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The Ballad of Ketinetto 11



ESKLAVOS - "Fabio is looking for his nephew Ketinetto to give him something important. Help Fabio on this adventure to reveal how this story began.".
After many twists and turns, I was finally able to complete Ketinetto chapter 11.
I want to thank everyone who supported the series in one or another way. To those who donated for the chapter. And I apologize for the long delay.
Ketinetto 11 has a lot of music. And there’s a special theme sung by me… In the rhythm of flamenco!

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  1. Yes, needs a WT. I've got a letter, an amulet, a magnet on a rope, and a mug. Can't seem to use them anywhere, and none of them combine. Stuck. Help please, or a WT? Thanks

  2. I am stuck at the same place

  3. Got as far as the cave, but truly impossible to understand the note on the wall.

  4. Fedup, maybe you can help me to the cave?

  5. I kinda get the note but do you have to hit switch after each step?

  6. I think I gave the guy at Sharks the mug & he gave me map

  7. Then you sail to cave.

  8. I'm up to needing the coconut carved, and 3 fruits with water, to get to the God of Coconuts and the Family Graveyard, but i'm stuck.

  9. I'm at the same place as willis pate. Fortunately, you can make a bunch of mistakes with the idols and it only records the correct combos. I have one banana and no coconuts.

  10. Trade the rum for the wheat. At least I'm getting somewhere.

  11. Do you need to put something in the mug before you give it to the Shark guy? Still stuck where I was in my previous post.

  12. Lurket, does the rum go in the mug? If so, where's the rum?

  13. Ground the wheat into flour, then got it wet to make "white paint".

  14. I think the rum was in the cave. Can't get back to the cave to be sure.

  15. btw, hi Sugarcrush. It's been a long time since we've all had to create our own WT!

  16. Sorry, guys. I don't have time and haven't made progress for a while. I'll check back in a few hours and try again.

  17. Yep Lurker, it's nice we're doing this again. :)

    Another dumb question, where do I find something to grind the wheat? Can't pick the wheat up for inventory, also can't find a stone or something else to grind it (if you need to combine items in inventory). I'm usually not this stuck in Esklavos games, but this one has me totally stymied. Will have to wait for a WT 'cuz there's a lot I'm missing!

  18. I think i just clicked on map with mug highlighted? Its been awhile since I did it! lol still stuck in cave!!

  19. The wheat is ground the same way you did the egg and bone potion. Then wet the flour in the barrel. At this point, I don't feel like we're giving spoilers. You still have to get so far to understand it.

  20. What egg and bone potion? I'm in the cave, trying to get the mask to laugh 10 times. Tried positioning Bhum and Khum into the 10 positions in the note. Made the mask laugh once in the beginning by doing the 1st position and pressing the lever. Didn't seem to work for the other 9. Still no WT available.

    A WT, A kingdom for a WT, lol! :)

  21. Sugarcrush - Ive been where you are for over hr! lol Got the 1st one also & not more laughs

  22. I got three laughs, cant get mummy to approach explorer.

  23. can i have clue for cave anyone? anyone? lol

  24. Bhum on left Khum on right, positions: first is doing nothing, 2nd flying, 3 puppet, 4 mummy, 5 monkey, 6 headless, 7 arm cross, 8 karate, 9 looking/explorer/spotter. You have to go in order but you can stay on one until you get it right (you dont have to start over). Have to get the oil that is in the right bottom part of the cave to get Khum moving.

  25. I've got paint, crowbar, 1 banana, 3 jugs of water, shovel, letter, amulet, mag on a string and a map. I am stuck!

  26. Took me a long time to find the "implements" to mix stuff...Juuuuuuuuuust to the left of the itch recipe (left of candles on shelf or it is candles on shelf) small pixel area. I kept hitting the itch recipe

  27. Well, I guess I'm not "braining" well today. Took me a while to get out of the opening scene and to the boat / island scene. Maybe the short notes below will help those who are a bit lost at the start...
    Found tea pot, tea leaves, made infusion in mug, gave to sister, used stick to get paper from under the bed. Set compass pointers as indicated from descriptions of curtains, chair and chest.
    Opened chest to get key and ink bottle. Used key on cabinet by Fabio to get scissors to cut pillow on floor to get feather quill , use with ink and paper and give to sister. She writes and the note and amulet are in inventory after short speech to Fabio.
    At "island"? - see bag of wheat, go right and take rope from palm tree trunk. Read bulletin board.
    Notice barrel of water by building.
    Go into building and talk with Sharky. He needs medicine to help Fabio. Notice some things in the store are for sale.
    Grab magnet and combine with rope, go back to boat and use magnet in water to get mug. Give mug to Sharky to get map. Take map back to boat and you go to a cave.
    Find oil bottle. Use on right side idol and that's where I'm at.
    I think we have to make the 2 idols do what is said on wall paper combined with activating switch to make head on wall laugh 10 times...

  28. 2nd clue on list B has hands to eyes and K is in crouched position

  29. No.3 both have arms and legs apart

  30. 4. B has hands to eyes, K both arms to the left

  31. 5. both have arms to their sides

  32. OK - little progress, got a coconut from barrel and used paint - got past the offering and now have 3 monkeys to give them to hahahahaha. Actually no clue as to what the bananas are for. STuck again

  33. 7. B arms and legs apart K arms to the left

  34. 8. Both in crouched position

  35. La pipa (cachimbo) está no marinheiro na praia

  36. I cant find the oil (grrr)

  37. Bubbagump - the cave is dark - it's down on the right by the big rock (just to the left of it)

  38. LT the bananas plus the water get you to the cemetery island.

  39. OMG thx Gray - I never realized that isle was separate from Puerto Patos

  40. OK, came back and am still stuck in cave with 3 lights lit on wall mask, I can't get any other combinations of the 2 puppets to work even when following all helping clues here.
    If they have to be done in order, and I have 3 lights lit, I assume that I have to do positions for #4 on the paper???

  41. Ahhhhhhhhh finally - great game - hard! Gray, you helped me get to the end. Thanks so much!

  42. Bumjelly - start at the top #1 - if you don't get a laugh, go to the next one until you find where you left off. I think that will work.

  43. Finally! Got out of the cave thanks to Yvonnes' excellent clues as how to position the puppets.
    Thanks Yvonne.

  44. Thanks to LT, I was able to finish. Crowbar on non-water barrel was what I was missing.

  45. Bumjelly, you're welcome, forgot to say pull the lever when you have done positions.

  46. Thank you Yvonne! And thank you all for playing this new chapter. I always like to come back to EG24. This was one of the first sites that published my games a long long time ago :)

  47. Great game. I've missed these. Love the way that it plays like Flash, with hotspots.

  48. I'm out. And now I'm completely insane. That was a doozy.

  49. Any help with the compass would be really appreciated

  50. "To be continued",, enjoyed the game but didn't like the new 'pointer.

  51. Fantastic game, thanks! Made it easily without help except for the mug, I had tried to give it to the guy, but he didn't care. Then I learned that for interacting I need to click the items, not people, i.e. with the highlighted mug click the map, not the guy. If I click the people then just the dialogues start over, that's a little bit annoying, got a couple of dialogues perhaps 7 times, but no problem. Esklavos games are pieces of art, I'm thankful that they still creating the new ones.

  52. LT, glad I could help! This game was so much fun! It's so nice to be able to play a long game and really have to think about the clues and have things to figure out like the two figures and their positions. Fun fun fun. Thanks to everyone's comments, because I def needed the help!

  53. For those like me, not braining well for this game and a lack of clues here for some portions of this fine game, a walk-through is now available.
    Google is your friend. ;-)

  54. The direction clue in opening scene makes no sense. HELP!


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