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Avm Lovely Villa Escape Walkthrough

Avm Lovely Villa Escape

AvmGames - Avm Lovely Villa Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Avm Games. Assume that you were having an aquarium in your lovely villa. One day you noticed that your green bird is missing in the lovely villa. The green bird might be trapped somewhere in the lovely villa. So use your skills to collect the necessary items in the villa to rescue your green bird. Good luck and have fun!

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In S4 you can go up

Slider puzzle is ruff!! LOL

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spoiler for picture puzzle:

Sorry I have to go, leave me some good bread crumbs!

for #code in S5: the clue comes from colored numbers/letters from left to right (red green blue orange)

Hotz, thank you :)

letter chain: start at 'a'

any hint for green, yellow, blue dots?

Hotz, Lol, I'm waiting for you!

I thought it could be top row, left to right and bottom row right to left, so seventh color is green, 8th yellow and 9th blue. but no luck...

Hotz, yes, tried that too

does anyone know where the mushrooms go? or the colored letters clue?

oliveya, my comment @ 8:50 AM

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Mushroom go through left door and then to the right

I can make no sense of the green.blue.yellow hint paper. I notice you can click on the dots on the paper.

does anyone figured out the green,blue and yellow dots yet? I'm a bit confused on the numbers and order of it.

Hi oliveya, someone will post when they get it :)

Two brown knobs? Lost at where those go.. Obvious would be to place in S2 at bottom of stairs but no go. Also hint on S7 blue dot puzzle?

They do go at bottom of stairs Grafto.

Weird.. Wont let me place them...

Hi meth :) you solved that blue green yellow yet?

Pop! I guess you have to place the correct knob... I'm a knob.. lol

No Yvonne tried everything and combining with spots outside. I keep wanting to pick up that magnifier to examine the paper more.;)

Figured out the yellow blue green puzzle. got 3 leaves

meth, lol, I'm all out of trying, will pop back later to see if anyone has solved it

Tell Grafto!

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It's not relevant Oiveya. It can't be picked up.

Order is 897, so green first then yellow then blue.
Green (7 on sheet minus 5 dots from above) follow sequence

Theres a stick thing near the blue plates

Stick is used in the hole in scene 10

Yes Mel it goes in hole to left.
Still don't understand dots ;(

Stuck. Missing 3 leaves/shells. Puzzle above the door in S2 unfinished, puzzle in S6 and S7 not done

Grafto, I can't follow your explanation.
green7 minus 5 dots =2
yellow8 minus 4 dots =4
blue9 minus 5 dots =4
but g2 y4 b4 doesn't work...

Grafto please explain 897, I'm not getting it right,

I haven't been able to figure out the letter chain .. Start from A then go where? Can't seem to find the clue for it :(

Clue for letter chain on a paper Mel.

Where was the paper? not the colored letters right? That paper disappeared

^^^ where does that paper come from?

Can't remember sorry. My mind has been overwhelmed by dots!

silly me, it's from the acorns. was missing one from scene 10

can anybody help with the 6x4 squares puzzle above the door in scene 2?

IIRC the correct sequence was ALIN, no G.

I've caught up and i'm stuck at these dots .. grrr

unknown, I would help with 6x4 squares puzzle, but I still stuck with green yellow blue dots...

I wonder if we've missed some clue which told Grafto to use the green first.

i'm still missing one acorn and not even sure which puzzle i'm supposed to do first.LOL

I reloaded and went back to figure out how I got the puzzle. But it appears that I am stuck again at the green, yellow, blue dot. Maybe I just got lucky?
Trying again to come up with an explanation.

thanks Hotz for your pic snap would have gone on ages )

unknown, have you used the stick?
MelB @ 9:58 AM and 9:59 AM

yes, i used that.

can't figure out the blue sliding scale in 7 either and nothing in inventory

Unknown, There's an acorn in scene 10 .. not in the hole, somewhere bottom right

Unknown, it was on the pumpkin I believe

unknown, have you found all mushrooms?

Are we giving up on these dots?? Haha

Well, just about Mel. I've cooked and had supper while we've all been trying to figure it out!

yes i have all the mushrooms. i have the letter paper but ALIN isnt doing anything.

Should have never reloaded... lol

The video is up. I'm going to cheat.

On the video it was 5G 4Y 5B. It worked though I'd tried that dozens of times.

I must have remembered wrongly about the letters unknown. Try ALING

hello...just joining...@unknown, for the blue sliding scale, note the number clicks for the 4 colored dots outside and click accordingly...spoiler...

clicking down...3465

g=5 y=4 b=5

@unknown...and, the chain letters are five in total...i think it was aling.

thanks methanwy and the video WT ;)

What on earth was 897 about then, unless a rather clumsy clue as to colour order? And why were the dots on the paper clickable?

hello yvonne...nice to "see" you. :)

thanks cate, I never had used this clue again...

@methanwy...another fine bit of logic from avm. ;P

897 with colors gave the order, the dots gave the numbers...

The parrot is free!
Thanks for the hints everyone.
PS you need to examine the red black square paper in the inventory beforeit will work on the puzzle.
Thanks AVM.

you're welcome, hotz.

cate, :) you too! just popped back and am able to finish, had to leave for a while, that dot puzzle was making me dotty! LOL

Grafto, thank you for coming back to help us out :) welcome to the site

And Out! Thanks AVM and everyone for hints

Are we giving up on these dots?? Haha

& out thanks to all for hints & AVM for game

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finally out!.. Thanks for the hints!

Hints that will be helpful and these were probably mentioned above.

mushrooms S1, S9,S5(2),S7,S6,S2(2 after placing Levers)

Slider clue in S4 are used 2x (1 in S5- it will also give color clue, and in S7- clue is used upside down on rulers.

For the Word clue ALIN don’t forget to press “G” = ALING

For color dots paper clue 897 are the color order- 789=GYB and count the dots for numbers= G=5 Y=4 B=5 (use it in S4)

Good luck and have fun :D

I must admit
After GYB dots
The parrot could have starved to death in cage for all I cared

0 stars game is missing more than 1 puzzle. So tired of excercising my screen tapping finger rather than my mind. Huge red X

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