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Hooda Escape: Arizona Walkthrough

Hooda Escape: Arizona

HoodaMath - Hooda Escape: Arizona is another point and click type room escape game created by Selfdefiant for Hooda Math. While visiting Arizona, you got lost in the desert. Now you must figure out how to get back home. Look around, find items and solve puzzles to escape Arizona! Good luck and have fun!

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Going in!


the hardest one was the one hidden in full view

Lantern from coloured number crate.

Arrowhead from shapes puzzle on stone

Have rope, arrowhead and lit lantern (used). have used key and fed carrots to donkey. No turquoise yet.

Found spot for rope and place for arrowhead (topmost scene). First piece of turquoise.

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Second turquoise under sand in cave

@Zuleika, I got a shovel at some point (not sure where... maybe one of the two locked boxes). That will help you get a 2nd turquoise.

I just need one more, but I am out of things to click on.

Also, that hot spot for the rope was annoying to find. (And why did our purple rope become blue?)

Found it!

Look at the base of the "Last River" sign.

Well spotted Seraku : )
Out. Wonder if anyone has turned up at G4K?

Haha from donkey and rope to calling a taxi!

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@enzed, ah, I did not know what you were referring to when I read that comment, but I totally see what you mean now. Thanks. (:

Zuleika I keep checking to see


I strongly dislike spoilers, especially in the first few comments. As such many of my hints are usually just that- hints. I much prefer to give people time to actually play the game for themselves before making my hints more obvious.

I will though quite happily answer any questions where people are genuinely stuck after trying.

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       Anonymous  8/14/16, 11:38 PM  

Short one, word code was tricky

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I am stuck. I need all the spoilers I can get as soon as possible Enzed and NO ONE forces you to even look in the comments.

@Jenny... The 4-letter puzzle is an anagram of the name of the river. Actually, the answer is in the description of the river if you click on the water.

The 4-number puzzle requires computing the four equations on the back of the barrel (you can spin it around by clicking on it). Use the colors of the quadrants to match up with the puzzle for the order.

The mule needs a carrot to take you up the mountain. You also need a climbing rope to go up any higher (hot spot for placing the rope is very top center of that scene).

The map on the table has four symbols with unique colors as well as an ordering. Note that the ring of 5 symbols is upside down. Use the colors (after correcting for the orientation) to set the five stones. This gives an arrowhead which is needed on the top of the mountain.

A shovel lets you dig the sand/dirt in the cave, which requires a lantern to be able to see, which needs to be lit using the fire.

Between the top of the mountain and the cave, there are 2 turquoise there. The final one can be found in the scene with the river, essentially in plain view though cleverly camouflaged.

Hope that helps! (:

didn´t see the turquoise by the river until Seraku told me (but this was the only hint i needed)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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