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Challenge House Escape Walkthrough

Challenge House Escape

Games4King - G4K Challenge House Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 4 King. Some one has been trapped in the challenge house. So you will need to collect the necessary objects to make him escape from the challenge house. If you have the right attitude then you will get those out. Use better skills to solve the puzzles and four skulls. Good luck and have fun!

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KK do this then save cute bunny..

two new ones at once....! going in here first

keep clicking flower pot

another one for me t get dizzy in....

weird LOL spinny flowers and all sorts here...

yeah Im here

       Anonymous  5/12/15, 6:03 PM  

Hi guys

trying to navigate back to 4 pots.. got 4 digit clue..

tips.. click flowerpot till it falls
and 1 room note arrows in black boxes..gotta click boxes first..

Leroy go right from the room where you placed the bear

cheese? and a coin? LOL

5pots are 1 right from ? over stand

eggs go over top of

found it LOL 2 coins now and cheese I been watching holes in ceilings??

Hello Nursie poo....will be back later, my dinner hour! Would love to play live! Good luck all! Leroy, been awhile!!

I'm stuck - I got two coins, cheese and the skull and bones painting missing the upper left piece

sat bear in a corner..

same here jas

cant find where to put cheese or coin. haven't gotten upper left of pirate pic and don't know what to put into pot yet

The navigation sucks, come on guys, really....

hi Sharon. hurry back please.

think pot gave cheese or coin when code entered..

nursie! I'll try my best...Good to see you!

oh... blank paper goes in pot for number clue

piece of blank paper goes in pot for cauldron code

apart from that I'm at the same point as you all seem to be

Middle of the night here.
Will play later.
Good luck all..
Leave me hints Sharon!

I swear I put that cheese all sorts of places and it just wont stay put anywhere.

Im betting we mising something obvious here...

LOL poo I know the damn bear wont eat it..

I suspect there is a bug in Scene 6- I think we should be able to go through the door once it is opened but it is missing a hotspot to do it

Ha, Austen! I'll wait!

anyone have ideas for S-3?

Probably Leroy, I've been going around in circles and can't find anthing new

I'll be back later.
Wait for me!

Cheese into middle of room 4 and get Five Ants
for room10 = coin

that the egg door?

got it!

scene 1, close the door

KK TY Jim saved us

       Anonymous  5/12/15, 6:22 PM  

Austen, no!!! please come back..do you know how much I've been looking for you for long?

Now I gotta find scene 4 LOL

great find enzed

Damn key TY LOL

thanks enzed that's what I needed

       Anonymous  5/12/15, 6:25 PM  

Same here night,too..I'm not playing, I just want to see you

Ok Austen...see you then!

       Anonymous  5/12/15, 6:27 PM  

Sharon, please, where are you?

anyone solved the rubiks cube things? which is 1 etc?

4 coins... pic goes wall in antroom

I'm out thanks for help. Enzed - place four coins in the ? slots in the wall and then start pressing the numbers for hints

looks note yellow squares on rubiks clue..

POP- now I see

yeah wish clue paper for it LOL

out too- TY all

ou...t thanks all

Hi people. I'm stuck in scene 5 . I'm trying to figure out the correct position of the yellow squares.

yah need the 4 coins first

paper and pencil needed LOL

       Anonymous  5/12/15, 6:54 PM  

To Austen,
I don't know what happened and what changed you, but whatever it is know that I'm so sorry about it and I don't want to lose you.
You're my best friend and I'd lose anything but you, you were my first friend when I came here for the first time, I don't enjoy playing without you. I may not be here by the time you came but I hope you forgive me, I've been in real pain..I'm sorry I left the message here but it's the only way to contact you...

Dazz....Really? Are you kidding? Can we just play a game without you behaving like this?

Another good game, thanks for all the helps left here.

Finally got some time to myself to play.
Finding that difficult recently but that's the way of the world.

Loved the game.
Thank you G4K for another fun five star time.

Ahhh, that key behind the door was really wicked!!! *lol*
The navigation was a bit uncomfortable even though you quickly figure out how to get from one room to another. But hey, it was a "challenge house", maybe that's why... %)
Anyway, thanks for the game. Wonderful, as always. :)

excellent game. Quite tricky in parts, and I nearly quit a couple of times, but got there in the end.

Anyone still there? I cant find the blank piece of paper to put in the vase. I thought I clicked on it in the beginning, but it never went into my inventory. Help, please?

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Me too. Can't find the paper for the jug!
Alright, somebody give it up!!!
That "hiding the key behind the door" was clever! Great, now we have to add "that" to our escape game repertoire of things to do, check out, try, be aware of, etc.

I can't go through the egg door any more . . . so I probably need to start again

The paper for the jug was in the top right corner of my inventory - when I had the screen enlarged it was out of view.

@ Als - Thanks for the "inventory" tip!!!
I'm old and need to zoom into a lot of games in order to see well and I forget about things like this.
I don't think the egg room door is supposed to be available after being there once. i can't access the room again either.

Ah, Thanks Als!!!

I had to zoom in more than I usually do to block out some annoying pop up ads that I couldn't get rid of !

out now ! You're right Bumjelly I didn't need that room again

great game...Eskovos music?

A second reason for zooming in, for me at least, is to lessen the opportunity to click accidentally on the sidebar ads just outside of the game window and be whisked off to another webpage.
I hate it when that happens!

Walkthrough for any still bewildered:

As was noted by Aunt Meg earlier the navigation is a little weird but easy when you get used to it.

Part 1.

Scene 1:
Collect puzzle piece 1 from the floor and go through the right door.

Scene 2.
Take the blank paper from bottom left then click the plant pot until you break it (don’t worry, Sharon will be along to vacuum it up later!) for a little key.
Note the pattern on the wall.

Back to S1 and try the key in the door.
It doesn’t fit.
Take the right arrow to

Scene 3:
Take puzzle piece 2 from the floor and play about with the four panels on the wall.
Give up on them and return to S1.

Head left to

Scene 8:
Puzzle piece 3 is on the right side.
The panel in the middle opens with just a click for a triangle pattern clue.
Left to

Scene 6:
Grab your fourth puzzle piece from the left side then use your pattern clue for a vase.
Head right to S8.
The right arrow takes you back to S1 right?
It takes you to Scene 9 where you will find puzzle piece 5.
Dip your blank paper in the vase to reveal the number to use on the cauldrons.
Using it will provide disc 1.
Use the pattern from S2 on the wall to receive a clue.
Where have you seen a slider like that?
That’s right it was on the wall by that pattern hint so scoot over to S2.

The slider clue opens the doorway to
Scene 10:
Click open the cupboard for another triangle pattern clue.
Use your little key to open the panel bottom right.
Inside you will find a wheel.
Click the four squares top right for an arrow clue.

Part 2.

Back to S8 and exchange your nice new arrow clue for 3 eggs.
Place the wheel on the wall and click it.

S6 again and place your eggs in the holders on the left for an open door!
Skip through the door to Scene 7 to find three HUGE flowers.
Click each flower until it locks in place to be kicked back to S6 where you can collect disc 2.

Using your second triangle clue in S9 will get you a teddy bear.
Clutching ted you head back to S8 and sit him on that cabinet on the left.
Well that didn’t achieve anything so try clicking that useless wheel.
Take the newly revealed chunk of cheese (is this Sniffmouse suddenly?!) and wander around aimlessly until, frustrated, you end up back where you started in S1.

How the heck do you open that door?

No, they couldn’t have hidden it behind the other door could they?
Oh yes they could.

Now we’re cooking!
Through that door to scene 4 for the final puzzle piece.
Place your cheese on the floor and collect the five ants which gather to nibble it.
The doorway takes you to Scene 5 but don’t bother going there just yet.

Run over to S10 and place your ants on the crate for disc 3.
While you are there place the completed picture on the wall for disc 4.

Now you can go to S5 and place the discs on the wall.
Pressing each button six times will take you through the pattern cycle for each square.

Remembering where you saw those squares before you hotfoot it over to S3.
When you get the pattern right on each panel it will lock in place.
Four panels correct means you are out of here.

Yes I know I could have mentioned the key behind the door right at the start but that would have ruined the joke.

Loved the game G4K.
Thank you again.

LORdesigns...yes this is the 2nd time they used Esklavos music. Thank you for a really good game. Didn't play last night. You made it a bit difficult for me this morning. But, I'm out! Thank you so much my great G4K games!!

Hey! Austen where were you when I needed that WT? (somehow I managed). We just posted at the same time. Funny!! Thanks for a wonderful walkthrough!!!

Austen....Did you get in touch with your girlfriend on here?? She seemed desperate for you!! LOL! Love the drama twists on here :)

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I did thank you LOR.
We meet lots ...............

But she's definitely not who you think she is.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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