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Escape From Woodloch Pines Resort Walkthrough

Escape From Woodloch Pines Resort

EightGames - Escape From Woodloch Pines Resort is another point and click room escape game developed by Eight Games. During his US trip, a tourist trapped inside the Woodloch Pines Resort. There are some clues, puzzles and objects left. Find those objects and hints, solve the puzzles and help the tourist to escape out. Good luck and have fun!

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Red dot flower puzzle not working for me although following pattern on yellow flower exactly

Just joining. Hi Zuleika!

I found 500 bucks!!! YEA!

5-digit code form $500 bill

Red dot puzzle worked for me.

Hi Jenny and bandy :) Collecting all sortsa stuff - coloured squares, wood, paper pieces for word clue (need one more), key, symbols, picture pieces ....

Mine ( red dot) puzzle won't open also?

Key used in first room for some kind of colour hint/puzzle

Oh got it - it's a slider thing

Symbol from colour-slider puzzle

Is there a order for the colors Zule?

NVM I was over thinking it LOL

Got the red dot puzzle to work by going anti-clockwise this time - bizarre!

anyone needs a hint for 5 yellow round levers? it took me some tries...

LOL bandy. Colour wheel puzzle: just 'draw' out the shapes by clicking on colours

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Can't get rectangle though - and careful if you zoom out from puzzle as u have to start all over again - other 3 shapes are easy though ...

Here's a screenshot of the yellow dots/sliders:


But you have to see the hint first, behind the spidrweb (use red machine).

Noooo - just got a 'KiIl Pages' message and will have to restart : ( Can I be bothered .....?

What am I supposed to do in first room with colours puzzle I opened with the key?

found spot for purple and orange squares on exit door.
stuck with Machine (hand vac) and can't find any hints for a lot of the puzzles.

I can't get the red dot puzzle open? Tried clock wise and back?

Jenny - slide everything along until colour matches letter above

Put logs in fireplace need matches now.

Jenny slide the colors and the letters around.

Nothing slide in that colour puzzle in first room. Is there some kind of trick?

Matches in second scene.

Found matches first room up on mantel on right.

Still can't do anything with colour/letter puzzle in first room. I can click one square or letter but can't move or slide them.
Help please?

When placing switch zoom in first - gives 4-digit clue. Jenny - there is a blank square on bottom row at right - u can slide things using that :)

For the rectangle shape: red-second orange and blue-green.

my last paper piece (top right corner): in scene with fireplace and TV, under cushion on bed

click the petals without dots

is there a hint for color puzzle in 1ST scene?

Colour wheel: start rectangle with red at top. Puzzle gives 2 more symbols and orange square.

Sneaky wall plank - NW of doorway in room with yellow flower/red dot hint

thanks for matches!!

@jan - colours can be in any order but must be matched with their initial letters above. It's a slider puzzle.

Finally got that first puzzle. Thanks for the help. Did not see a blank square. This game is very dark in places.
In one room I closed a shutter and it is all black behind it and nothing happened and can't see if I am supposed to do something else there.

Face plam! Thank you Jan!

Jan there is an empty square bottom right. Took me forever to figure that one out and I needed help.

Missing 2 puzzle pieces still.

Any one find clue for the 5 yellow marbles slider?

Where are the hints for the yellow sliders and the colour wheel puzzles??

second room I found a blue compass thing on the left?

Anyone find a use for the "machine" yet?

Ahh forgot the pic above fire place.

blue compass thing goes on frame over fireplace gives hint for another puzzle. very dark though

found spot for machine. room before exit door where purple/orange squares go. vacuum upper chimney gives yellow dot slider clue.

missing 2 puzzle pieces, hint for colour wheel/shapes puzzle and 4 discs for puzzle in exit door room.
Can anyone help?

I am at the same place Jenny?

Color wheel hint was behind the window shutter in room with round wood table.

If you see the hint, it will show up beside it.

I have four shapes beside the colour wheel but how to know what colour goes where. I can't see anything behind that shutter but black?

Jenny you see some dots with lines. Got to the color wheel and see if those show up beside the puzzle that is the clue.

Pfew, finally done the picture slider puzzle. Very difficult this time :(

Pfff Finally made it out.
Pieces of paper were hidden well.

Finally out. That was a long game, but very good. Thanks for all the help left here.

Good grief the round symbols puzzle was a hard one!!!

Is anyone here? I'm stuck on the bird cage puzzle - haven't found a clue, so tried putting in alphabetical order, and in colour order, neither worked. Also can't find 'machine'/dustbuster/vac. Where is it? Help! All done apart from those and the yellow slider which we apparently need dustbuster for, and the orange/purple squares...

Never mind, tried the bird cage puzzle again - it's in colour order, but all pieces have to be the right way up, not sideways. Now off to hoover up a cobweb.

Picture puzzles are bad enough when we have to swap pieces. Picture puzzles with 15 sliders are horrible. Eight games, I don't play to be challenged by stupid slider puzzles. Big red x on this one, sorry. Hope the next one is better.

Also, could eight games please add the option of turning off the background music but not sound effects???

I red X'd which is very unusual for me. 20 minutes on a slider is crap and still never even got it half done. Any more a game with a slider I will not play!!! I like 8 games, but refuse to do any more sliders!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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