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PG Forest Lion Escape Walkthrough

PG Forest Lion Escape

Palani Games - PG Forest Lion Escape Game is another point and clicks escape game developed by Palani Games. In "Forest Lion Escape," players delve into a captivating realm where a formidable lion is ensnared, trapped by unknown forces amidst a dense woodland. Amidst lush foliage and daunting puzzles, participants must navigate through the wilderness to secure freedom. With each courageous step, the mystery deepens, unveiling secrets concealed within the lion's predicament. Racing against time and the primal ambiance, players must utilize their wit and bravery to find the exit before permanent entrapment. Can you uncover the truth and secure the Forest Lion's escape?

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Not fond of these cartoony games - much prefer both the graphics and the puzzles in the more atmospheric ones.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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