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Cute Easter Bunny Escape Walkthrough

Cute Easter Bunny Escape


EightGames - Cute Easter Bunny Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Eight Games. Few cute bunnies have planned to celebrate the Easter in the forest. Presently they are immured in cage. There are some clues objects and puzzles left. Take up the challenge. Find the objects, use the hints, solve the puzzles and release them from cage and send  back to the forest. Good luck and have fun!

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finally got the rabbit puzzle! - gives gold key

The rabbit puzzle seems impossible to me.

Puffin, start with two or three pieces next to each other that are correct (no strange shape shifts going on) and then keep adding pieces next to those 3 till all are correct.

that rabbit picture is making me nauseous.

Book is the hint for the 6 digit code (the s is 7).

6 digit code comes from the book - spell out Easter and copy numbers. gives balloon pump

Nope, rabbit puzzle is a deal breaker, red x

Teeth on uncaged rabbit is clue for 2 digit drawer.

Gave hte carrot to the rabbit. No idea if he wants more or if he's giving a hint now.

Thanks Puffin :)

3 cage keys, two diamonds and a carrot.

Now trying to work the golden egg puzzle. I know there's a trick to it but I don't see it.

make that 5 diamonds after that annoying rabbit vs eggs puzzle!

4 digit drawer anyone?

Is the yellow easter egg for the gate? It won't go there :(

I used the gun at the balloons. One balloon is gone now, but so is the gun!? How did that help ?

Look at the ground - something dropped out of balloon.

golden egg puzzle, not sure how to explain, but the eggs end up looking in this position for me:

What is the goal of the egg puzzle?

I have yellow egg and 5 diamonds that won't go in gate. No clue for 4 digit drawer. I assume we have to free all bunnies before we can put stuff in gate

Goal of golden egg puzzle is to get the coin from the bottom to the top hole. The coin can push 1 egg only. Move left and right eggs up first, then move center egg over to the right.

need that damn 4 digit number for final cage key - then I assume we will be allowed to place diamonds and egg

4 digit code is in the roof

Check ceiling for 4 digit code.

where is gun and how do you get it to work on the balloons??

...or ceiling, depending how you'd like to call it. :p

Thanks Jenn - been clicking like mad!

Thanks Jenn & MommyJ!! Good eyes.

Ah thanks Jen :)
And now the diamonds and then the egg can be placed :)

Nvm...i was missing one of the color eggs and forgot about that puzzle

Gun came from the red balls grid (the board with E is the hint).

Ah...thats what the E is for...forgot about that puzzle too. Thanks ST

Overall, pretty decent one from EightGames, compared to some of their more recent ones

What do you do with the balloon pump?

Never fails, I find the answer right after I post a question. Found the key that gives me the balloons.

The moving wall puzzle is making me sea sick. I can't do it.

I don't know what to do with the baloon pump. Where is the clue for rabbits? I'm missing 1 key and 1 cage key.

The blue egg is in the first scene on the back near the flowers.

Placing the 4 eggs gives a key, that key opens a drawer or door to get the 4 balloons you use the pump on, that will give the 4 rabbits clue.

Thanks to Magda FR for the blue egg - missed that view totally!
Thanks to Puffin for the "rabbit teeth" / 2 number clue!!!

Funny how some puzzles in these games are hard for some yet not as hard for others. Something that seems rather obvious to one can be so frustratingly elusive to another.

The Red and Green circles puzzle was harder, as in tedious, by far than the sliding rabbit parts puzzle which was more of a visual perception exercise and a lot easier for me...

Can anybody explain the red and green puzze I know the E is ahint but i dont understand it. thanks

Melissa turn all of the left column and the top, middle and bottom rows green.

Asten I figured it was that following the clue pattern but nothing happens when i do it must be glitchy or missing something
thanks will restart and see if it works

yup worked this time :)

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what do you do with the puzzle board?

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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