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Button Escape 28 Walkthrough

Button Escape 28

TototoRoom - Button Escape 28 is another Japanese point and click type room escape game by Tototo Room. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Button Escape 28 Walkthrough 

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4 to go

for code letters on grid, look at star position on floor near letters

S -D
R -S

and click on letters "password" on wall grid

The new grid you get after doing the password is the hint for the 4 digit code next to the door (extra hint is above the red 4 code panel).

Give the turtle food (from that 4 digit safe) to the turtle and he will finally win :)

small-tool, need a spoiler for the second grid I'm afraid! Can't work it out!

Hi Small tool
Could you give please a spoiler for 1st number for code (I suppose is the arrows' directions according 7 hint but ???)

S is the starting point and G the finishing point.
It starts with 61

After opening the cupboard (with key from turtle) check the door more for another button.

Oh!! thanks a lot

I thought the 4 letter hint you get from using the tape was for the other 4 digit code (R being Rabbit etc.) but no go :(

Nvm, it is. But it's about what they eat.

       Anonymous  1/16/15, 1:35 AM  

the RMDG refers to animal poster, what # position

       Anonymous  1/16/15, 1:37 AM  

oops, right, what they eat and how many

Can't get the 4 star code to work with the hint from that 4 digit code.
Thought it was:
But nope :(

count food for code 1st number code is 7 (7carrots /1st letter is R for rabbit)

Can't get the colors to match the stars in picture :(

I'm pretty sure sun is yellow, water is blue, leaf is green and ink is black. Tried it both ways (lines being the inside or being the outside), but no go.

I must be too fluffy, because I don't understand any of this!

thought according corners/stars on paper hint

blue green
black yellow
but no :(

Tried to twist the sequence according to the squares in the cupboard but don't think that's the solution.

I'm missing two buttons.

       Anonymous  1/16/15, 1:54 AM  

tried soo many combos, uh oh, hope not a glitch

the sun is red...

am at same point, although would not have got there without s-t's hints

Got it now, somehow the sun is red ?

Lol, the little guy truned into an alien.
Good game, but a red sun is probably a Japanese thing.

Still doesn't work.

Corners are inside corners, so sun is top left etc.

red black
green blue

       Anonymous  1/16/15, 2:03 AM  

prior i tried w/red sun in my combo yet still won't open

Thanks for sun "red"

Wow, that was weird. Thanks for the help.

I guess I am too "fluffy" too, cause I don't get any of this either.

Hmm i am missing 1 button, cannot find it and looked everywhere (all safes are open)

POP is working fine :-) It was next to green button panel....

I guess there are no explanations for us fluffy ones? LOL
I am not getting the puzzles even with all the semi-spoilers! LOL

Floormat has a bunch of letters, punch whatever spells password on the 3x5 panel. The next panel S is where a number would start, G is where it ends. So you have to imagine what letters would fit that pattern. RMDG = rabbit, monkey, dog, goat - just figure out what they eat (not sure so much that goats eat paper in the wild but whatever), then the amount of whatever they eat is the number. I think it was 9 carrots then 7 bananas, etc.

Thanks a LOT for the "red sun" hint!!

This is what I always hate so much...getting so far without ANY help, then getting stuck at some doggone STUPID thing like a "red sun"! (And the whole thing upside-down, too...)

Lol, it was not that odd, Arby.
The red dot on a Japanese flag is the sun, so I guess their first thought of the sun colour is red.
And it was not upside down; The corners on the hint were the inside corners.

Oh, was frustrated with the colors, forgot that the game is Japanese and they have big RED sun on their flag.

       Anonymous  1/17/15, 4:13 AM  

lol - everybody is talking about the japanese sun being red, but noone was wondering, that goats eat paper in japan ;-P

anyway, cool game - thx for the hints :-)

       Anonymous  1/17/15, 4:15 AM  

(ok, re-reading comments, Sarah Brown did... in a way... ;-P)

       Anonymous  1/17/15, 7:41 AM  

That was a toughy! Thanks for all the clues and for the later explanations of those clues!

I don't think it was stated above - use the tape on the 'SEAL' by the door to get the clue mentioned above.

This game has beaten me. Well, Tototoroom almost always does.
Don't understand the S-->G, even with whatever Sarah was trying to say lol.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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