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Tailor Escape Walkthrough

Tailor Escape

No1Game - Tailor Escape is a new Japanese point and click type escape the room game from No1 Game. Solve some puzzles, collect the items and escape the room! This game has 1 endings. Good luck and have fun!

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I've made a dress and have 4 letters with numbers but am stuck now

Can't find X

Neither can I. I have V W Y and Z. I thought X might be 2 from the sofa cushions, but the code box by the door actually only takes 4 digits.

Oh, it wasn't an X...

Out. Don't look for X :)

Is the x a * ?
VW * YZ doesn't do it.

Where can I find the order for the letters?

It is VWxYZ

I tried that. I don't understand. This *is* for the code box by the door, right?

Ah, finally. It does work, you just have to open the red key drawer first.

Congratulations! You've wrecked the house!

I mistakenly played the game in Japanese, and didn't realise for ages that the red thing on the chair was a mobile phone - I was trying to rub everything out with it!

Hints for this game - um, turn everything more than once, and if you have anything still left in the inventory, use it to break something else.

As always in a massively-click-on-everything-until-your-hand-hurts escape games I am stuck ;-)
I have three letters, a dirty note and the broken mobile phone.

use scissors (under sofa pillow) on curtains and on right pillow to find SD
use SD on phone

Can't find the W...

use code sewing machine to open box on table (hint bottom left box)

connect the plug and make a drees with parts of curtain

put dress in view sofa, click bottom dress for code

Ah, thanks Seb! :-)

W bottom dress

That was somehow funny, especially the dress bit :) This proves that some women's dresses do not only look AS IF they were tailored from an old curtain ; they actually ARE. :P

LOL Arby
you must have a lot of female friends...or not :P

I plugged in the sewing machine...how do I turn it on?

what is the number for Z

Found the Z on the outlet cover

These are alway challenging.

* always

"you must have a lot of female friends...or not :P"
well, a couple, and that is fine as it is. I would surely have none if I said that in their presence as they would be "not amused" at all :P

"Hey, pretty skirt! Which curtain did you tailor that from?"
HAHA, not just a "little" rude...

@ arby Maybe he is freinds with Carol Burnett


I never knocked the plant down... That's on someone else, mom, not me! :)

I was okay until the final code and had to watch the walkthrough. How on earth do you get to those numbers?

near the sewing machine, there's a paper with lots of sewing patterns written on it... somewhere else (can't remember) you find three patterns. pick out these three and assign them to the list number...done

Yes - I mean the final number to get out!

Finally! An escape game featuring my life. *___* sewing

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for final code, look at hint in desk drawer opened with red key (found in left plug /use SD)

read hint VWXYZ and the door drawing

87 X 63 = 5481

though thinking otherwise, what I had tried to explain to you was NOT the final code, sorry bout that

@seb Well! This happens when I can't be bothered to replay a game.
I could have sworn the final code was the 6-digit one. But it was the 4-digit one with the vwxyz hint. My bad.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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