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Ena Comfort The Starving Lion Walkthrough

Ena Comfort The Starving Lion

EnaGames - Ena Comfort The Starving Lion Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Ena Games. Assume a situation that the Lion, being the king of forest, dintt get anything for the past three days. So it feels like dying due to starvation. It can't tolerate the situation hence decided to suicide. Since the lion is in the top of the hill you cant go there and help him. Meanwhile fox is on that way. It is about to help the lion along with your co-ordination. Let us see how you are going to comfort the starving Lion with the help of fox. This is possible only if you have the determination to help. As you are the person of kind-hearted nature, surely you will comfort the lion with the help of wolf by solving the necessary puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Let´s have a look

Found shovel, red and blue dice, build a slingshot. Count 3 yellow, 6 red and 5 white flowers. got key.

I'll join you.

for up-down code: keep a look on fence

Shovel used in first scene on right side below white flower. Got chest.

Key doesn't work on fence gate

Hint for chest is left side of fence.

stone for slingshot: in second scene on the ground below color code

Stuck with clue from chest, unfinished sling and a key. Dropped red dice in goblet, can't find a blue dice.

Shoot left tree in second tree for clored feather. Who knows where it goes ;o) THX Hotz for the stone

Thanks Hotzenplots!

Blue dice is in first scene bottom left in bush below trunk

Color code gives key for fence.

Does anyone remember where the slingshot handle can be found? I just got band and stone. Thanks!

POP... below the tree in right scene (with colour code)

code for tap in the house anyone?


Band for sling was in the far right tree in fox scene.

there is a third view on the table in first scene to find the green dice

Green dice hidden bottom left of table outside. I think we need orange dice for 4# safe on table

yellow dice in roof window

POP orange dice is in grey space over door. Got code and binocular

put all dice in goblet to get code

Anyone figured out where the number clue goes?

Are we all at the same point? I've got pot in the sink, basket, and spoon, seen the 62392 hint at the bed, and that's it. Neither I can wake up the boy with the spoon nor slap it into that squirrel's face which I'd like to.

Not yet Kim! Still working ;o)

I'm sure I need to splash water on the kid face but can't get the tap to work with the jar underneath

You can see a flickering pixel of that squirrel even from the outside! :-o

Hold spoon on number clue to get 632....

If you had asked me I would have used the slingshot to kill the squirrel and feed it to the lion. Et voilá.

good find Dabbeljuh!!!

Get clue for tap. filled pot with water and watered the plant.

Strawberry for squirrel gives "FOOD"

Dabbeljuh, I'm impressed.

what a strange ending...

Alarmclock on nightstand. Boy leaves key for oven. Got brown chick that go in basket.

Fox on the run!

Pleasure to play with you!

THAT end???

Thank you guys for your help. My pleasure!

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I'm sure I need to splash water on the kid face but can't get the tap to work with the jar underneath

Wow, great stuff guys. Thanks

Weird!!! I think the creator of this game may have indulged in some jungle juice or other .....

Man, these ENA guys come up with some weird sh*t! I would not have been surprised to see the boy end up as the lion's dinner (with full gore).

What does the lion eat? The fox, the squirrel or the sleeping boy?

A suicidal lion...what's next? Our lion should better call 1813 instead of playing games with a fox!

I hope this game has not ended. I feel the second part is yet to come as the starving lion is not comforted so far

as always complete piece of cr*p by ena

My dice clue is hard to read and does not work anyway I use it.
Can anyone help?

had to look at walkthrough. Really crappy clue there ENA

If I was the stupid lion
i would have eaten the boy.

jenny could you share? the die pips aren't working

My die numbers aren't working, or I can't see them. Please spoil the die numbers (RYBG)

Went to the w/t and still don't understand how they got the die numbers?? 9 for the red die? I see two sides with 5 clearly marked. smh

Anyway, I think the liberal, casual use of "I'm going to commit suicide" was in poor taste, cartoon lion or not.

Dice clue was blue=4, yellow=1, green=2 and red=9 if I remember it correctly.

I agree with cyndee43, very poor taste indeed.

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