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Escape from a Ramen Shop Walkthrough

Escape from a Ramen Shop

Kamo Escape - Escape from a Ramen Shop is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by Kamotokamotokamo. In this game, you are locked in a shop and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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where to use pan-clue? or key or sticks?

Well stuck also with a box and a key??

Doesn't even load for me.

The pots clue has something to do with coffee maker but need something else?

       Anonymous  1/28/17, 6:44 AM  

(RE)HI ev1 ☺

had to turn off adblocker to get it load...

thx Kamo for this game ☺

Pop found a key beside the napkins puzzle.

thanks bandy

Well have a cup but won't go on coffee maker ??

The box has some green stuff put that in cup. then make coffee.

Now stuck with a empty bowl?

AHH Give it back to the guy at counter.

       Anonymous  1/28/17, 6:53 AM  

give empty ramen bowl back to waiter for 2nd key part

Thanks AO That got me out Nice game!!

       Anonymous  1/28/17, 6:54 AM  

thx ppl, esp. bandy, for the hints & for your company ☺

I think you have made green tea with matcha powder. I can't get my key to open anything.

Anita there are 2 keys one is blue ( beside napkins puzzle lower left side )

Interesting game. Don't play it too long. You don't want to have nightmares about big head panda guys.
I'll give a bit of a walk-thru:
First, there aren't a lot of areas that you can click, so that tells you that there aren't going to be many wasted views (tab works, if you choose to go that route - it helped to find the key that bandy had mentioned). And yes, you'll need to disable ad-block on that page or it won't load.

Start out, notice that you can look at the tables. I suggest some sort of screen grab program and take a pic of each one.
The duck guy wants a full cup of tea/coffee/some other third thing.
Turn around. Note the prices on the banners and the panda behind the counter, who apparently doesn't mind you snooping around and looting behind the counter. Can't hire good help these days. There's also a beverage brewer, but it's non-responsive for now.
Go behind the counter.
Open the box in front of the panda to get a half-key and a hint.
Back up and do the napkin puzzle to open the cupboard. Note the orientation of the tilted napkin and flip things around accordingly.
Open the cupboard to get chopsticks, which you can then use to get the small key in the gap next to the cupboard.
Also open the other cupboard. Note the black & red dots. Also note the black & gray pans on the wall.

Back out and use the key under the vase to get a cup that the duck guy wanted filled.
Then click the corner of the painting 5x as the clue suggested to get the matcha powder(?). Or if you're like me and were just clicking around randomly, you may click the painting a few times just because it's one of the few clickable spots and you get the powder before finding the clue. That's okay too.

Put the powder into the cup and bring it to the brewer. Enter the blue/red combo to get a cuppa. You can take the cup while it's being filled. It's not our mess to clean up. The panda behind the counter needs something to fill his time.

Bring the filled cup to the duck guy. He'll (?) give you a voucher. Bring the voucher to the panda. He DOES do something after all.
He gives you some ramen. Eat the food and return the empty bowl to him.
He gives you the second half of the key.
Combine the two key halves and unlock the door.

Thanks a lot for your hints Bandy :)

and thanks for good game and WT !

I enjoyed that! Easy enough, but it was a lot better than the factory roll outs in terms of graphics and resolution (of the problem).

After I sorted the napkin puzzle, pretty straightforward. That is one angry-lookin' duck, though.

Thanks Kamonosoukutso, for a very nice game. 5 stars

Still great

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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