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Puzzle Studio Escape 1 Walkthrough

Puzzle Studio Escape 1

Puzzle Studio - Puzzle Studio Escape 1 is another Japanese point and click type room escape game developed by Puzzle Studio. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Please be a simple game..

Well Droppie, let me take you by the hand.
Take the chicky.

it was simple despite accidental restart

Put it in the toaster.

turn chickie around ..

chicken fingers? sounds good LOL

Turn the shirt around, go left, put the number in. Take the loaf of bread.
Take chicky out of th toaster, put the loaf in.

I hit stupid ad arrow top of game..

Chicky became colourful, turn it around. Use the colours, get an eraser.
How're you doing Dropbear?
So far so good, right?

ah, you're out, lol. Fun Drop.

Almost as good as Darakeguma.

Perhaps unnecessary to say that chickie does not go into ....

>Almost as good as Darakeguma.

Don't ask me why, but there's something ironic I can sense in there.

Hard as hell... Stuck after having the door opened...
Waiting for the walkthrough.


Once upon a time there was a room. And in that room is a door. Not just any door, no a special one, this door is open.
Who opened it?
Leroy did, and me, and then Arby, and now ... Bio.

Yes, Bio too opened the door.
Unfortunately, neither Leroy, nor me, nor Arby explained what to do next!
Bio is desperately stuck it seems.

Struggling with an open door.

After all these years of playing escape games, after all these closed cabinets, drawers, barrels, crates, and cupboards he found out what to do with, not to mention all these final doors that were no problem, he now is staring at this open door and is totally lost.

How to help him through ... because that's what he needs to do now : he has to go through the open door.
Why? Because that is what will make him yell :

Oooohhh, how I want to help Bio out of this room.
Therefore this step by step-through:

After having openend the door Bio, you can see that the door is not closed anymore.
You can even see a huge promising white shiny vertical bar between the doorparts left and right.

I think that is what is holding you back, I think in your subconscience you are afraid to walk through that big white spot.
You expected a small white line either left or right! But no, this door opens in the middle.

My suggestion is that you click that huge shiny white vertical bar in the middle. It is what got us all out and I sincerely hope it will help you out as well.

And after that, join us in the garden.
We can share orange juice and cookies.

With kind regards,

Btw, for those who like picture-puzzles, if you click the second bar on the right you can find some there.

Don't know if you read this, but are you new in escape games, Puzzle Studio?
If so, welcome! Don't mind our making fun with each other.
Just make another one :).

Lol Arrie - your truly excellent get-out-the-door-through will help small too if he needs it ;-)

Aaah, yes, he too is a lost soul when it comes to escaping .... sometimes ....

p.s. Arby, in case you're wondering, please see Darakeguma Daily Escape 16.

lol @Arrie! It's true that EGDAW, but you've taken it to an entirely new level: EGEDAW (Every Game Escape Deserves A Walkthrough.

only on demand, zoz, only on demand. :-)

:-) :-) :-)
Thank you arrie -- takes me back a few years!

Puzzle Studio -- I hope to see many more beautifully designed games from you

Puzzled, you're biased, that's what you are. You just want more games of your near-namesake. That does *not* count.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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