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Escape from Painter's House Walkthrough

Escape from Painter's House

123Bee - Escape from Painter's House is another new point and click type escape the room game by 123 Bee. A boy wishes to learn to paint from a person residing in his area. One day, he gets a chance to meet him and ask for permission to learn it. When he enters the house, no one was inside, so he decides to step out but, unfortunately the door was locked. Now, he needs to search for the key and escape before someone sees him. Good luck and have fun!

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This wobbly screen is making me feel sea-sick :/

Not sure what to do with strange revolving books. Icons (as on clue paper) can be moved from one book to another but not sure how to proceed.

In coloured shape picture, just click each shape to move them out of way of circles. Click all circles for triangular piece.

The pictures on the books starts on book 2 (tail of snake) and ends on book 8 (shadow of skull).

Ty Trig. 3 round shapes to holes in floor give jigsaw piece

stuck. only one shape for floor, one paint brush to colour picture parts pink. nothing happened. need word code for typewriter puzzle and safe #'s Also what do I do with paint remover?

So who at 123 thought the moving screen was a good idea ? No. "X"

I've done that Trig - but still nothing. What did you get when you finished the book puzzle?
evans - coloured circle shape: click on red, green, yellow triangles for another circle for floor

Why the stupid wobble? Very annoying!

Lol sysin3 - I TOTALLY agree! Got to go to bank now eve - back later :)

moving screen driving me nuts!
anyone find hint for coloured pie pieces?
used paint remover on lightbulbs. can't see any hint there. and made pink Pitcher, water jug?? no help either.

typed JUG on kitchen cabinet for last puzzle piece for grid puzzle.

grid gives word for typewriter.
Out now.
Thanks for the help.

Books: on book 2, dial in the tail of the snake. Then make the rest match.Book 3 is head of snake. Book 4 is castle (no head of snake) and left part of tree. Book 5 is right side of tree.Book 6 is bow of boat (front). Book 7 is rest of boat and the skull. Book 8 is shadow of skull.
When complete, the map disappears and a book falls over and you get a piece of paper.

The coloured pie is just the three coloured dots in the same order as on the paper.

       Anonymous  11/10/14, 8:31 AM  
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       Anonymous  11/10/14, 8:50 AM  

books (snake, castle etc.)


(start from 2nd book from left, going right)

1-2-4-5-6-7-8x click

Was it 123Bee who did the wobble screen earlier and everyone hated it? I guess they didn't get our memo. It doesn't add anything. It's just annoying.

a game in motion is not optimal
hope you're not doing it again 123BEE
I press the red X and out

Bad nav...............

Put the books like the clues said and nothing is happening. Sorry 123BEE but this movement is making me nauseated! Red X, 1 star and please don't use this again.

Too sea sick to finish!

Out with shattered eyes...

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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