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Escape From Triple Creek Ranch Walkthrough

Escape From Triple Creek Ranch

EightGames - Escape From Triple Creek Ranch is another point and click escape game developed by Eight Games. During his trip, a tourist trapped inside triple creek ranch. There are some clues, puzzles and objects left. Find those objects and hints, solve the puzzles and help the tourist to escape out. Good luck and have fun!

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"nagative", that's a new one. not as good as "spanch" or "nail piller" ;-)

I have been here for a while and I am stuck. Placed all four negatives but no idea where that hint goes. Missing stuff all over the place and can't find anymore hot spots.

Where do I use this darn knife, I feel like slashing everything in sight.

Hi guys!

Hi Rudiger!

knife used on soaps after dipping them in sink

In room with tub, click on log ends left side and use brush for hint.

I put three soaps in sink but can't get them back or use knife. Are there more?

4 soaps

Can't find the last one. Been searching. Also need 1 more wine bottle and glass and one more balloon. Feel like I am missing a room somewhere.

i think all the soaps were just lying around. one sneaky back in a corner somewhere

Corkscrew on table with moose, really hard to see.

Arrow button goes on mouse maze in room with 2 purple lamps

Wine glass colors (wine + corkscrew + glasses) goes in far right room. Color shades do not match, first color is red.

Use hammer on the trees picture in first(?) room. Gives 5 letter word that was REALLY obvious

LOL I missed 2 rooms, did not see the down arrow.

Stuck now with 4 black balls, and still have the wine bottles although I used the colour clue.

One piece of the lion picture is on the pillow of that same room. Need one more piece, this will probably be why I X out.

I saw where to put the black balls, was a row of tiny dots on something. I can't find them again.

POP black balls go in bathroom.
Out now.

Strange zoom in the room with hot tub, to the left of the 11C puzzle, under the arrow. No idea why.

Thanks Jenny, just found them in the room where the soap went, too. Where to use brush?

Golden papers go on sofa in room with 2 purple lamps (by now you'll forget which picture frames you've used).

out without using "testers" (looked like screwdrivers). 8G getting sloppy

Thanks for the brush hint Jenny, used on that weird zoom in to left of hot tub.

Handprints #1 in bathroom where soap was used.

Out, without finishing lion puzzle

Hey, I never needed to finish the lion picture! hat was good cause I never did find the last piece!

Never used the 4 symbols with the shield, maybe that was where last lion piece was. Not restarting.

I only needed 2 arrow for the mouse maze, once I placed the ball the other two showed up.

Tiquer same here :)

Out without brush or finishing ball puzzle.

Sorry Eight Games but why did you have to switch the scrolling for the items bar? It sucks! Please decide and leave it one way or another. Thanks!

maize isn't working got 4 arrows must need something else

Didn't use the brush. Looks like the maze just cared about getting the ball. You could get away with any number of arrow buttons.

There was so much stupid stuff in that game, I can't even begin to criticize it. Once again, I'm VERY HAPPY to be using AdBlocker. Don't want to be supporting their advertisers in any way at all.

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restarted & finished game the next morning everything worked fine, loved the game but agree with Popeye for the items scroll it's now hard on the fingers

When I first attempted the game I got 3/4 through and items kept vanishing. Normally I would give up, but the game seemed good so I restarted, and this time there were no problems. I wish the bugs had been ironed out beforehand though. My only complaint after that is the backward scrolling item bar; it's extremely annoying and makes game play awkward. Would have given it five stars if not for these issues, but I'll give it a four because it was a good, well thought out game.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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