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Escape From Entership Walkthrough

Escape From Entership

CoolGames8 - Escape From Entership is another point and click room game developed by Cool Games 8. Imagine that you're a captain of the intergalactic spaceship named Entership, you with your coworker has done a far journey to a planet that is supposedly inhabited by living things, but suddenly the spaceship engine has been damaged due to getting hit by an unidentified flying object, so you must escape from entership before it's too late. Good luck and have fun!

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Finally a new game this morning.

Oh dear, what a maze with all rooms looking similar. :-/

And quite at the beginning three 6-letter-codes. Of course the last code was the one my clue worked.

Well all I have is a orb and a power source?

Ok placed power source in room right of what looks to be a bed?

Oh, hi bandy. I suppose the two of us will end again with hurting eyes... ;-)

Hi meritneith. I am getting tired of trying that word code every were!

I've got 4 orbs in total and that power source placed. Somewhere in a room with a table I found some pliers and a screwdriver. I have used three passwords. And stuck.

same place as you meritmeith

Hi Fudge!

Hi meritNeith and bandy - any progress?

I am stuck in a room with a alien trying to kill me. LOL

I can't find any pliers or s/d

they are in cantine type room somewhere right, down and left (ish)

Sorry guys, I'll quit this game. Running around in dark rooms with green or red lights and hunting for pixels is not my cup of tea. To make it worse it seems the cursor changes on stuff to pick up but not on the place to use them - at least for the power supply.

See you in the next games, hoping for the Friday no1-game. Best of luck for you!

OH forgot about the dark room.

LOL CU in the next one meritneith.

Found s/d but no pliers?

POP Right in front of me! LOL

they are in the same room bandy - so far no panels to unscrew or wires to cut and can't even stab the alien with my sd

LOL I tried to stab alien also!! :P

used pliers on left wall in room and gives "aliens" clue

Thanks but no hot spot? Now we have to guess at were to use stuff?

Use scanner in hall just before the dark room, ( Left wall )

no barcode on the alien either! What could we scan?

Use S/D on wall with 5 green lights.

5 green lights is just before room to put orbs

dark room? Any more clue please bandy?

The one just before were s/d and pliers were found

ah, ok, - that gives another orb but no other clues.....

good find bandy - keep going - 4 more orbs to find

I am at a stand still now LOL

shall we x out? no hotspots, still have sd, pliers and scanner but dont even know if we use them again

one more using either sd or pliers on left room with exit sign

and another one room down somewhere in the right wall

I got one more just below were s/d was used on green lights room on floor down on left wall

another one one room down from hall with 5 lights

Ok 2 more to find! LOL

I think we just found the same one - one more to go?

Ya I think so just one more now?

This ship is going to fall apart if keep unscrewing stuff! LOL

Last one on left wall room with exit sign.

Sorry right wall.

NO - I have that one already .....

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There was down from exit sign and one right wall of exit sign

actually, the one i found there was to left of exit sign - can't find anything on right wall

Right wall next to red arrow?

S/D used on both.

Use gun to get suit.

argh - can't find that last blasted one!

POP a cap on alien and your out.

Did you get the one down below exit sign room?

yes, never mind - I consider myself out with you - see you in the next one!

Sorry fudge that was all you needed to get out any way.

I see others have a high tolerance for pain. I refuse to get sucked into anymore of this developer's games until he/she focuses more on the 'fun factor' of game structure and puzzle formation.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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