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Modern Gym Escape Walkthrough

Modern Gym Escape

FirstEscapeGames - Modern Gym Escape is another point and click escape game developed by First Escape Games. Assume that you were working out at a gym all alone and you were locked inside by mistake. You will now have to escape from this modern gym with the things you find in the gym. Solve puzzles and escape from the gym. Good luck and have fun!

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Anybody out there??

Joining now..

those little blue push pins are hard to see

do you want to make it a little harder firstescape ?? geezzz

navigation is a bit weird, in scene where you can place red dumbbells you can't go back. so go to the left and right...

the bats (things that look like bowling pins) are for the sliders on the wall in the rightmost room.

use stick on vent in scene with colored balls at window for left/right hint.

ty Jan I have to go bb in a bit tho hi hotz

colored balls in the window, count, are for the colored three digit
found and places three little blue pins but not sure what to do with the number that gave

Just joining now folks.
Hi everyone!

got brown dumbbell, weighed it on the scale, another number I don't know how to use.
Missing one red dumbbell. And have a cell phone I don't know where to use. Anyone??

in same place like you Jan, I have seen 2 number hints for positions(?) 2 (dumbbell) and 3 (machine).

There's a 4th blue pin in the room with the colored balls, on the top-right wall.

4th blue pin goes in the weights next to the bowling pins for the 4th number to press on the grid in the opening scene.

TY Peggy

found the fourth pin, so now I have six digits, but only place I see to put them is for 5, unless is for the first room puzzle, gonna try that

Where was the stick found? I've only found 3 pins so far, still missing one.

that is it, reveal all numbers then click the four the pins gave

this 4 numbers are used on 4x4 number grid

anone find L/R hint for punching bag room?
or a remote for the air conditioner?

I have found no blue pins or a stick. anyone care to share where they are?

Of course I find the stick a few seconds after asking.

jenny, my comment at 12:15 PM

Jenny - stick was in the room with the flower picture puzzle.

Jenny, pins are just around, forgot the locations but click on any blue dots you see to find them.

One blue pin was in the room with a yellow "x" on the mirrored ceiling.
Another was in the room with the bowling pins.

Use stick twice in room with coloured balls you get L/R hint from one vent.

thanks for the help.

TY Jenny. The R/L gave me last blue pin

anybody get the five digit, or three colored buttons, or flower pictures?

I am desperately seaching for a power cable for the phone

or a pattern for yellow 3x3-grid?

there is a hotspot on the weight machine in the room left of the lockers

Stuck in the same place... searching.

Did anyone find all five red weights?

not me, stuck like the rest

No phone or cable for it for me and I still can't find that 4th pin. I got one from bowling pin room, one from yellow X room and one from L/R clue.

or all 4 dumbbell-with-W-symbols (I have 3 of 4)

thinking this will work out if we can find the five digit number. have 2 - 7 and 3 - 58, must be 1 -? somewhere

Jenny - Per Hotzenplotz at 2:15 use stick on vent in scene with colored balls at window for left/right hint.

jenny, Peggy @ 12:28 PM

Oops! Sorry Jenny, I copied the wrong hint

i drew those numbers on the 3x3 grid no luck

Jenny, if there's still a hotspot on the R stick vent zoom, there's a dark secret panel holding your last pin.

4th blue pin was hidden behind a panel in the coloured balls room. Just had to click all over til panel opened. Now I don"t know where to put it.

And stuck in the same place as everyone else.

I tried yellow X for 3x3grid, but no.

Jenny - Did you place one in the room with the pins yet? Behind the yellow recliner.

found spot for last pin and entered #'s on the grid now where does this lovely red circle go??

Jenny - on the machine in the 3x3 grid room

gonna go play latest SD game while I wait for someone to make a breakthrough on this one!

Not fair!

I'm trying to see if the ball colors work on the room to the left of it. That may be our breakthrough, since nothing else seems to be working.

Thanks LW!
Now I am stuck still missing red weight and silver weight.
5# hint and 3 color hint.

You can take the brown weight back off the scale so we must need something else to weigh.

I'm stuck where you are Jenny. ~sigh~

You can zoom into a screen of the machine with pedals in the room with bowling pins. It shows 3 and 58.

Yep, Pochan. Between that and the dumbbell weight we have two of the three numbers for the 5-digit.

Maybe we need to find one with 1 somewhere for the 5-digit number.

I've even tried variations of
2-7 3-58
for the 5# code, to no avail.

I did that too Peggy! lol

I took the weight off the scale and I have been trying to bash things with it, just to relieve some stress :)

Same here, Jenny. lol

Great minds....

we still need a key for the locker room too.

I forgot about the key.

Time to leave this for a while, will check back later. If you find anything PLEASE? leave hints??

Got it! Use the pattern of the screws on the 2nd to last room on the 3x3 grid

This is getting to be too much of a pixel hunt. I'll check back later to see if anyone had a breakthrough.

George - Which screws?

Wow, trying that, but can't seem to see the order. Is is a Z, N, what?

Great fine, George!

george, I tried that before, but no luck. so, which pattern?

LW, that zoom view up high. The screws on the right make an X, but how to do that on the grid?

I tried that too. George please tell which pattern?

Ty lurker. I had tried that before but didn't work. Not working for me know either.

You can backtrack on your lines, but I still haven't found the right pattern. Tried hourglass, infinity, all ways of Z and N, a plain X….

I have been trying all that too. Oh George are you teasing us???

All three patterns, in order, left to right. Sideways Y, straight through the middle, then X.

Like Lurker said - you can backtrack.

The grid will flicker after each pattern entry.

The patterns are side way Y with opening on the right, horizontal line in the middle and X.

Whoops a minute too late.

omg, thank you!!!. When I saw it blink after the Y, it was such a relief. Moving on, I hope...

good find, thank you

I can't get mine to blink. GRRR!

Yay! Thanks 1054ce! I am finally out!

Wow, astoundingly fast after that.

Flows quite nicely to the exit key after that.

THANK YOU, George!!!!

I still can't get it. Time to give up. Thanks for the help everyone.

LW - Click and drag the mouse over the dots of the grid.




Thx for finding the right pattern, I must have tried it 10x:(

These First games are not nice anymore :(

I'm still stuck with only 3 blue pins... I've found the one behind the panel early on, and I think I've got another one from the LR boxing thingy, cant recall where I found the third. But one still missing :/

There's a blue pin in the skittles room on the top of the right machine.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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