesterday (around 4:39) about going backwards but getting letters that don't spell anything.....I think I understand what to do but it just doesn't want to work so I know I am missing a key here.......;

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 10:07 AM  

neither eleven...

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AΩ- ???

lvl 17...not I get the lettrs HOTWIMIT.

No, thanks, Donas, but I'm done. If this is so hard for me here, what's in store for this little brain of mine in the riddles to come?

Appreciate the offer, but I am just not cut out for the advanced part of these riddles. Thanks and good luck!!

Tangled, You have 3 things to look back on. You have a title, text and and a Picture with numbers. You must pick a number.........

Zoe- you are so close there- the last three are slightly out

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 10:18 AM  

write it differently (but it d/w anyway...)

got to go

enzed and AΩ, you TWO make me lol. I can't tell what level you are on

Lvl 21
Apply the text on the title (on the third word) and then apply the (a bit) new title on the text and then graanma.

Cant get 21. Help please

Oh....just was about to close the page, when it dawned on me, and I figured out level 17....don't know whether to be happy or sad :-D

I mean 20, not 21. Picture+my brain. Please help

Congrats Zoe!!

mehroon, use that list in your brain of 26, then subtract out the forbidden letters and visit granny

I'm looking carefully at 24, but getting nowhere :(

Can someone spoil how many words the answer in 20 is? The granny seems awfully large, if it contains all the remainders.

On lvl 24 you're probably looking carefully at the wrong part. You're probably looking at the pic, but start with looking at the text (all) the firsts and you'll probably notice something.

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 10:35 AM  

only 1 word (15 letters)

Ok, got lvl20. It's just one really big thing.

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 10:48 AM  

good job, Unknown,
now you can help me with 21 LOL - my applyings d/w (yet)...

On lvl 21 you need 10 letters from the text.

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 11:01 AM  

that was it for the penny, thx @small-tool

lvl17,what to count?

For 17, "it's bees that count" so look for the letter B

ok...worked my way to lvl 20. 15-letter word...have deleted the letters and have the two phrases...now what?


the letters you deleted are a part of a list of 26 items we all know and make a lot of use in these riddles. Granny the remaining 15.

68 bees?????

Zoran, there are a lot of posts about level 17. The first step is to google the pic and find the man's law


have you identified the man in the picture? The bees in the text are actually chirps. Use the shorthand of the law you can find through the man. Think of lines instead of whole text.

Donas I know who is the person and his low. But "nada"

lvl 20 - I get 16 letters remaining???

N, O, O, N, Y, I, C, U, R, Y, O, U, R, R, I, N

What did I do? (or not do?)


You don't need the text at all. Delete the letters shown on the picture from a list of 26 items and use the ones that remain on the list.

Once you figure out which list it is, it's easy as ABC ;)

Zoe, I'm not sure how you got those letters, start with the list we use all the time with 26 letters, remove the 11 from the level pic, that leaves 15 letters to anagram

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 11:33 AM  

Zoe, you remained wrong letters!) Remain other from alphabet (except the forbidden ones). Tha usual solvers don't find the word, I looked for it according ΑΩ description. Thank you, ΑΩ!

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 11:33 AM  

only 5th paragraph needed?

Level 21 - lol now I understand what alpha and enzed were talking about cause I went down the same path. Biblical, presidential, the TV show that was called T--- peaks.

Don't get your hint small-tool...

My penny for lvl21 still hasn't dropped. I thought I had it figured out, but nope, didn't work. It's getting late too.

I'll ponder a while and then it's off to bed for me. More hints are appreciated, though. And thanks for all the help so far!

oh....you want to know what I did? I deleted all those letters from the text below the pic. And then I deleted the letters from the word "alphabet" from the rest of the text to get those letters - LOL! Do you SEE that my brain is just twisted when it comes to these!!

For 22 Read the last part of the last line. Apply that to each paragraph.

Zoran I just got the level 17 a few minutes ago - the comment that really helped me out was from Fossa on 11/16/14, 6:22 AM. Check that comment and play with mats a bit. If you do it correctly you will get two words directly without anagraming them.
And now I have no idea what to do on level 18. Will have to check the comments on that level too.

Level 21- Hints anyone???

lvl 21...am I supposed to say something out loud?

jas, i have read already, now I am more confused.

Not greek or roman T---- either

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 11:55 AM  

(terrible at hinting...)
speaking out loud title gives a particular relationship between brother/brother or sister/sister or brother/sister, enzygotic or dizygotic (last 2 words together)
that initial relationship applied on each word of the text
10 letters for granny

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 11:57 AM  

L21. I can not get a 10 letters word. I picked up the suspects and brought them all the relatives, including brothers, sisters, brought themselves and their reflections in the mirror. And nothing. All solvers consider me a clinical moron and laugh.Where am I wrong?

Alpha - no you're wonderful at hinting - thanks.

(will say I first "doubled" the 1st ltr of each word - what I mess I got ;) )

This anagram solver works great:


On lvl 21 it's indeed picking 10 letters from the text, or to be more precise 5x 2 letters.

lvl17,got it accidentally.

Small-tool - is level 22 your revenge for Clio, Arrie and I blaming you for the jewel theft in Dazz's mystery game in cbox?

Lol, did you try my name as answer, Janet.
Maybe do so :)

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 12:06 PM  

did that already (shame on me LOL), just don't know what to eliminate in each paragraph...

s-t - but of course I did ;)

Dutchie's hint was a good one, but another hint pointing out the same thing is on the pic. There are 6 things there (just like there are 6 paragraphs).

21..double the first letters?? don't get a word from doing that...

Not double the first letters - that's what I did wrong but it does have something to do with two.......

oh....not mono, but di....GOT IT!

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 12:18 PM  

have to go... GL & thx

Level 21 - seeing something. let's see if it gets me anywhere...

oops - mean Level 22

On 11.....the number I am looking for doesn't necessarily HAVE to come from the actual numbers that gave us the answer? It could come from the title?

By Alpha...thanks SO MUCh for all your help! You are a very good hinter :)

Okay, I have six words now ... but how do they go together?

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 12:23 PM  

OMG, Janet, thank you! I've got it at least))
On 22 now.

Back to the pic now.

oh duh.....I got it.....I was so focused on just one thing....didn't see the other possibilities......I hope you'll all stop in to visit next month or next year to see my progress!!! ;)

Yea Fossa - could use help with 22. I'm partway there I think but can't go any further.

blah blah it's not smalltool blah blah

(or is it)


Okay matched words with text in 1st pic - have order

Yes!!! Thanks small-tool. I knew all along it wasn't really you - cough, cough - of course I did...

Oh boy, long string of numbers that go beyond 1-26. Does this mean even more finger smudges on my monitor?

Level 23 - please do I have to find the names of all the saints in the pictures???

lvl 22 - I have 12 words....some are compound words together and some are nonsense together...any hints?

Granny gave me something in the title but what to do with it

Hey Zoe - clue is day and night - should have only 6 words - one from each paragraph

Janet, keep working with it to see what is left over

Janet - but do I get the six words by combining two words? In other words, I have the answers to : with what, who, when, where but can't figure out the answer to why...am I any where near close, or on the wrong track.

oh, and I have occupation, too...

You're right there - the answer to why is kind of weird (not really just one word like the others) but you'll find it in paragraph two

Hi Donas - yes am getting more finger smudges on my monitor - working on possible answer but only have first few letters so far

I think I know the word for why, but then I'm supposed to go back to the pic for the answer? Initial letters to nothing :-P

Oh oh - sinking feeling - letters are translating to this is not....

Arrgh - why did I know it was going to say that...

Not the initial letters, use the numbers.

Doans was talking about the 'leftovers'

Match each answer word to the text - who what where why etc. And then note what Number is in front of each word... Bet there's a letter in each answer word that will help you get the final solution.

Level 23 - granny gave me two words which when I remove them from where I found them (twice), I get 5 letters. Spells a word but doesn't work. Am I supposed to be looking in a different place?

And if I remove granny words from the numbered phrase, I get eight letters which don't even spell a word - well, comes close to a type of cow...

Remember the old commercial which showed an egg being cracked into a frying pan and a real serious voice says "This is your brain on drugs"?
Wonder what would happen if they made one - This is your brain after S-T's riddle game.....

Schizophrenia - possible early warning signs #1. Talking to yourself...

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You'll end up with six letters to take to granny

so, the number for answer #2 is 8 (the number of letters in the answer word)? But when I do that for all the words, the answer doesn't spell a word - all at the beginning of the alphabet...H, G, F, G, G, F, I

oops, one too many G's above

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Sorry didn't explain better....

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 1:57 PM  

Thank you, Janet, again. The blown brain did not think of anagrams in the end)))
Lvl 23 now.

Hi Fossa - yes please my brain is totally not functioning on 23 so welcome...

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oh...crap....I didn't go down the anagram list enough....I feel like an idiot!!!!!!!!

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       Anonymous  11/16/14, 2:04 PM  

Zoe, I did the same! But there are another words, I know it now)) Try further!

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that was just giving it away...deleted...

Yeah probably and I'll delete a couple of mine that are too direct

Fossa - yes!! DUH..that's why I feel so silly :-/

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Level 23 - am totally lost - please see above ramblings - is there a doctor in the house???

It's lvl 23 :P
Instead of picking them, delete them.

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 2:17 PM  

Zoe, yeah, I feel the same)) I think the slogan of all ST and Jon's riddles must be "Feel yourself dumb and happy!")))


You already have the right method when you posted that you got "this is not..." You just kept the wrong letters. You need what's leftover and not what you removed.

I'm turning purple holding my breath on 27 egg, help!!

Lol Donas,
Better breath out as well.
Anyway, maybe try to put things in Notepad.

Did the deletions - if I left off the last two words which I had anagrammed and deleted the numbered phrase, I came up with a 5 letter word that didn't fit. If I left all the words in and deleted the phrase, came up with a15 letter word which meant nothing.

hi small tool great riddle so far, can i get a little help on 24 please been staring at it for too long now.


For level 24, only six of the colors are important.

After going throught comments about level 20 I still don't know what to do there. I removed the letters from the sign but there are way more than 15 letters remaining and I don't know to do with them. Any hints on what to do next?


Maybe try it this way. Write down the letters in the title. Then use the numbers to count and put a mark above each letter that you used the numbers to count to. Then erase all those letters with the marks above them and read what you have left.

Hi Jas - we all struggled with this one. See Donas's comment @11:31

level 20:

The letters in the pic are not allowed so you need to remove them from a certain list of letters. The list of letters is 26 characters long and you probably learned it and memorized it years ago.

Aaaaaaargh!!!!!!! (Facepalm) I had the letters - not in the order though to get the "pun"

Thanks - jbg

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 2:52 PM  

Janet, how did you get "t*** i* n**..."? I've got a contrary result) but what to do?
Ooooh... literally))
On 24! Janet, have you got it?

Yes, thanks to jbg - I had deleted my phrase but not in the correct order so it didn't read right....

Hi rds665, glad you like it :)

Almost 600 comments (thanks) so;
new comments on the next page

Level 24 - anyone have any thoughts? They're all colors, they don't line up, if you take number of letters in each 1st word comes out to a note on a piano keyboard (too many SD games there)...

Thanks Janet and Jbg! I got it now.

24..am I supposed to know the names of the colors in the grid? I can't tell the difference between gold and corn....

At least one of each pair/triplet is something to eat except for the 1st.

It seems like the colors in the middle are not mentioned in the list below the pic - cyan, green, pink, orange, black, red.

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 3:11 PM  

Yahoo! 25!
Zoe, write down all the colours in short mode (initials) and look at them ;)

There is a hint (as reply to Donas) for lvl 24 at 11/16/14, 10:34 AM

And a few posts up from here Jbg, posted a hint as well.

       Anonymous  11/16/14, 3:15 PM  

Janet, think of famous code. I didn't recognize it in other riddles and here I was looking for it in every level))) And at last I found it!))

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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