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Casper Escape 10: Clown Walkthrough

Casper Escape 10: Clown

SniffMouse - Casper Escape 10: Clown is another point and click room escape game created by Angelika for Sniff Mouse. The clown will help you to solve puzzles. Look for clues and try to find 13 Casper icons to get out of the house. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


YAY! Casper! Thanks Angelika!

Don't forget about the line on the hint for the 4x4 grid.

I found it easy to cut and paste the 4x4 grid into Paint and then rotate the image so that the line was on the left...

Don't forget to click the clowns nose.

Best games by far. Puts ENA to shame.

For the drawers clue, the one with an X are not opened.

3-digit spoiler (star number on cb):

74 x 8 divided by 2

The shapes hint paper can not be placed, just use/drag it on the correct spot. And then you get the screwdriver to escape

Very nice game again, Angelika :) Thanks for making.

upstairs, put the numbers in color order, not shape order...

what are the red numbers to the left of the sofa for?

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Those red numbers are for the 4 digits/shapes code (but you need a paper for that).

I can't get the file drawers to work. I've opened all the ones without an x and open the drawers with the x NOTHING works.

I'm stuck with the drawers, is there a clue for them? I got the colors on the clown's nose but no idea what it's used for

nvm...found it...after putting in number you get from drawers use paper on red numbers...

Did you pay attention to the colours? On the hint the colours are in a different order.

Clowns nose colours is the order for the 4 digit code upstairs.

SMH, thank you @small-tool

Maggie, the drawers are green, purple, black, but the clue is green, black, purple

Love this one, Angelika - thanks!

Thx ST, I'm out now

I like the multiple use of puzzle-items. That they have to be used in more than one way. Clever.

Great game Angelika, very enjoyable. Thank you.

Dragging shapes paper over red numbers (like somebody said above) but nothing happening

Zuleika, there's only one possibility where all shapes show a number. Does that help?

Put the square on 3, that'll do it.

Bug. Pink template dragged and clicked onto back arrow in number scene, stuck template to arrow so couldn't get out of zoom. Somehow using right-click was able to move stuck template further to the left.

Um no - but thanks Carrie :) I know I'm missing something obvious and will kick myself when i see it!

My template just flicks back to inventory - doesn't 'stay' over any of the numbers. Is it supposed to? I've tried all the obvious other things e.g. using number of sides and shape order on template...

If you put the square shape on the highest 3, you see numbers in the other shapes as well ..

I'll replay and spoil the number. one mom...

The template doesn't stay there. You have to write down the numbers you can see when you hold it on the correct place.

What fun
Awesome game Angelika
U are getting more creative by the minute!!

No, it doesn't stay there, click and hold and just hover over the numbers.

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Thanks small-tool. That doesn't seem to be happening for me - I've held it in every position imaginable, lol. Restarted game too - just to see if it was a bug, but some thing happening. will hang on a bit longer and see if I can sort out something. Thanks for trying to help folks!

Thanks Angelika good game :)

and thanks alls for hints :)

Nothing wil happen!!!
But when you hold it on a specific place you can see a number in every hole.

Yep - I get that - thanks again s-t. But numbers not appearing no matter where I hold template : (

Zoe, small-tool,Parky, arrie NL ,Joe M , seb and all
I appreciate your good comments and thank you for playing my games!
Tiquer could not find the bug. Do you still have it ?

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Wow - got it! I hadn't found those red numbers by side of sofa - I thought the numbers that ev1 was referring to were the red ones IN the shapes. Can u believe it - i was holding the template over those and expecting to see something (*Takes out club and hits self over head ...*). Oh well - that's what you get for skipping morning coffee - it messes you up for the rest of the day - haha

Oops, that has to be re-done, one moment ...

Btw Carrie you are a star! Thanks for w-through xx


A so-much-fun-through.

Caspers out in the open ...
1.at exit door
2. on the stairs
3. up the stairs
4. on the shelf next to the grid
5. left of the sofa
6. on the sofa, up left
7. left of the wall safe
8. on the carpet
9. zoom in on the cabinet, doors to the right of the butterfly
10. right side of the colorful drawerblock

The other three:
11. in the small cabinet after using the number from the math.
12. in the safe on the wall
13. behind the lower cabinet door.

- Note the numbers that go with the shapes.

- Notice the drawing on the room divider, note the line on top.
This line is on the left side of the grid at the stairs, so tilt it.
= a math with the shape-numbers for the small cupboard = clown + casper.

- Click the clown and see the changing colors on his nose = hint for the order of the shapes up stairs = remote for tv.

- Use remote on the butterfly = it shows which drawers on the colorful drawerblock should stay closed (the ones with an X on them).

- Doing this shows 3 big white numbers for the safe on the wall = template + casper

- Click and hold the template, hover it over the numbers left of the couch till all shapes are filled with a number. (Hint: square on a 3) = number for the lower left cabinet door = screwdriver + casper.

- Use sd on the door aaaaaand ....

74 x 8 : 2
up stairs 2487
safe 283
template 5138

lol Zuleika, you turn me in to an C(asper) ARRIE ?? LOL

* couch = sofa.
I think I need coffee too ..

that was hard glad of the hints thanks guys and of course Sniff mouse x

Amazingly complex, Angelika. Of course, the answers seem simple after you realize you weren't paying close enough attention the first time! Keep up the good work!

Some very clever puzzles. Just like the Sniff games, these are getting better and better.

ting ting, Lurker Smurf, Huw - great thank!

I just love these games - thanks Sniffmouse!

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Megless thank you very much!

I def prefer hunting for the sniff mousde caudse these ones way to hard.... wheres the clown I been round and round def don't see no clown any where

out with use of video walkthrough

Tricky game but out without help. ****

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