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Find the Escape Men 145: New Semester Walkthrough

Find the Escape Men 145: New Semester

Find the Escape Men 145: New Semester  is a new Japanese point and click type escape the room game from No1Game. Solve some puzzles, find the 10 escape-men and escape from the laundromat! This game has 1 ending. Good luck and have fun!

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lol, some new tricks here - first you have to get out of handcuffs (using your tongue, but you knew that)

guess which punching bag has an Escape Man in it?

got # for safe ~ the math looks hard but it ain't really ~ just count the gloves/bags, whatever they are (then switch last symbol)

Out! Got last 2 by knocking on window several times

lol, the importance of homework...

I cant get the math!

Yeah I can't get the math either, I come up with 144 but that doesn't work, also why can you change the multiplication symbol to a plus sign.

Adam, you're right there! change the sign and add the 1!

ah got it... Adam, Change it to a + then add 1 to your answer


It's 3 squared * 2 cubed (=9*8=72) * sq. root of 4 (=2), total 144, then change sign.

Ah thanks guys or ladies, would never got that without your help.

I've only got 9, I can't get the one outside on the running track but still have the rope. Just can't find any way to grab the EM yet

don't you just love POP- now out!

The x/+ sign must be a loose screw!
If you have things left in inventory, always try to combine them.
And there's more than one window to look through.

If you're having trouble getting started, try looking down. But you have to combine inventory items first!

...and if you have the same problem I had getting the running track EM then maybe you should go back to the start and try looking down again

Still not getting the running EM.

Ah - go to the scene with the coloured bags, click at the bottom of the pole and pick something up that will help.

       Anonymous  4/3/15, 4:51 AM  

I must be being v stupid. 4 yellow bags + 1 green bag = 5? Where did the 4 come from?

       Anonymous  4/3/15, 4:53 AM  

Ok - I am stupid. Not square root of y + g but just square root of y.

Thank you Clodagh, that did it for me! :)

Thanks just1 - didn't realize you could change the last sign. Memo to self: Click everything!

OK, saw enzed's comment and was thinking, "Rope?" what rope? I has gots no rope! ;-)

As I had a problem not getting the last EM outside the window until I realized that I forgot about the "swinging EM" and now I knew what to do with the indoor shoe!
Now I gots me some rope!
And out!

Bumjelly - lol - lol -lol

wat a way to begin had fun getting started

have 5,man needing help,? tried rope there nope,saw a man running cant get that one either

got the man now with rope/cuffs.

hmmmmmmm have 8 nothing to use in inventory cant see any more

great found a window click that get man then last man on paper and out,

New Semester Walkthrough

Pick "English", then start game
Hmm! teacher not believing your homework excuse!
(Wait -- I actually remember doing the weather exercise!)
So, now you're in the hall, but can't seem to do anything.
Look down and click left to see why -- you're locked to a pole!
Inventory is starting to make a little sense.
Look at mouth, click to open and see braces.
Use tongue on braces several times to make a "Key".
Use key on lock (don't ask me how your mouth can reach your hands -- I guess a kid is flexible!)
YAY! Hands are free. Collect EM#1 from shirt
Now, look up and watch EM swinging above window -- throw your shoe
Collect EM#2 and ROPE from floor (but leave shoe?)
Look right and see classroom -- take EM#3 from sign
Check out the red box -- see equation with colored boxes
Lift fire extinguisher for EM#4
Right again and see colored bags hanging on the wall
Poke the green one to get EM#5
Count the bags by color (1 green, 2 reds, 3 blues, 4 yellows)
Also check the pole you were chained to -- pick up the CUFFs
Return to red box and get
2 cubed x 3 squared x square root of 4 x 1
but that doesn't work -- hmm that last "x" looks strange -- click to change the equation
Enter new value to get EM#6 and TP
Turn right (or left) twice, to see desperate man in men's room -- give him the TP
Turn right and look out window to watch track & field practice. There's an EM, but you can't get him. Combine cuffs with rope to get EM#7
Turn left and man has left men's room -- take EM#8
Left again and check the windows above the bags -- rap the window several times to take EM#9
Look under his paper to get EM#10

Somehow you've turned into a giant EM yourself -- or is that the teacher wondering how you escaped?

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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