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Escape Paradise Beach Walkthrough

Escape Paradise Beach

Escape Paradise Beach is another point and click escape game created by Selfdefiant for Melting-Mindz and Yizzim. You woke up here on Paradise Beach, locked in this bedroom. The shark men must have kidnapped you while you were sleeping. Look around and figure out how to escape! Good luck and have fun!

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Coin in the start scene! snicker snicker :P

4 digit hint in room D to get the purple gem in room F.

Looking for more star fish have on from pool?

Knife in G

Yellow gem in O

Blue key from star fish box

Goggles from room D gave me my third starfish in room K.

Gold key in room C.

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Sneaky coin in J

Blue gem in J, screwdriver in H

Use lighter in B to get the pink gem.

Now were to use the S/D or knife?

No idea for the screwdriver, but knife is used in A on the Teddy.

Look at the back of the panel with 4 # clue.

Panel in D I meant. sorry

Green gem in panel us S/D and a clue also.

Orange gem in line puzzle box in L

Thanks, Bandy, out now, good game :)

Thanks ST forgot about Teddy.

And out Great game! Thanks for the help ST.

Hello all! Have I caught a live one? Going in but by the time I get in you'll all be out as my laptop is on a go-slow

And I was right lol

Thanks Bandy for the Room D clue - was wandering around and around

If you live in a place like this, don't use the treadmill RUN OUTSIDE!!!

LOL Janet I was trying the S/D and it turned over ?

Hey if it works, it works :-)

Can't find the lighter in I

So can't I and what panel do you use with the SD

NM got it finally! I swear I was clicking that spot a 1000 times ...

but still no lighter...

In D click on the left monitor you can turn it around

The lighter in room I is a little bit to the right of the tap.

Thanks Wilma got that but I don't find a lighter in I

Found it finally, thanks

Oops, there are more taps. I'm talking about the silver tap on the right.

I can't find lighter in I either. Feel like I've searched every pixel in that room

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Lol, no mistake Bandy, it is room I, room J is the room with the shower.

The lighter is not in I it's in O

Oh good I did not want to get beat up LOL

Played for the third time now and the lighter is in room I for sure. Room O is the scene with the hammocks.

I am still in room I and just picked it up?

Really I found the thing in O left side down

I am running ST LOL :P

Looked the right of all taps in I. Nothing

Look on right side of bath tub

Lol fourth time looking now and all I can find in O is 2 gold coins and the yellow gem.

How do I find the code for room F asa they were saying look in room D so many number I am stuck

POP! Was waiting for curser to change. I found lighter in I next to the tap on the bath. It's silver and hard to spot.

Click the right side of panel with 4 # clue. Survey

4# clue was in D

I got that one I'm look for the number code for F for the purple gem

Lighter in room I


OH sorry look at the panel in D it has #'s on it

Survery World,
Ignore the zero's

OK there must be something fishy cause I found the yellow gem in J behind the shampoo or whatever that is.... ;-)

Yep got it & out thanks all for the help :) and HAPPY HALLOWEEN

Lol, very strange indeed. For me it was the 'blue' gem behind the shampoo.

Never happened to me before, i have a green key and can't find the door for it :) can someone help please?

Look for locked closet (B)

Wow thanks Janet that one was tricky

Where is the clue for the gem color order?

Room C, above the mirror.

Looks like S-D has joined the ranks of developers that refuse to let you play without watching their ads. Oh well.

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pretty sure they get paid by their sponsors, Just1.

i do not see letters for the rooms.. where r they?

you have to use the map, Char.

ahh got a map

where do we put the gems?

got it lol

Where was green key?

Something does seem to be a tad wonky. I have all gems except the pink one. I lit the candles and got a gem from there but it wasn't the pink one. It seems like some of us are playing slightly different games...

OMGosh. Nevermind. Pink gem in my inventory. I was just keeping my browser window a little to small to see it there.

Im sorry, Im a dork

Fun game as always SD! I always keep my precious gems behind the shampoo in my shower lol. Could have made that lighter a little easier to find tho!

Thank you Selfdefiant! Great game...took forever to find the lighter! Austen had it in his inventory and I couldn't find it, even with Small-tool's comments! But all of a sudden it was there in my inventory as well. Nice job hiding that one!! Thanks for the game! Austen thanks for the help!

I was tempted to use one of my own Zippos on those candles until I realised that I had actually picked it up and hadn't noticed!
15 minutes spent scouring every room for something I already had!
I gracefully accept the Eejit of the week award!
Thanks for playing with me again Sharon and thanks for the game S-D.

Thanks everyone!

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Going quietly mad...if anyone happens to read this, where's the blue key? I'm stuck and from reading all the comments above I need the blue key before I can do anything. Please.... !

Crap! I missed the goggles in D, I thought they were in the back of that thing in D, but they are through the window.

Now I got 3 starfish and therefore blue key. Hooray!

I think the problem with the lighter is that the cursor didn't change to a hand, I proabably wouldn't have got it without hints.

btw SD I like the inventory like this so you can see everything,

Well, I don't have a lighter, the bathroom scene is from a different angle than the one in the link, and there's no lighter there.

Oh, apparently it was the spigot on the tub enclosure, not the sink. I noticed that after Xing out the game.. but I had clicked all around the tub spout too.

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