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Wow Love Maker Escape Walkthrough

Wow Love Maker Escape

WowEscape - Wow Love Maker Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Wow Escape. In this Valentine’s Day an evil cupid want to stop the love in this earth so he trapped a love cupid couple and take away from out of the world. He is locked the cupid boy in a heart cave and tied the cupid girl in another place. If that cupid couple will be not release from there then love will be end from the earth. You have to save the love in this earth so rescue the love cupid to escape from that evil pace. First of all you have to trap the evil and release the cupid girl. After release the girl you have to rescue the boy with help of girl. Search the clue and objects and solve some puzzle to rescue the love cupid and save the love in this earth. Good luck and have fun!

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I used the mailbox 3x.

Third time it gave the code for the piggy(bank).
I have two bows and arrows and 10 hearts and no idea where to use them.

Piggy(bank) is used (at least) two times.
Second time I used the text.

Just used the mailbox for the 4th time and now the evil cupid is locked up, but still no idea where to use the 10 roses or the bows and arrows :(

       Anonymous  2/13/15, 4:59 AM  

Hi,small-tool,joining you now

Weird game, not a lot of clues. All of the numbers you see go into the mailbox on the far left, except the number you resolve by combining the word clue with the matrix on the far right.

May i have a hint what to do with the ABC thingy on the extreme right pls, small? Thanks

I used both numbers on the letter box. Have two bows and arrows, and 9 flowers. Have set two little flowers under the big heart.

Nvm, out now.
Once the evil cupid is lockued up you can use the blind folded cupid (gives a key) and then you can use the other locked up cupid.
Nice game :)

Cio, you first need to get a two words clue (from the mailbox arrows I think) before you canuse the ABC thingy as a hint.

One of the hearts gives you a word phrase, use the matrix on the right to convert it to a number.

I've locked up the bad cupid and freed the lady cupid but no key. What am I missing?

       Anonymous  2/13/15, 5:05 AM  

3 stemed roses below a large heart

You have to give the lady cupid one of the bow/arrows.

where is the number for second bow?
I just have 1 bow+ arrow, 10 hearts and a letter.

I have the two words, roberto. I clicked the letters on right = nothing happened. ummm...what is a matrix? and how do i convert a matrix to numbers? Thanks.

Did you click the eye of the piggy?

Clio, it's like a phone (ABC = 1 etc.)

What bows and arrows? I haven't seen any bow except for the one the bad cupid has and I can't take that. Nor can I take any of the arrows.

thank you small-tool!!

       Anonymous  2/13/15, 5:08 AM  

use both number clues on the same mailbox

One of the bow/arrow came from using one of the numbers on the mailbox.
Can't remember the other one.

I think 4 numbers were used on the mailbox and 2 on the piggy.

       Anonymous  2/13/15, 5:11 AM  

robert,bow and arrow from the mail box

Ok, just replayed, second bow/arrow came from the piggy (one of the codes used on the mailbox gave 6 numbers for that piggy).

Thanks small. May i ask a favour pls. I think everyone is going to be as confused as me. Any chance you can write one of your quick, succinct and super duper w/throughs? It will save us all saying the word thingy a million times when trying to explain. Thanks. LEGEND...No. ONE! Bestest EVAH. oh...and a good bloke too.

WT is not needed I think, Clio.
All 10 and 3 roses from beind the clouds.
All 4 six digit numbers you can see go on the mailbox.
Piggy needs two 6 digit codes (one from mailbox throwing out hearts and one from the phone pad).
And only tricky thing is clicking the eye of the piggy.

oh..and plus.......the two word matrix thingy to number pad..umm..why doesnt 4582957 work. I know!! There isnt a 7. What am i doing wrong pls? Thanks again everyone. I may be slow but at least im annoying. LOLOL.

It is the correct code, Clio, but you have to see the 'two' hints first (the two words you use 'and' you have to click the sun to see the phonepad).

Gee, i must be a meanie. That piggy was giving a death stare, so the first thing i did was poke it in the eye. I admit i didnt expect it to burp out a bow and arrow,though.

I did that already small. Nothing. Oh well...had a bit of fun with the game, but to be honest..they were not the best looking cupids ive seen. In fact, they kinda reminded me of that scary dude cupid angel in that old song by Annie Lennox..."Must be Talking to an Angel" argghhhhh. Thanks for the help all. I had fun, and for me..that's the point of playing.

Clio, did you hit e for enter?

Kinda cute, and thanks for the hint to click the pig's eye. :)

Robert, i hit X for exit. No insult to the game at all, i got giggly and lazy is all. I will (maybe,or maybe not) give it a whirl tmrw. Thanks for the help though. I play for fun and laughs. If i dont escape ..schmehh. Doesn't bother me. Despite my failures, the game-makers continue to provide me with entertainment. How lucky am I ?!!!! Yayyy me.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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