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The Alice Riddles 3 Walkthrough

The Alice Riddles 3

Riddlex - The Alice Riddles: Volume 3 is another free online riddle game created by Creo of Riddlex. This is a puzzle game themed on the Alice books by Lewis Carroll. Your goal is to complete all 20 puzzles. The clues are all in the puzzle pages, there are no clues in the source, or hidden away. Everything you need is in front of you on the puzzle pages. Lewis Carroll may provide hints. Make a browser bookmark before you leave the game so that you can return to the puzzle you were working on. Good luck and have fun!

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For 20, I'm wondering if we take a word or sentence and move everything over by 1 letter? Not getting anything obvious.

puffin, you did see the egg, right? What can that mean?

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 11:47 AM  

Making zero headway on 20. No eggs, no idea what to do...arrrrgh.

I think we have to go back and look at all the levels for 20.

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 11:49 AM  

how you guys are able to figure such stuff out? getting nowhere, even with all those hints here... :-(
(don't want to give up, so close to the end...)

xaq, plural a word in hatter's sentence for an egg.

Look back at all the pages? Ugh!

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 11:52 AM  

does POP also count in riddles?
first wild guessing about initials worked - now L20
(but still would like to know in detail, how to get there...)

AlphaO...19 is just two letters corresponding to the count of how many creatures shown are in each of two books. Someone gave a really good site for the creatures some posts back...

SwissMiss provided the site:


Thanks SwissMiss!

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 11:56 AM  

OMG - that easy? LOL - thx NotYou

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 11:59 AM  

diagnosis at L19: overthinking - haha

OMG - didn't bookmark nothing...!!!

For 20, going back through all the levels and notice a subtle difference in the figure in lower right (relating to the word that gives you the egg). Don't know what to do with it though.

Oh I see what you're saying puffin. Just started a new game from start and I see the differences so far. Gotta keep going...

Is "clean cup" important for 20?

darn, can't remember the answer for 6...grrrrrrr

NotYou - 6 was one card less than Q. Good thing I kept notes!

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 12:12 PM  

Went back through the first 19 levels (THANK YOU BROWSER HISTORY!!!), noting the answers, Lewis' hints, and what Puffin just pointed out. 3 of the figures in particular caught my notice due to something missing from them.

Finished, great riddle. Thanks for all the hints everyone.
For 20, look at cup in hand of Hatter down right on every page. Something changes there. Then draw. It gives a word.

Congrats Dutchie, finished too, Thanks Creo for a fun riddle. :)

Brilliant dutchie!! Thanks!! I can go back to the world of the living now. Thanks to everyone for their help and hints.

I have wrote down the location of the things changing on the cups as well as noting the clean cups. It's another drawing one you say? I'm really not good at those. What am I drawing on?

Finally finished!!! Well, except for a secret.!! Oh my!!! Thank you to Creo for another one of your fun and challenging riddles. Not I have to go back and look for a secret!!!!!!!

Draw out the directions, it gives four letters.

Follow the direction of the cups. The blank cup means stop and move on to the next. You should have a 4 letter word when you're done.

yay! Finished! Thanks for that Dutchie :) And thanks Creo for the riddle, great fun!

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 12:24 PM  

Thank you Creo for wonderful riddles! Thank you all for useful hints, I wouldn't never do it alone.

NotYou - just "draw" letters

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 12:26 PM  

But what about the secret lvl? Have anyone find it?

YAY! THank you thank you thank you.

You are all really great. from start to finish.

Now...secret level WHAT?????


for the secret level, ask for what you want

ask where or who?

Change url

oooh, got a page that said 'almost'

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 12:38 PM  

FREEDOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!! :D Thanks so much for your help on these, everybo--wait, secret level!? D: Ahh crap, guess I'm not done quite yet.

wonder what I need to do to what I've done to the url to give me somehing besides 'almost'?????

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 12:40 PM  

browser history - but of course! (thx xaq)

congratulations & jubilations! :-D :-D :-D

TVM to ev1 here for giving all the hints needed to get till finale!

but but but secret level!!!!!!


To find secret level, change url. You need three words.

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 12:53 PM  

Right with you, NotYou. Got the "almost" egg myself.

LVL 15: are all the letters used?

You also have to change the extension for secret level.

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 12:58 PM  

Tangled: Should be. You're looking for a 12-letter word.

Tangled - use all the missing letters and rearrange to make a word related to maps.

Tangled: yes.

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 1:01 PM  


Had The Means to Pull His Plug. (Yes, that's a hint.)

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 1:04 PM  

secret level
ah, remember that particular extension at SD games... ;-)
(now what's the magic word?)

You're referring to the extension, xaq?

I"ve changed that and still get 'almost'

I think I need another word with the two words already there. I need a hint for that.

Try 'the'

Ha! Thanks dutchie. :)

Lol, now you solve the secret level for us NotYou :)

well i looked up a colossal cave and there was a game based on mammoth cave KY but that wasn't the answer...so, out of ideas.

Apparently "please" is not the magic word.

There was an old computer game but neither the game name nor the gamemaker name worked

open sesame tells me 'wrong game!'

I GOT IT. I was on the right track with the colossal cave game!

I'm rather proud of myself right now. But it says not to tell anyone. ;)

Yay NotYou Congrats :)

Congrats NotYou!

Typed in the "magic word" from the old game that's supposed to transport you and got wrong answer

finished secret level too!

google is helpful when it comes to magic words...

Got it - it was the other magic word...

yay! well done NotYou!

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 1:40 PM  

Thank you NotYou!
What a busy Sunday it was for me

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 1:51 PM  


Oh man, this was a hoot...thanks again for all the hints and help, everyone!

Made it out of the Secret Level as well. Whew!!!! What a fun ride that was!!!

Done, thanks NotYou :) And thanks Creo for this nice riddle

       Anonymous  11/9/14, 2:03 PM  

Finally - can't believe it - solved secret level!!! (thx NotYou!)

now I can go & hit the sack in peace (with brain in pieces LOL)

so, i found secret level .. entered answer .. it says i solved secret level .. now it wants me to go back to alice3 .. is there one more step im missing?

hmmm...I have 12 letters for Lvl 15 but granny isn't giving me anything more than a big fat NO! The only thing I can think of is that m_z_ isn't what I think it is (puzzle?) and OH for Mock Turtle M_und isn't right.....I think this suppose to be one of the easiest ones......not so!

Tangled - the answer has something to do with maps. Starts with a C

I dont want to upset the horses cart but unless I've got some wrong letters everything I put in is wrong....

tangled, 12 letters is a good start .. double check the letters and talk to granny again .. im sure she will tell you what you need to know

I don't know why I am just not getting this...there is a word, starts with C but it doesn't have an "e" in it and it would leave me with only 11 letters....it doesn't work anyhow....I want to walk away but I just can't.... :)

mz is a puzzle; you were correct (theres two letters missing there)

m_und is missing one letter (reminds me of candy; I prefer Almond Joy myself)

I found a 13th letter but still no solving for it. It's too late for a cup of coffee and anything stronger would be bad for tomorrow!

the four at the top of the map are character's homes, which leaves the vegetables in the middle, and the board which looks strangely like a Checkerboard

so I know I have the correct letters now, 13 in total....anagram solver isn't working and the word I have in mind is too short. I even googled map terminology (I am learning a lot about maps tho!)

additional hint for lvl 15: theres no S in the answer (in case you are trying to add an 'S), nor does Jabbewock have a Y at the end

Alice met the four in her adventures:

_ _ yphon
Ha _ ter
Jabberwock (lives in his L _ ir)
Ca _ _ enter (had a walrus companion?)

vegetables: those aren't carrots

Mus _ _ ooms

Wish I could make a map as nice as this one ..

jabbewock doesn't have a 'y?' omg! THAT is what has been holding me up for all this time!! Even to google it they show a "y"...wow...thanks so much you guys!!!! I'm moving on!!!

Jabberwocky is the name of the poem, not the creature

"“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! "..

I did not know that....I also thought it was in Star Wars....thanks for that help....it was tripping me up badly! Then I go to 16 and see all those colors and some words I've never heard before let alone know what they mean!

There's no way my eye and gray matter is going to get through another level tonight....I hope you guys keep checking back here for those of us who are going to need so much more help! I don't know how you know what you know but I'm glad you do!!!

Kinda laborious, not my cup of tea.

It was a great team effort, that I thought I was not going to get.

This game should be rated higher. It was 2 or three days of brain work. And teamwork. I really liked getting to the end.

I don't know I could do this all the time, but it was a really fun excursion. :)

I 100% endorse the comments - excellent game- thanks to all concerned.
Also thanks to those that helped me when inspiration was hard to find and I hope that in my way I helped others along in their hour of need

I am on lvl 17....so close to finishing and just can't give up BUT....this is a great game. I wish I was better at these puzzles and see things that you all see....so now...more hints please.

i have an egg from country but only 7 letters 6 that spell out a name.

mako: capital letters, no space, no dots

notyou: for 20 - the text is very important, it gives you a hint WHAT this level is about, then do as Lewis hint's .."go back" -
you need good eyes

lol - too late I missed the new page

OK Tangled - you got an egg from the first part of the puzzle, which tells you to look nearer? - in fact it is not that far from
lvl 16 solution, go a bit north - the name is also a very well known person

I'm really not getting level 20. I can see what the difference is in each picture, but they don't seem to form any letters. 7 and 8 look exactly the same. I'm going through them all again.

judlike - where do you see a difference?

In the cup the Hatter is holding, but there are only 4 positions.

The "letters" I've drawn are V, dot, something that looks like 3 quarters of a diamond, V.

       Anonymous  11/10/14, 6:29 AM  

example: mark down, line goes down

SM, I'm looking at the map and I don't see anything a little North of the previous place. The egg I got was indeed helpful but looking nearer .....slept on it and still not seeing it.

Finally got it, thanks AO. DO I really want to go and look for a secret level?

       Anonymous  11/10/14, 6:43 AM  

north shore

AO :) got it and on to the next.....thank you and SM

Oh far out...made it to 20! this is just madness....I'd be president if I devoted this much time to my studies!!

So I finished all the levels (thank you to all who went before me and asked good questions and to those who left great hints) except the secret level. Any more hints? I haven't even seen the "almost" wrong answer, I've only got "sorry wrong answer" with some sad music. I've changed the URL and added various extensions but no luck.

If you change the end of the url to "secretlevel" you get "almost". I'm stuck there.

       Anonymous  11/10/14, 9:39 AM  

article & personal home page

I went back through and got the cups....I think I have 3 of 4 but not sure even on those. is the first letter and last letter the same? 2nd is pretty easy but 3 is stumping me.

AO hint 6:29 clinched it. ready for secret

       Anonymous  11/10/14, 10:05 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
       Anonymous  11/10/14, 10:18 AM  

ah, you got it :-)

anyway (for later players)
1st & last letter are the same, indeed

3rd letter
maybe drinking too much water will help to find it...

I am lost on 20 and hints helping but not helping.

LOL! 3rd letter hint funny! made me stop crying long enough to laugh! quite clever!

       Anonymous  11/10/14, 10:23 AM  

thx, Tangled
& oops, thought you have it already... do you have it now?

I do. thanx...now Im trying to decipher the hints for secret level and not having much luck.

Am I really the only one left still trying to figure out the secret? please say it isn't so!!!

       Anonymous  11/10/14, 11:02 AM  

hint from NotYou 11/9/14, 1:23 PM & google will help - magic word, too

I did it! found the secret level now I get to move on to solving...oh yea....high fiving my pc!

All done.....what a very good way to spend 36 hours....maybe I am last but I am so darn excited I finished!!!! Thanks everyone who is smart (and clever) and left so many clues....ty ty ty

       Anonymous  11/10/14, 11:12 AM  

congrats, Tangled!

Thanks AO for still being around .....those clues and pointers cinched it for me......I am so ready for the next one!!! :)

oh no....I just searched for creo riddles in e24 and......I think I found my hobby! :)

Tangled, which one are you playing? I played Carnival of Curios yesterday. Now I'm working on 'the riddle' and getting nowhere fast.

Well, I've solved number 1 and number 18. :)

I'm sticking with the "Alice" theme....Alice 1 and I am on lvl 3...it seems harder if that is even possible!!!! You played Carnival in 1 day? Maybe I'll give Alice a rest and go with Carnival....'the riddle' scares me because if you're stuck....I might not have hope for me getting it!

I gave up on the riddle. Way above my head.

i'm doing movie mania and am stuck on lvl 6 but it must not be so hard because there isn't even someone asking for a hint for it.

oh, just got it

is that a creo riddle?

I just started it myself......

I got stuck on the math (exponents).....I even took a quick tutorial to refresh my math skills and .......back to studies.

tangled : if you play old riddles from Creo you can find lots of hints in Nordinho, you can write an e-mail to my blogger email - but I am not checking there often, so you need to be patient or you can also send an email to Creo directly, he will help you !

I've given up on the secret level. I can make no sense of what has been posted above, but I've never heard of "Colossal Cave". I think I can live without solving this.

Goodness, I just solved it. I needed xaq's hint at from 11/09/14 1:01 as well.

welldone judlike :)

TY SM.....funny how these can drive you mad with wanting to solve them...I've tried in the past and always liked them but deemed them just out of my realm....not so anymore. I have been hooked. Thanks for giving me the directions for hints....

Thanks SM, and everyone else for all the hints.

Tangled, that is how it starts LOL. Welcome to fold of riddle addicts LOL

LinR....it only took this one to reel me in......I am hoping down the road I will be able to find a 12 step program for this!! Since this one I went on to Movie Mania and it was....just what I needed! I think my nose is a bit smaller from my head dropping to the table in frustration!

I'm doing Creepy Thorax and stuck....does anyone know if there an ancient box of hints out there somewhere that I can go and look at?

Anyone have hints for Alice (first) I'll take those too....stuck on level 4....

well. After 930 comments I think that perhaps a couple freaking spoilers are okay what do you say jonthewatch? Or are you a complete control freak? If so then I think I don't need your games.

Correction: Creepy Thorax is just the level I'm on....starting to crisscross what I'm seeing and thinking and saying....I think it's called Creo's Riddle!

many thanks creo for your riddle, and many thanks to you, eg24 guys, for your hints! :)

After a long time completed a riddle! Thanks Creo, you are excellent as always. Thanks to fellow riddlers for the hints you left behind.

       Anonymous  2/29/16, 9:40 AM  

Hey, everyone! I've gone back and read through hints for lvl 4, with dee and dum, and I am just so lost!! I don't think my head is on quite right today.

I have e, t, a, and n. I've tried converting to morse and anagram but anything I try fails. Please help!

Oh boy... so many years after you guys solved the riddle... i feel alone hahaha! Am I going to get some help with level 14 or is it waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to late to ask for it? xD

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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