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Escape From FantaSuite Hotel Walkthrough

Escape From FantaSuite Hotel


EightGames - Escape From Fanta Suite Hotel is another point and click room escape game developed by Eight Games. During his US trip, a tourist trapped inside the FantaSuite Hotel. There are some clues, puzzles and objects left. Find those objects and hints, solve the puzzles and help the tourist to escape out. Good luck and have fun!

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Busy collecting stuff. Got a 5# code from the paperhint and the fruitbowl. In one of the scenes right you can zoom in on the bath tub. There is a nearly invisible handle on its left to drain the tub.

going in

Hi gabi ! The pink balls go under the tv far right room. Lever code from the glasses.

There is a knife under the pillow on the round bed one of the right views. Difficult to describe where stuff is, would help if rooms had numbers.

use the knife on pictures with coloured circles

Once you have put the grey pieces on the disc with the lines (bedroom with red chairs, over the tv), click the disc again.

Rainbowpieces are used in same room, left over the bed in green circle.

Don't miss the code on the wall in scene where you broke the stone with the hammer.

And don't miss the candle in first view just under the left arrow.

solved may puzzles, but still no use for hammer and torch

gabi, when you go left there is a cave like view with water. On the left there is a sort of flower arrangement. There also is a clue on the right wall at the top. In the middle is a big stone, use hammer there. Also, no clue what to do with the torch and still have the toothbrush with paste on it.

Toothpaste is colour clue, but very hard to see. For those who have problems: red yellow green lightblue darkblue.

only torch and 2 puzzles pieces in inventory???

I guess the torch is used to find the last dark brown puzzle piece which will give the last 2 symbol pieces. Let's pixelhunt.

Torch is used in bathroom that gave the letter code. Between bottom of tub and floor to the right.

need 2 puzzles pieces, 2 balls with pictures..no use for torch

found it TY Emmes

gabi, read my previous post. Same as you but I also need last brown puzzle piece for first room. It is the top left one. It must be in some dark spot.....

one puzzle in room with candles

Got that one, gabi. My nose is glued to the screen, can't find it.

count the fruit for numbers after clue papers

And out, nice game.

don't miss the dominoes on the wall

Found last brown piece... In the same scene where you place them... Around chair next to flowerpot...

OOGGRR you are a genious ! I was about to give up.

And out, thx to OOGGRR.

sneaky leaf by the bath difficult to pick up

down to last puzzle green & yellow buttons not seen a clue & how to solve it can't exchange colours

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went back to the button puzzle & it worked & out nice game

part 1.
(Hints don’twork until you see them for yourself).

- yellow ball behind flowerpot, broom, candle on the left, puzzlepiece at chairleg.
Puzzle-hint on the wall left, p’s go on the right up.

Going right …..

Room with red chairs.
- candle, symbol at tableleg, pp, torch.
Puzzles: rainbow-pieces go on left wall, puzzle-hints for shapes below tv, symbols go above tv.
Puzzle-hint on right wall.

- candle, symbol, pp, rainbowpiece. Zoom in on bath, click handle, the word ‘hotel’ appears. Leaf right side of bath. Zoom in down right of bath, place torch, dots with shadows.

- matchbox, rainbowpiece, cloth, symbol, leaf in trashbin, candle, pp at 2nd of left chair.
Place for orange/green balls on the wall, puzzle-hint, and a place for shadow-balls. The candleholder needs 5 candles. We’ve got 4 so far.
5 leafs go on the windowpane at the right.

- candle, leaf, shadow-ball, symbol, knife below cushion, leaf after using broom on the floor.
Puzzle-hint on the wall.

Bar with view.
- leaf, rainbowpiece, symbol, shadow-ball, jug.
Puzzle-hint on a wall.

Bedroom from another hotel it seems.
- pink ball, toothbrush, glass.
5 pink balls go in puzzle below tv.

back to the lobby
part 2.
Going left …..

Well … stone-age hotel-room. Bring in the Flinstones!
- glass, paperpiece, rainbowpiece.
Place for 5 blue … don’t know yet … on the wall.

What name to give this room … Grotto. Yep.
- glass, paperpiece,
Dice-hint on the wall. A stone.

Cleopatra’s bath.
- paperpiece, toothpaste, pink ball, two orange buttons after using dice-hint on the right.
Don’t know-room.
- paperpiece, 2 icons after using ‘hotel’ on the wall.
5 number-code needed.
(It’s not a bedroom, although it looks like there’s a shower on the right).

Ahaaa ! A bath! In a plastic-stone-looking setting.
- hammer, glass, paperpiece.
Fruit, don’t know, 5 pieces .. the number one room back? Nope, not active yet.
Shapes-puzzle on the wall.

Bedroom Fred and Wilma Flinstone.
- glass, pink ball.
On the wall the place for the icons we found, 6 more to find.

Pool with lots of lurkers from the office across the garden.
- pink ball, icon, hint for shapes-puzzle in plastic-stone-setting on the floor after using jug and cloth on it.

- icon, pinkball.
…. what looks like the exit-door.

Things that can be done now

Place 4 pp’s in lobby up right, and click a piece = 2 more shadow-balls.
Place and light the candles = 2 more shadow-balls.
Place the leafs = 2 more shadow-balls.
Place symbols and click disk = 2 more shadow-balls.
Place the balls, set them as example = 2 icons.

And the fruit IS the hint for the number puzzle, only, first connect all paperpieces to see the order for counting the fruit = 2 green balls.

Hammer on the stone in the grotto = sun-symbol for icons-puzzle Wilma&Fred room.

About item glasses = clue for pink-balls-puzzle below tv aaaalll the way to the right = 2 green balls.

Room, left of lobby, the blue buttons, hint is toothbrush + paste, top to bottom = 2 icons.
Room, right of lobby, place rainbowpieces up left = 2 green balls.

Well, all those puzzlehints? Cut them out with the knife to reveal numbers.
In red-chairs room (right of lobby) below tv = 2 more shadow-balls.
For colourblind:
1st click twice
2nd click once
third click four times
fourth no clicking
fifth click three times.

I placed the 2 puzzle pieces I found in the lobby up right and now my inventory is empty.

part 4.

What was I thinking starting this, lol. Have to do some shopping.
Thanks to Emmes for great hints and OOGGRR for a pp.

Okay, found my last pp at the chair in the pool. Was about to stop.

Place icons, turn them with the arrows to their correct colour = last orange balls.
Place orange and green balls in pool-room, swap them by jumping one over the other = key.

I read in comments ‘out and nice game’ and thought this was a shorter one. That was a wrong thought.

I did enjoy the game although some pieces were hidden too well. That's really not necessary I think.

Thank you for the walkthrough Arrie NL. The brown puzzle piece was under the bench and not on the chair leg but I identified it as the missing one and was able to find it in the end because of you :) This game took me 52 mins to play so definitely not a quick and out game!

Tania, I believe you on your word, I'm NOT going to check it LOL.
Thank you for correcting it.

the most awful, tiring, silly game I've ever played, a total waste of time

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