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Cooking Classes Escape 2 Walkthrough

Cooking Classes Escape 2

Amajeto - Cooking Classes Escape 2 is another point and click room escape game developed by Amajeto. In this game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape from the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Rarely get to play a live game and no one is here!

The line on the TV over the basil indicates that you need to cook the pizza before adding that ingredient.

Hi aitch! I'm here and have gotten part way through but am stuck so any help you can offer would be great!

Orange/Yellow pattern (on red door to the right of the TV) comes from oranges and lemons inside fridge and gives key to balcony door, if I remember right.

Two clues behind the rickety picture.

Dean, where are you stuck. just finished

TV remote from "rotating squares" picture of pizza above sofa.

Yellow door to left of TV needs to have 4 different images in each row and column and gives colour combo for cabinet to left of sofa and oven mitt.

Aitch/Mr. Techie: Got the cabinet to left of sofa open fine (and tomato sauce bottle) but don't understand where to use clue at bottom of cabinet....

Never mind, just understood how it applies to rickety picture.... (Was only looking at 3 letters and not 4!)

OK got cabinet to right of sofa open an olive oil. Also opened balcony door and picked some fresh basil!

While you are in the fridge looking at the pattern of oranges and lemons, you can also pick up 2 of the other ingredients for your pizza (one of which is the mozzarella cheese, not in square form, as shown on the TV!)

aitch: It's actually 2 clues on the front of the rickety picture (took me forever to see the one in plain view for one of the drawers...) and 1 clue behind. Moving along!

Correction: 2 clues on the front and 2 clues behind - finally got my tomato that I can cut up with the knife I got from solving the previous "obvious" puzzle....

Angry chef reminds you to use oven mitt when taking hot pizza pan out of oven once it's cooked!

OK, got out with happy chef and full tummy. Have started a walkthrough (my first!) but have to head off to bed, so may try to post it tomorrow if no one else has done so.


       Anonymous  2/2/17, 12:45 AM  


take only the first/last letters of the words on wobbly pic (only the 4 corner letters)



       Anonymous  2/2/17, 1:06 AM  

I like this series - now got hungry ☻

thx Amajeto for this great, enjoyable game (literally) ☺

Yummy. I want pizza right now, even if it is just 10:45 am over here.

Excellent game, still one of my favourites!

Pizza was better than omelette. I ordered one.

nice one

Pizza was better than omelette. I ordered one.

it took me awhile to figure out the pizza did not get assembled on the cutting board. Nice game.

Great :(...now I want pizza for breakfast.

Easy game,now off to make a pizza. A tip to y'all: if you make pizza in an oven, and want it to taste like real stone-oven made pizza, use only the bottom heating option, not the top one. And take into account that it will take longer, but it's worth it. ;)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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