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Mochi Thuki Escape Walkthrough

Mochi Thuki Escape

BiancoBianco - Mochi Thuki Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game developed by Bianco Bianco. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


Nice game! Study animals for l/r clue...letters and years for numbers clue...position of letters for hammer (match characters on zodiac)...and which animal has no hands or feet?

And use the number in the squares to enter the characters
Blue = 2

I can't get the left/right clue.

willis,look at which way the zodiac animals are facing

The rabbit goes to the left (has a white arrow)
Begins with 2008 in order

Even with hints I'm not getting the R/L clue.

First tried rlrl/rrlr/lrlr
then tried including the number of visible eyes
with rllrrll/rrllll/lrllr

There's no feedback at all from the clicks. Have I missed something?

Hmm - turned on sound so now I can hear the clicks, but no luck.

OK, so I'mm no good at left and right in real life either. Found my error (or at least an error)

Blue signs, bit use boa, as indications for it, yellow is missing me also, red and green I already have

R, l, r, l, r, r, l, l, r, r, l, r

3 times 3 square no idea the signs are not in which order

3 zahlen 10,2 ??? keine ahnung über tierbilder die1. 2 zeichen sind 10 und 2,3 zeichen find ich nirgens

Hi, could someone give a hint, what to do with 3x3 symbol grid please. and what to do with bit, use, boa??

POP, for bit, use, boa: you have to investigate the animal names...

POP again, for 3x3 symbol grid: after solving some codes, you will see 4 colored symbols in bottom left corner of the game...
I have never found blue number.

       Anonymous  12/28/16, 1:48 AM  

can't get the r/l either

my animals look at R-L-R-L-R-R-L-L (so far same as marita), then last line for me is L-R-L-R, but this d/w... also marita's spoiler d/w... must I see another hint?

AO, press reset and try again...

       Anonymous  12/28/16, 1:55 AM  

hi Hotz & thx
of course I pushed reset, but it only worked after asking - a classical POPO ☻

don't understand the clue for the red symbol.

POPO! It's the letters in the English word for the animal. Look at the symbol, locate the animal in the grid, then find the letter in that position.

Hmmm... An all right game all in all... The L/R puzzle was IMHO unfair - there was no indication that the hint for that is the direction the animals face - and a good escape game should never make the player guess. Also, I never found any indication that blue=2 in the final puzzle - although it wasn't hard to figure out knowing green is 1, red is 3 and yellow is 4.

       Anonymous  12/28/16, 5:03 AM  

btw, red puzzle is on hammer


wow! that was fun. Needed the help with the left right order. Thanks for a great game

wow! that was fun. Needed the help with the left right order. Thanks for a great game

that was fun

For the 9 squares, as in a telephone keypad hit the nos. 3 7 9 5

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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