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Alsol Luxury Village Escape Walkthrough

Alsol Luxury Village Escape

EightGames - Alsol Luxury Village Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Eight Games. During his UK trip, a tourist trapped inside the Alsol Luxury Village .There are some clues, puzzles and objects left. Find those objects and hints, solve the puzzles and help the tourist to escape out.Good luck and have fun!

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Just spent 30 minutes on the game, and then Chrome decided something was malicious and kicked me out. :\

       Anonymous  8/3/16, 1:25 AM  

Same here

Playing fine on FF. Enjoying the game so far but can't get final colour code to work

Running Firefox here, and nothing has stopped working for me so far. But I tend to run fairly aggressive anti-malware and ad-blocking, including some custom-written stuff that could be masking the problem for me.

If I had to guess, one of the ad providers Eight Games uses may be trying to serve up something that Chrome objects to. But I have no evidence to back that up, so take it with a grain of salt.

still can't get the colours from bottles + magnifier - but it can't be last puzzle as I still haven't finished the circle on wall

@Fudge, it sounds like you might be a few steps ahead of me, as I think I a nearly done. I only have two (2) straws so far (a purple one and a red one). I suspect there is one or possibly two more. Could you perhaps offer a hint on where I should be looking?

POP. I found a blue straw on a table in the scene with the 4-color puzzle.

@Fudge, okay, I've caught up with you and am also stuck with the 4-color puzzle. None of my initial guesses as to how to interpret the clue have worked.

Where is the magnifier?

Stuck with four bottles and scissors

Wish I knew Orit, haha

magnifier is from finished jigsaw puzzle

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scissors used on straws and also on a bed cover

Sorry, I had the wrong puzzle. Fudge is right, it's the jigsaw. But you do need all the puzzle pieces, which requires the straws, etc.

Still, the brute-forced 4-color puzzle turned up no solution, so we need something else.

also missing I assume 2 rings for the circle on wall

the magnifier comes from the 9 piece puzzle en the 2 arrow buttons

sticky stick useful for poking out stuff

According to the video walkthrough, the color order should be the bottles left-to-right, ignoring the letters and position within the word.

This is either a bug or a design flaw, either case I am leaving this one as at this point.

My colorcode doesn't work either, have to stop this game.

the magnifier comes from the 9 piece puzzle en the 2 arrow buttons

found a hammer behind the marble table with the numbers on

have magnifier and all bottles, I can see the colorcode using the magnifier, but the code doesn't work. Is ther someone who got it open??

only got 2 straws pink & blue

throw hammer at ceiling where are the straws

@joycy, the red straw is in the bedroom when you take the upper navigation arrow. (Same room with the mirror you use to get a 4-number clue.)

thanx Seraku still can't find it where exactly

I got it on the bench thing straight in front of eyes lol

You get the magnifier after you do the numbers puzzle

done 2 number puzzles no magnifyer

tried order of colors and alphabetical and order of "word" still won't work. out

drat need one more jigsaw piece

I switched the lights on & a scene came up & went don't like using video W/T

lost my game replayed the light dropped paper for clue

jigsaw won't let go of pointer

jigsaw impossible to do eight games, the pieces just stick to the pointer can't drop them

did the jigsaw need to find exact spot

colours won't work for me either eight games need to fix this anyway looked for this on vid w/t & hidden objects next not keen

I have 9 puzzle pieces and two arrows - yet my puzzle is not responding. I am about to give up...

Dear EightGames. I used to enjoy your games, and whilst we all appreciate that you need to fund your development by showing ads (hell I even click on them now and again), I need to make two points. Firstly, your games have become buggy. This game for instance. Once I got the bottles and magnifier, the colours don't work. I even checked with the walkthrough and the panel simply doesn't open. Secondly, I draw the line at adverts popping up in the middle of the game every few minutes. It's just too much intrusion. Therefore, I'm finished with you. I will no longer play your games until someone has informed me that your games have been checked for bugs and that you have stopped placing adverts during gameplay.

I agree with Clownspike, far too many annoying ads interrupting game play every 5 mins or so, sometimes even freezing the game. Also too many bugs and puzzles that either don't work properly or are almost impossible to complete, so until these issues are taken care of and fixed I won't be playing any more of your games either.

This is usually the point where I chime in and suggest that you guys simply strip the swf out of the page source code and run it in its own window (no ads, full screen, as the developer intended it to be run), but seeing as how the game doesn't even actually work, that would do you no good.

As far as ads go, the claim that they fund development is a myth. That is why you see so many of these short, buggy, ad-laden games...because in order for you to make enough money to actually turn a profit off ads you have to show tons of them, and show them extremely often. The promotion of this ad myth is ultimately the driving force behind these numerous short, unimaginative, badly designed, buggy games.

You can support that business-model unicorn if you want to, but I will not. I would much rather support individual developers by paying them directly for worthwhile, solidly coded, ad-free games.

It is sad to see EightGames go this route, as they were really the last remaining developer whose games I access through EG24. I like this site, and appreciate all the rough patches that Yalcin has had to steer it through over the last few years. I give him a ton of credit for that, but the quality of the games and choice of business models by the developers he has agreements with are unfortunately not things he has any direct control over.

Adios, friends!

For the jigsaw puzzle you need 12 pieces. When they stick to the pointer, you can hold them over either arrow button to rotate them. Then place them where needed and the pieces will stop sticking to the pointer.

I had no trouble with this game whatsoever. I use Ad Block Plus which is an add-on available with Mozilla Firefox. Smart people know of its existence and use it to block ads and annoying pop-ups. It is not new and has been around for years.

can somebody please give a hint where to use glue? stuck with glue and bottles. haven't found magnifier yet and need some more yellow shapes and jigsaw pieces...

found last two yellow shapes behind number puzzle in first room
yellow shapes memory gives some pieces for jigsaw puzzle

found stick outside on the terrace and combined it with glue
stick under chair on other terrace gives two more jigsaw pieces


looks like colors still dont work

I have ad blocking software in my browser so ads aren't an issue for me. My issue with the game is the buggy color code puzzle that doesn't work. Though Eight Games has great themes and wonderful backgrounds for lack of a better term these games really are have began to suck. I'm at the point of frustration to where I'm about to stop playing these game. So to the developer of Eight Games if you see this message I'm giving you one more chance to create a decent game. If that can't happen I'm done.

I'm going to chime in on this too. It was a really good game up until the water bottles and magnifier. I couldn't leave the magnifier in the pop up box to close out. I could click the X with the magnifier but then the game won't accept that I've seen the clue so the puzzle can't be solved. I used to love Eight Games, they had great ideas, lovely graphics and they used to be well made, but lately they are complete crap. Eighty to ninety percent of the content released is buggy beyond belief. In the past two days I've played seven of their games and five of them were buggy. I'M DONE. You've just lost a long term player of your games. I think players should BOYCOTT Eight Games until they get their act together and put some effort into making sure their games are playable.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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