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Three Cats Christmas Escape Walkthrough

Three Cats Christmas Escape

3 Cats Christmas Escape Walkthrough3 Cats X'mas Escape aka Operation Three Cats Christmas Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game by Choko-Chai, who is the creator of Operation Escape of Three Cats and Concert game series. In Three Nyan Xmas Escape, you try to search the around to find some useful things and solve puzzles in order to free the cats. Good luck and have fun!

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im playing. not getting very far tho.

there's a key in the cat food from the kitchen cabinet, under the sink

THing in room center is a table and chairs. Click under table for a number. Use damp towel to rub off dirt to see #.

Crinkle up a sheet of aluminum foil. Give it to cat in bed to find another #.

i got teatowel (wet)
foil (made into ball gave to cat and get number from basket)
plank of wood
collar fob
and i got numbers
dont know where to use them tho

kellseye, the collar fob: did you get it beside the boxes in the basement? I think it might be a button battery?

yes thats where i got it theought it was a fob..lol

In the fireplace scene you can click on the bottom left of tree box to plug in the tree.

Anyone find a use for the key from the tree?

i put the log on the floor in front of the window and the board on top of it, but i can't pick up the battery button/collar fob

Click on left side besides christmas tree to enlighten it and get key from it :)

It will not let me have the battery by the boxes?
I only have a log, plank and gold key left. What do I use please? Tried getting the cat but she is reading the blue book!

How do you get to the basement? I think the letters are denoting books in the book case...7> yellow, 18> purple etc. I have clicked on those books but nothing happens yet....not sure what order...anyone having much more luck? BTW what does the blue key open? I thought it must be locked drawer in kitchen...but not.

i cant get the collar behind boxes ? can sum 1 help me

Oztiff - blue key opens door to basement. Corner of carpet opposite the big slipper

Basement: click on right corner of carpet in cat bed scene. Use blue key.
Boxes: Click to the right of the bottom box, between box and wall. Get the battery

Where is 18<--?

oztiff, I've tried the numbers on the bookcase too. No luck. What's up with the window thing with tinsel?

tried to click on colar but it wont let me get it i only have gold key with a c on it left any 1 found a use for that yet or does any one know the code for the door and i could only get 2 books off shelf

Themer 18 is on the back of the plank. I can thank my 7 year old son for finding that one :)

18< is on the other side of the board

I am unable to pick up battery behind boxes in basement....why not? Is it something to do with the red bike? I get a "hand" cursor all over bike and garage door but mad clicking yields nothing.

natalie, you have to use a fireplace tool to get the battery

themer: back side of board

i see the battery but it won't let me pick it up

Where d´u find 7 ?
I dont know what to do with the log from the fireplace, nor the blue key...
And cant open the 2nd drawer in the kitchen either.
Anyone ?

natalie how did you get books off shelf?

i cant get another fireplace tool and it wont let me use the other one because i used it on sumfing elce :S

you go to the screen with the bookshelf and you click on the cat in bottom left corner and iit calles a cat and u use the numbers that you got from around the house

natalie....how did you get 2 books off the shelf?


you can kinda see which books to press because they stand out more than the other ones

And what is the purple thing we get?:p

thanks, natalie! If you keep clicking your way up, you'll get one book of each color. And a book mark

ok....now I have all the books which gives me a book mark with japanese writing on it. The blue book opens but is also in japanese. I can't get another fire tool to use in basement as I used it on fire to get plank of wood. Any other way to get battery?

Code is 5627

yep just figured it out i think it was because ive only just found the number behind the 1st stocking i still cant get the collar thing tho :(

Key for bedroom :)

I used the numbers on book mark for code next to door!

That's what i said :p Back of bookmark :)


im stuck at same place as oztif but i dont know where to use the gold key and i STILL cant get the collar thing in basement :( and code dont work
owwwwww!!! :'(

Escaped, not used everything :) But seems like good ending?

got into bedroom but although madly clicked....nothing. Got another key from room with umbrella..am going to try it on kitchen drawer....grrr...could have used that umbrella to get battery from basement!

yay!! code worked :):):):)

i had to restart and use the fire poker on the battery since i lost it getting a log out of the fire.

The battery doesn't seem to be needed :)

Me too! Out. Thanks, everyone.

awww bless the silly cats causing chaos in bedrooom

i had to use the battery to get out.

got what looks like a plate from kitchen drawer....put it on plank of wood...now what? And is there anything in the bedroom? And what about the bike and garage door? Why can't I get the battery....oh...so many questions :) !

i escaped... never used the remote, though.

I've already used a fireplace tool to take the log and now it won't let me take another

ok got another key plus remote...that would be what the battery is for....if I could get it! I never think to click that big cat in left corner...silly me!Now trying key in other cabinet.

i have a box that i found in shoe cupboard which i cnt open , yes there is a key in bedroom i cant get the coin or whatever it is from basement and i think i need to restart :(

out! Cute ending....but I never got battery and didn't use remote or anything!

out! yes i didnt need anthing from basement scary lady at end

natalie...don't restart! You don't need that silly battery. The box you have, just keep clicking all the panels, they will all slide...and you will find what you need to get out :)

natalie...didn't you get a cute xmas scene?

Click sll'angolo destro del tappeto, vedrete una botola.
Andare a destra, click al centro in basso. Ci sarà un tavolino, guardare sotto il tabolo, una macchia nera. tornare indietro ed aprire la porta sinistra della cucina. click ultimo cassetto di sinistra, prendere stoffa rosa alla destra, bagnarla sotto il rubinetto con acqua.Aprire armadietto centrale prendere scatola di cibo per gatti. Evidenziarla e ci sarà dentro una chiave blu.Tornare alla stanza principale, andare sotto il tavolino e pulire la macchia nera con lo straccio rosa. Segnare numero e freccia, nella stessa visuale, cliccare l'angolo destro del tappeto e vedere un numero giallo e freccia, girare a destra due volte, nell'angolo sinistro del vaso dell'albero di batale ci sarà una presa, mettere la spina e l'albero si accende, guardare bene l'albero vedrete una chiave dorata. Click srlla calza rossa fino a che non cade, e sotto ci sarà un numero con freccia. Prendere il ferro centrale del camino, alla vostra sinistra. Con lo stesso ferro fare click, su un legno dentro al camino. prenderlo. Girare poi a sinistra, e nella parete sinistra della libreia ci sarà una tavola di legno, prenderla. Evidenziare la tavola fino a che non leggerete un numero dietro di essa. Ora andare sove il gattino dorme.Mettere legno preso dal camino, metterlo in terra al centro. Evidenziare dal vostro inventario, il rotolo di cara, strappare un foglio e formare una palla, che darete al gatto che dorme sulla cesta. Il gatto si sposterà e potrete leggere l'ultimo numero con freccia dentro la cesta.
I numeri sono-
18- ---> rosa
7---> giallo
15---> rosso
18 <--- verde
13<--- blu
Ora tornare dove, davanti alla libreria, cliccare il gatto che si trova sulla vostra sinistra e apparirà un gatto davanti alla libreria.
Partendo dai libri in basso, esattamente i libri blu, cliccare sul libro indicato dal numero e freccia. Contando verso la direzione che ha indicato la freccia. I libri cadranno grazie al gatto, continuare verso l'alto fino alla fine.
L'ultimo libro...il rosa cadendo vi darà un segnalibro.
Evidenziare il segnalibro sul vostro inventaria, Dietro ci sarà un numero, quello che vi permetterà di aprire la porta a tastiera.
Il numero è il secondo 5627.
Digitare il codice entrate nella porta. andate ad aprire la porta davanti a voi. Prendete l'ombrello, evidenziarlo sul vostro inventario, aprirlo e vi darà una chiave di rame.
Tornare indietro sul corridoio ed aprire la porta sulla vostra destra. camera da letto. ora click sul gatto della vostra sinistra, e verranno fuori i due gattini. Click sulla tavola dove avete preso il numero verde, e poi sulla lampada, il gatto bianco e nero la farà cadere, sotto ci sarà una chiave d'argento. Tornare indietro in cucina. Usare chiave di rame nel secondo cassetto, prendere l'oggetto. Andare davanti alla finestra dove dormiva il gatto dentro la cesta, ed aprire la botola con la chiave blu. Non credo ci sia da fare qualcosa. Tornare sul corridoio, usare chiave d'argento sull'armadio sulla vostra sinistra e prendere una scatola. Evidenziarla e dovrete risolvere il puzzle della sua apertura.
per i pigri.
Linea lato basso sulla sinistra, linea lato alto sulla sinistra. spostare il lato superioe sempre in alto, sul lato destro alzare prima la parte destra e poi la sinistra. Una volta aperto, vi darà la scheda per uscire.
Buon Natale-

Click right sll'angolo of the carpet, will see a trap door.
To go to the right, click to the center in low. There will be a tavolino, to look under the tabolo a black stain. to return back and to open the left door of the kitchen. click last drawer of left, to take pink cloth to the right to bathe her/it under the faucet with acqua.Aprire central locker to take box of food for cats. To underline her/it and there will be inside a key blu.Tornare to the principal room, to go under the tavolino and to clean the black stain with the pink rag. To mark number and arrow, in the same view, cliccare the right angle of the carpet and to see a yellow number and arrow, to turn twice to the right, in the left angle of the vase of the tree of batale there will be a taking, to put the thorn and the tree ignites, to look well at the tree you will see a gilded key. Click srlla puts on red up to that it doesn't fall, and under there will be a number with arrow. To take the central iron of the fireplace to your left. With the same iron to make click, on a wood in the fireplace. to pick him/it up. To turn to the left then, and in the left wall of the libreia there will be a wood table to pick her/it up. To underline the table up to that you won't read behind a number of it. Now to go sove the kitten dorme.Mettere wood taken by the fireplace to put him/it in earth to the center. To underline from your inventory, the roll of dear, to tear a sheet and to form a ball, that you will give to the cat that he/she sleeps on the basket. The cat will move him and you can read the last number with arrow inside the basket.
The numbers are -
18 ----> pink
7---> yellow
15---> red
18 <--- green
13 <--- blue
Now to return where, in front of the bookstore, cliccare the cat that is found on your left and it will appear a cat in front of the bookstore.
Departing from the books in low, exactly the blue books, cliccare on the book pointed out by the number and arrow. Counting toward the direction that has pointed out the arrow. The books will fall thanks to the cat, to continue upward up to the end.
The last book... the pink one falling will give you a bookmark.
To underline the bookmark on yours inventories, Behind there will be a number, what will allow you to open brings her/it to keyboard.
The number is the second 5627.
Digitare the code entered the door. goings to open the door in front of you. You take the umbrella, to underline him/it on your inventory, to open him/it and it will give you a copper key.
To return back on the corridor and to open the door on your right. bedroom. now click on the cat of your left, and the two kitten will come out. Click on the table where you have taken the toll-free number, and then on the lamp, the white and black cat will do her/it fall, under there will be a silver key. to Return back in the kitchen. To use copper key in the second drawer, to take the object. to Go in front of the window where the cat slept inside the basket, and to open the trap door with the blue key. I don't believe there is to do something. To return on the corridor, to use silver key on the closet on your left and to take a box. To underline her/it and you will have to resolve the puzzle of his/her opening.
for the idlers.
Line low side on the left, line tall side on the left. to move aloft always the in general superioe, on the right side to lift first the right part and then the left. Once open, it will give you the card to go out.
Merry Christmas -

where is #7?

nwvermind found it

Silvia looks like a good walthrough, pity we don't speak the language love.

Sorry ignore that last comment did not realise you had also done a english version.

I found 2 different endings so far.
At another portal I ve read that there is 4

jeez that took me forever lol

i believe i was the 4594th one to finish, if thats what the number at the end is =]

have found 3 endings: out door with key card, use remote on garage door and cats onto board by window with bowl.

I can't get the bookmark...I have all the numbers/arrows except 17 and 5...I tried to get the book using the directions written by Silvia but it didn't work X_X.

Power of posting...now I have a cat holding a blue book that's all in japanese. I can't get any of the other books.

Per leggere meglio le soluzioni, andare su..."POSTA UN COMMENTO"
La troverete in Inglese e in Italiano.

To read better the solutions, to go on... "Sets A Comment"
You will find her in English and in Italian

hiya all where do you find the number 18 for the green books ?
i reallised that you need to now the code before you can click onthe books

I can't believe it??? I got out...lol...this was fun!

This comment has been removed by the author.

There is more than one way to win this game. If you get the batterie you can put it in the remote and it opens the grage door.

how do you get into the bedroom can someone help me please

is anyone on

I don't know where to find the green number. Apparently you can't remove the books without actually finding the numbers.

Nevermind. I figured it out.


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