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Mystery House – The Basement Escape Walkthrough

Mystery House – The Basement Escape

 The Horror Mansion - The Basement Escape WalkthroughThe Horror Mansion - The Basement Escape is sequel of Mystery House - The Horror Mansion Japanese point and click type room escape game from Bianco-Bianco, who is also creator of Atibon's Gift, Escape from Debth, The Third Space Station Tokio, and Atibon's Rival escape games. In this game you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by collecting items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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1st anyone playing

found a stick & axe head combined & broke wall to find statue. Found a screwdriver, opened panel, found a wrench, used on sink, found a note & stuck.

hello!!I found a statue.
In the photograph under the safe there is a number but I can't use it

same here

think it says 7854, but when i finally entered it, nothing happened.

found shovel

I think the number is 9857

I can't open the safe neither


Where did you find screwdriver. Ithink number on picture reveals a grid next to sink.

have pick and handle wich i combined and used then got screwdriver and noe used driver but dont understand note i think i used 0217 and got pick head

hidden in rubble after you break wall w/axe. where is the shovel?

       Anonymous  5/28/08, 4:45 AM  

hey everybody! let's try this one. work is too boring at the moment.

you have to click the squares next to the sink in the correct order and you found a shovel.

@ felfel how did you figure out the note? i dont understand morris code if that is what it is

I was wrong. Grid comes when you open crack and find statue. Thanks for screwdriver hint Lindsey.

the combo for the safe is on the wall next to the safe

you need a wrench and you used it under the sink. Then open the faucet and you found a note with the correct order

miranda how do you do the grid?

ya i got the water to run red but dont know grid grrrrr and it is probably some6thing simple

I think I can read:
But can't read bottom line.

you have to combine the numbers on top of the note into the one unther on the note (sorry for my english

389 thanks gilb i can see the light now

@ murtnug
You have a grid next to the sink, isn't it? Click the squares in the order in the note

nope didnt work


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i tried 647129583 thats what it looks like to me but nothing which one is wrong?

thanks for the help all i will finish later for some reason the numbers for the grod isnt wworking happy gaming:D

Doesn't work for me either. Even restarted but nothing.
I presume that first line of grid is 1,2,3, second is 4,5,6 on third is 7,8,9, but when I click 647129583 nothing happens...

@ Murtung: u have the numbers of squares.now u have to click in this order 123456789...

I need a full walkthrough. I clicked everywhere, but I still can't find anything other than the pickaxe head.

finally out! you have to click the grid squares starting from 1 to 9, having in mind that the they are numbered
so you have to first click on the left square in the middle row:)


1. click the bottom of door, pick a stick
2. go to the shelf, and pick up the head of hack, combined with stick
3. go, where the crack is on the wall, use hack on it
4. the wall brokes, under the refuse find a screwdriver
5. use screwdriver on the panel at the door, take wrench and turn the wheel
6. go to the basin, use wrench on the screw and open the water, take the paper
7. on the paper is the inverted signs of numbers, like this:
the numbers assign a square. click the squares on the wall in this order: 123456789
8. take the shovel and use it on the carpet
9. take the key and look for code on the wall
10. enter the code in the safe, read the book and use key on the door
11. u are out

how do you combine them

I can use the key on the door to get out but not enter the code in the safe. It takes a lot of clicking to get the numbers to come up/change and when they do only certain numbers come up that don't fit the code on the wall.

@hdrider6430 - Double click either the pick head or the handle, single click the other part and click on the picture.

The numbers on the paper i got appeared like this

But nothing happened.

The grid is set out 647
The squares on the paper ar whats left after the numbers are cut out.

I'm still confused with the numbered squares, HELP

This game wont load for me :( Is there an alternitive site ?

have been putting the numbers 1 to 9 from top left to bottom right but no shovel is appearing also tried 647129583 but zilch?

look at the piece of paper. There are numbers in each square. They look exactly like the numbers listed at the top of the paper. Then press the coresponding box on the grid on the wall. For example the box on the paper with the number one is the first box you press on the wall and so on.

Hey guys...! Anyone here..?

I got out without opening the safe. Of course, I didn't get to read the book either. :)

The Game Walk throug....

1.First pick the wooden handle at the door.
2.Next move to the cupboard where the picture and number lock are located and get the hammar head from that.
3.Now take the hammar and click on the wall where there is a crack. You will find a statue. Click the wall pieces on the floor to get a screw driver.
4.Using the screw driver open the locker with screws there your will find a spanner and a gate valve take the spanner and click on the valve to turn it.
5.Now go to the wash basin and take the spanner and click in the valve of the wash basin the pipe break opens. Run the water by and you will fine a pice of paper coming out.
6.Take the paper and click to open it you will find a grid that grid is actually the position of numbers on the grid that is present beside the wash basin.
so the number positions on grind are 6 | 4 | 7
1 | 2 | 9
5 | 8 | 3
Now click order is 123456789 on this grid.The grid will open and your will find a shovel.
7.Take the shovel and dig the groun where is soil is present you will find a skeleton, a key and a number will appear on the wall.
8.Now enter the number 7326 from right to left in the number lock and click on the yellow dot.
9.Now got to the locked door and open the door using the key and you escape.

hey..pls help.. i understand about the grid.. but its just that nothing appears when i click the order 123456789..taking 647

but nothing happened, nothing appears..what do i need to do? how many click per square?

out, really had trouble entering the code. Seemed like I only could click the buttons in a sertain order. Thnx everyone for the tips about the gridlock

after you put the code into the safe on shelf you read the book...it has a number 1854, same as the number at bottom of paining...put this as into safe as code, click button, painting now has blood on it, you get good ending

working link:


       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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