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Fantasy Park Escape Walkthrough

Fantasy Park Escape

Games4King - G4K Fantasy Park Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 4 King. Assume that you went to a fantasy park to see various kinds of rare species of flowers. Unfortunately the park’s security guard locked the all doors; without noticing you in the fantasy park. As there are many hidden clues and keys are there in the fantasy park. Use your skills to collect the hidden clues and keys in the park to escape yourself from the fantasy park. Good luck and have fun!

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don't miss: you can go to left and right (NOT with blue-white arrows)

Stuck with marshmallow on stick, rope and 3 flowers.

Are you getting anywhere Hotz?

I am at same spot like you Jenny.
I have no idea...

Flowers go over door in scene with 4-letter code. Still missing 4th flower though.

That stick is used in scene with drum on top right...

good find, thank you both!!

Thanks for the help!

Now I am stuck with a rope and a gear!

Jenny, did you find the hammer in the room beyond the flowers?

i have 4 flowers, where is rope?

Rope is in a window on the left side of scene with word puzzle

Smokalo, where in that room is the hammer? I have been looking everywhere for quite a while.

Rope with hook is used on the floor in the scene with the books, gives hint for 3 statues.

Only rope left.

On the left side Jenny.

Where did you get a hook???

which room is hammer in? Past the pink flowers we put in?

I feel so dump, where is hook? where to use 2 gears?
hammer is to the left of 4 number code.

Yep, room past the pink flowers, the room where you have to do the 4 arrows.

Place bulls head and two wheels on the house far left.
Nice game.

Gears are used in the house with the books.
Hook you get later (first use the hammer twice and the two drum sticks).

Thanks for all the help. I am out!

where is the house with books? do I need a key? I haven't found any key...
I placed 2 cow heads on door with 2 wolves statues, are there any other bull heads?

ooooooooohhhhhhhh, MATH is the clue!!! I am so dump....

House with the books is in the scene left from the cow heads. You do need a key for that, came from one of the puzzles. Sorry don't remember what puzzle.
Only one bulls head is needed in the end.

thank you small-tool, the colored umbrella clue with the little word totally fooled me. I was looking for colors to do some math...

I have 4 flowers and a knife. I can't find the rope or hook. I can't find the clue to the 3 statues. I can't find anything. HELP!

Ricky, for 4 flowers, see the comment of smokehalo at 12:19 PM. knife is used above the drum.

Still looking for gear, second cow and rope. This game is too hard.

Got 4 flowers and second cow.

got a drum stick and a grear

glitch :(

I can't even find my 4th flower, have looked everywhere. Please tell WHERE you find things instead of saying I got such and such!

The 3 sticks puzzle clue is upside down, 4-2-3 is more like 1-3-2 from ground up, opens door behind. Now hopefully can move along.

My 4th flower was under planter in front of house. Now onward with the knife!

I was trying to place 4 flowers on top of flowers on bridge, duh. Those flowers are for color clue GBRP, gives 2nd cow head.

Cows heads opens door to room where you put 4 flowers. Rope on left. MATH is the clue for 4 letters puzzle. Still haven't found clue for 4 #s or arrows.

Key opens door to house on left, book on left has 4# clue - 4008, gives drumstick and ball, which you open for another candy piece. Also got a gear somewhere, not sure how it ended up in inventory lol.

Finally found hammer thanks to earlier clue. Very tiny hot spot on desk left of 4# puzzle.

Use hammer on 2 empty planters in earlier scenes for 2 gears. 3 Gears gives axe and 2nd drumstick. Sticks on drum gives a bulls head, which goes on door in bottom left scene. Use axe on wooden barrel left side of MATH puzzle for hook. Combine hook and rope and lower into hole in floor inside house (thanks to whomever left that clue!). That gives paper clue for 3 statues.

3 statues gives another candy piece and key for cb in house, which finally gives arrows clue! Arrows gave me my last 2 candy pieces and a round thingy. Placed all the pick candies for another round thingy which go on door by bulls head. And voila, finally out!

Sorry for my poor attempt at a WT, but hopefully it will help someone else as confused as I was!

Nice job lilrascal! Thank you G4K for yet another great game! clever and fun! Thank you!! ThxACx

lilrascal thank you :)

Nice game! Took me a while to navigate through...tricky yellow LR arrows!

Great job Lilrascal and an excellent comment at 2:07.
"Found it" is as much use as a handbrake on a canoe without the "where" and/or the "how".

Very enjoyable game G4K thank you.


GREAT little game. Challenging in the beginning and only one thing (the marshmallow on a stick) was odd. That was just wierd lol. 5 stars

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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