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Diamond Hunt Escape Walkthrough

Diamond Hunt Escape

Games2Jolly - Diamond Hunt Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 2 Jolly. You fell asleep and in your dream you see a man standing near a lowland. The lowland is very steep that when a person fells in won't return back. There's a diamond glittering in that lowland. The man needs the diamond to eradicate all his financial problems. Help him in picking that precious without going down the lowland. Good luck and have fun!

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We keep on dreaming.
Last time we arrived in the stone-age and computer-time, this time, we find Sir Oliver Stanley the Third, the world famous diamondologist.

a shovel to find another shovel? Really?

So, we’re taking a piece of wood, left of Sir Oliver Stanley the Third.
In the back a pink diamond.
In Sir Oliver Stanley the Third’s rucksack a knife.

There is a pink diamond on the roof of the hut.
Cut the rope at the trees on the right, take the coconut.

Inside the cave, take the piece of wood and a pink diamond.
About item the coconut, note the black dots.
Zoom in on the wall, set the dots into the same directions = scroll with knobs-clue.
Zoom in on little black spot on the ground, it is … it is … a Keyhole !!
Zoom in on fire on the right, take it.

Sir Oliver Stanley the Third, knows how to read the scroll.
Use its clue on the left wall = flashlight.
Zoom in on blue diamonds on the left, use flashlight = clue ..
for the rocks in the far right scene = lasergun.
Use lasergun to cut the plexiglass ball inside the cave = dynamite.
Dynamite goes on the boat in 2nd scene.
Use fire to blow it up = a wooden piece.

The wooden pieces go on the rocks in far right scene also = shovel.
Use shovel in 2nd scene in front of cave = … oh, no, not there.
LOLOL, use shovel in 2nd scene to hammer down the wood in front of the hut = golden shovel.
Use THAT in front of the cave ??? …. Yep, that’s it, build a sandcastle.
And look, a pink diamond on top of it, take it.
The last pink diamond is on the rocks in far right scene.

Place the diamonds on the rock = crate.
Bring the crate to Sir Oliver Stanley the Third, he opens the crate in about item position, take key.
Use key in keyhole in the cave (finally, tried everything else there) = … (translation site, one moment) … well, closest is “a piece of a crane”.

Attach it to the rope and look, Sir Oliver Stanly the Third can finally stretch his back and go home to deliver the diamond to the London Museum for Diamonds, Thames-street 198-a, London, GB.

And yes, you use a shovel to get another shovel.
But, it makes sense: the first shovel is always used to dig up stuff,
the second is smaller, and can help to build a sandcastle, the more precise work.
So, there you go.

I did two now - that's it I think.

The best of the game? the fine irony of arrie NL. Sure!

Always entertaining arrie! Thank you!

I get more entertainment from Arrie's walkthrough than I do playing the game. Thanks Arrie for your sense of humor. Keep it up.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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