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Escape From Forest Barn House Walkthrough

Escape From Forest Barn House

EightGames - Escape From Forest Barn House is another point and click room escape game developed by Eight Games. You along with your friends stayed in the forest steel barn house in an adventure trip in the night. In the morning when you woke up all your friends left and you found that you were trapped. There are some clues and puzzles left. Find the clues and solve the puzzles and escape through the forest entrance. Good luck and have fun!

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Maybe this one will work right!! LOL

Almost need a map !! Wood circles go first scene out side.

Wood circles give symbols clue.

Stones go on honey dipper.

Use knife up stairs on barrel

       Anonymous  4/17/15, 8:39 AM  
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Stuck with three word clues and 4 color marbles hint?

Sure hope some help comes along soon !! LOL

4-colour marbles hint is for the multi-coloured squares square (!). Locate the middle set of four, and orientate it so that it matches the 4 marbles. Then rotate the other sets of four to join with it.

Going in

Thank you for the stones hint Bandy!

Clodagh there is no pink? If you mean the 6x6 color puzzle.

Logs go one the first room right of start scene need 6, I have 5.

No Bandy, there is a multi-coloured ball puzzle which we get from somewhere that we have to do first, using the Aqua yellow green red hint, then use the one with pink in it on that. (Oh, this is so confusing - sorry!).

       Anonymous  4/17/15, 8:56 AM  

hi folks :-)

red key (my last) hanging above radioactive waste barrel - keys (hint in most left scene) give (my last) wood

Hello AO and Tine Ros!

LOL I think the clue ( first scene left from start ) is for the 6x6 color grid but, cant work it out yet.

I'm missing one wood too, and no clue where to put the stones

Hi AO can you enlighten me on the 6x6 color puzzle?

Have nothing left now but a golden key (need 2), and the words wooden, click. difference and middle. Also 'escape = e'. Perhaps that means we have to use the last letter of the words to make another word - 'knee' perhaps? Or is that too wild?!

Sioux look at my comment @ 8.34

I cant get past the color puzzle LOL

thank youuuu. 6 x 6 puzzle, set middle to same as pic on left shelves in 2nd from far left room

The gold key goes up stairs.

       Anonymous  4/17/15, 9:02 AM  

or it's the double letters...
(have click from books, middle upstairs, difference in stairs scene e.g.)

TY Sioux I guess I am not setting right LOL

       Anonymous  4/17/15, 9:03 AM  
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       Anonymous  4/17/15, 9:07 AM  

not solved yet:
6 digit code in forest & missing 2 tiles for button puzzle in graveyard

http://i60.tinypic.com/2u91uo4.jpg ....grid

I simply cant get that stupid puzzle to open, Will be here awhile. Bummer!

Sisli TY but link you gave wont open

the very middle 4 need to be the same as the paper, then rotate the others so that each tile makes a square of 4...ie the central blue will have a blue to the left of it and one above and another diagonally making a square...hope this makes sense

The radioactive waste barrel scene - just under the right navigation arrow is a place to put four letters. I used the most obvious word and have a magnifying glass.

http://oi60.tinypic.com/2u91uo4.jpg and this?

Green key on the water wheel

TY Sisli that opened.

Magnifier used on stove gives shapes as a clue to the code in the forest which gives the last two dials.

What to do with that puzzle, I have no idea!

LOL That did not open ether. I give up LOL set just like the pic and still wont open !

What is the obvious word ? lol

bandy, daft question, but have you clicked on clue paper on shelf...maybe you need to zoom in /look at it before can solve it (can't remember what I did now)

AlphaOmega, thank you for double letters hint!

Melody...can you share the obvious word that's obviously eluding me? :)

Ok....you need to move the small coloured balls up to the top row of dials. Line up a ball and press enter to move it.

Open!!!! heehee

       Anonymous  4/17/15, 9:32 AM  

for 4 letter word, take double letters from escape, wooden, click, middle (but not difference) & anagram

Sioux I may not have. TY I will see

Open ? I don´t have a P nor a N ??

..cheers AO, I was using difference and going in circles :)

Thank you I GOT THAT STUPID thing open!!!! LOL

Oh....I'm sure it was open.Sorry wrong notes. Code

Melody, the shapes are a clue to the code in the forest?
I have counted the sides but no joy. what am i missing?

Thx AO this helped !!

...don't count the sides....

Count the points rather than the sides, Unknown - one of them has no points.

Finally out ! Thx melody for the 4 letter place and AO for the hint.

I wasn't sure about the ? number so enter the others and then try them all

What is clue for "16 pink-button"
box in inventory?

My chest-cold seems to effect my brain too, lol.

TY that was driving me nuts

..Kev, have you got 4 coloured dots collected and put into a square?

Kev, that one is solved by using the four coloured balls you've collected and brought together. Imaging the 16 pink balls as four groups of four, and just change them as 4 blocks of colours.

...a circle has 0 corners :)

I meant 'imagine'.

Thanx peeps, I try!

Thanks again Clodagh, and Sioux!

Stumbling to the exit, I hope!

Chin up, Kev!

Lol, after doing that box, I finally found the
spot for the 3 coins! (bench- upstairs).

I started this rodeo and just now got out !! LOL :P Thank you guys for all the help!!!

Yeehaa Bandy!

My game was a bit buggy as the puzzle with the red, green and blue dots in the turning spheres had 3 red, 3 green and 4 blue balls each time I went to solve it.
Couldn't figure out where the other red and green balls were.
On the 3rd try there were 3 balls of each color and was able to complete game.

Actually there are a couple of fairly sophisticated puzzles here for an EightGames game. Perhaps the developer is getting better at it. Seems to be.

where do you find the word wooden?

       Anonymous  4/17/15, 11:33 AM  

place 6 collected logs left of stairs

i cant get small colored box.. i set the center 4 according to the clue but can't seem to get it...

       Anonymous  4/17/15, 11:53 AM  

for small colour box, 4 collected marbles are hint (colour each 2x2 grid on box with same colour)


"You woke up .... all your friends left ..." sniff ...

the word "CODE" is not working for me in the room with the radioactive barrel.

How did you get outside????

Where is knife? None of the hints above make sense. I can't get out of house.

Jenny, let me describe where the knife is, one moment ...

Swapping coloured lines backwall (=knife)
Hint: first scene outside (is right arrow in the barn). Colours at the wall of the building, right side.

Getting out of the house:
Rooms from left to right:
1. bedroom
2. living room (starting scene)
3. kitchen
3a. attic
4. barn
----> going outside.

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LLM, it seems to me that the green marble shows up later?
I all of a sudden saw it in the first scene outside, below the waterwheel (how is it called ..) in the grass.

Thanks Arrie NL, finally saw the arrow to go outside. I can't find the 4th ball anywhere to let me do the pink box in inventory. I have yellow, pink and red.

POP found green one by water wheel. but the box does not open for me. all the square are right according to balls I found y r
p g

Jenny, you need the green. I don't know when it shows up, see my post above yours for its position.

That pink box was buggy. I had to do it 3 times before it opened.
Out finally
Thanks for all the hints left here.

Great you found the box to put the letters in Melody, was going around in circles at that point.

Cyndee, did you find all the words? Perhaps only then it works.

Started out excellent, but ended up with some really vague puzzles (how were you supposed to link escape, wooden, click and middle but not difference?). A bit disappointing. I did like the scenery and music though.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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