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The Wedding Couple Escape Walkthrough

The Wedding Couple Escape

123Bee - The Wedding Couple Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by 123 Bee. A rich man gets ready for his marriage with his fiance. The guy, whom the girl had rejected earlier, plans to stop the marriage. So he traps both of them inside the house, locks the main door and leaves. Now, the couple has to escape to get married. Help the couple to escape by searching for the key. Good luck and have fun!

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       Anonymous  3/13/15, 10:53 PM  

sounds fun..going

hi Dazz ley,i think i need 2 more blocks of wood

loading up now - morning all

good afternoon Rob !,lol

6.30 in the morning in London! 2 blocks missing... one clue paper left

have tried 497 and 476, but to no avail...

5.30 saturday afternoon here in australia

missing one block. No clues left, only red and green dots pictures?
(8.30 in Estonia)

clicked the red dots as per green dot clue - did nothing. went back to the green dots and can longer zoom in...

ipi - number clue?

3-number clue? It was 312 or 231 (as many squares etc were in clue paper).

Count shapes on the leaf clue not segments

thanks - it is early here!!!

just button order to go

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i thought if you follow the green arrow path according to the height difference that would give you the answer. I came up with 42513 for the button order - it's wrong though!

red dots order according picture (heights of dots from 1-5), green dots were related to swan and other stuff buttons i think.

final exit code from blocks with holed paper on it

use the numbers beside key pad for order

So, let's get married.

Living room.
- hit the tv, colororder for cupboard door in the kitchen.
- bottle below the table = sheet 1/5.
Needed: clue for the red dots, a rectangle piece.

- colors in cupboard = woodpiece 1/6.
- behind black box on the right = sheet 2/5.
Needed: 3 buttons and key.

Master bedroom.
- drawer on the left = button 1/3.
- plant on the right = sheet 3/5.
- plant on the left = a paper clue.
- above the bed the clue for the red dots.
Needed: clue for the shapes on the left.

- behind books on the left = sheet 4/5.
- in drawerblock = button 2/3
- in beddrawer = rectangle for living room.
- brown box above pillow = button 3/3.
- green clue at the bed points to the paperclue. Make a combo of the drawings with the drawings at the desk. Water-ship etc.
If correct the dot turns green = woodpiece 2/6.

Combining round.
- red dots = woodpiece 3/6.
- placing rectangle = key + paperclue for the shapes
- key in kitchen drawer = woodpiece 4/6.
- placing the buttons = sheet 5/5 and woodpiece 5/6
- shapes = woodpiece 6/6.

About item the first woodpiece, attach the others.
Place the sheets on them.
The order of the letters is shown at the door.

but you have to see the clues for yourself before they work.

drawings in bedroom desk:
water-ship, feather-curl, heart-heart, hourglass-watch, swan-swan, in other words: rightup/leftup/up/leftdown/rightdown.
red dots: 35142
shapes: first leaf holds 3 circles, 2nd one shape 5 sides, 3rd holds 2 squares.
doorcode: bzcafd

Nice game except for leaf clue. The door puzzle was difficult but very clever.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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