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FEG Medieval Tavern Escape Walkthrough

FEG Medieval Tavern Escape

FirstEscapeGames - FEG Medieval Tavern Escape is another point and click escape game developed by First Escape Games. Assume that you are at a tavern now. You came to the tavern to have some fun time with your friends. Unfortunately you are locked up inside the tavern unknowingly. Now you need to escape from the tavern and go home. So look for clues which will help you solve puzzle in finding the key to escape from the tavern. Good luck and have fun!

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going in

I feel like I am missing a scene...

Rotate the cat's (?) paws and that got last mug. Moved right along from there...

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hey jodib...how many mugs are there?

do we need to see a clue first for the paws? I have only 3 mugs a knife cork screw

use hammer on mugs, but I am missing 1...

also need another horse head

what hammer? haha hi hotz

there are so many hidden panels...
use hammer and candle on mugs

I moved paws on cat all facing down found last mug

I think, in far right scene, in left barrel

You don't need a hint for the paws.

don't know what to do with them tho

ah ha last scene also there is a ball with the star on it

need 1st clue now anyone know what to do from here??

still missing 1 mug. anyone?

oh thanks htz

Did you open the panels above chess pieces? can't remember what I got from there

cats gave me last mug

I have the mug from cat paws. still have hammer, knife, bottle opener (letter hint), corkscrew and candle.

missing 1 mug, 1 knight piece, found no use for hammer, knife, corkscrew.

got last mug from color-letter-number-code.
2 numbers from beer mugs

Where's the corkscrew?

I'm also missing one part of the 2-shapes clues. I have the ball, spider, and skull.

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Oh, for crying out loud… I just saw the numbers over the hanging mugs. Stupidly dark game.

corkscrew is above place for chess figures

lurker smurf, you'll get the final shape clue when you open the bottle found with corkscrew...have you solved the color circle number clue in first scene yet?...take a peek a few scenes ahead at the hanging mugs with color/number clue...can't remember where i found hte corkscrew, but i'll replay in a jiff.

cate, you already found it? :)

Aha, found corkscrew. Didn't realize there were more holes in the wall in a single zoomed view.

yes, hotz, i'm an idiot...one of the first things i found, but i was distracted by hte shapes of the circles and totally ignored their colors...thank you!

And out. I can think of easier ways to bake an egg.

Finally found food for dog, but it's gone!
Someone mentioned a knife?

Still a barrel scene and a keyhole in bar scene and missing last chess piece

put the candle in the fire for another clue

Finally found knife in barrel, far right scene

2 color clue very faint on shield, btw

Getting worst... Sorry

No clue for Cat Paws, just point them all down. Bad game: dark, small, hidden panels, trial-and-error puzzle.

Nice game BUT too dark

It is NOT A CAT!!!! It's a DOG!!!!

It is NOT A CAT!!!! It's a DOG!!!!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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