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Guess the Caricature Walkthrough

Guess the Caricature

Guess the Caricature AnswersGuess the Celebrity is another funny online riddle game. "Guess the celebrity caricature to advance. This is a URL change game. Add the page number to your guess to advance. If the answer is billy crystal and the page number is 9, you will answer like so, billycrystal9. All answers are in lower case letters." Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Vbranam1]

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Ok, please please tell me the correct answer for 17.

Wont accept my answer.

klo, for 17,he was a vice president of the united states in 1993

I've tried every Beatle there was on #18, and it doesn't work for me! :( (and no, I didn't forget to add the 19 at the end).

#18 is a beatle--GH
#19 is a late night talk show host

I can't get #18, no matter how many beatle names I put in!! I'm so stuck!

I already tried GH like 10 times. :(


Okay... i finally got it working. Now, who the heck is 27... lol

google....Major Tom

Intersting... didn't think it looked like him at all...

Yay! finished. :) Thanls for the tips, and help, thogh some of those cartoons were way far fetched. lol

lol,,,yes, they were..

So vbanam still working.
Nice of you.
3.10 hour here

       Anonymous  7/2/08, 6:10 PM  

Can someone please just write out the answer for #1? Pretty Please? Thanks

What a complicated thing it is, since one only sees 200 comments.
Always scroll back, reload, scroll..


lol. Tosca..yep, doing invoices and playing a little bit to...

Yes I saw your profile. Love escape rooms, so do I.
My country is Belgium, far away from the states.

Oh wow Tosca, I read where you said you weren't american in the early part of the game.. I had no clue where you were from. Belgium, nice...

Yep, EG24 is my favorite pastime..and I for sure love these games..

Can someone just spill what #2 is been on it for hours!!:(

Delilah..he sang "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" along with many other songs..Was given the name sir from london royals

       Anonymous  7/2/08, 6:38 PM  

Thanks for the help. I had it correct. Just kept erasing the period. DRRRR-

stuck on 13. A clue please?

Shes married to Brad Pitt..

Thanks vbranam!

Yw, lori...goodnight everyone..

Who is #8?

       Anonymous  7/2/08, 8:30 PM  
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       Anonymous  7/2/08, 8:57 PM  

hints for #10?

stuck on nine...

i thought it was chris noth...

10 is tough...

       Anonymous  7/2/08, 9:08 PM  

its kinda hard to know if you've got the right person if the names aren't spelled right lol example: alec trebek is alex trebek on here...

       Anonymous  7/2/08, 9:09 PM  

i finally got # 10, need any help?

I can tell u this... courtney love is not the answer to lev 12

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a hint for 12..

       Anonymous  7/2/08, 9:19 PM  

12 is not a girl, he's better known as a childhood actor that was left by his family in a few movies

aha, thank you lulu

       Anonymous  7/2/08, 9:33 PM  

yay, i'm done! i probably wont be around to help much but i got by with some hints on the first page mostly..

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How clever 13 and 14 are the same !!!

18 reminds me of christopher lloyd in who framed roger rabbit but i think it may be al pacino, I'll see in a minute

very wrong lol...

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british royalty for 28 is not helping... stuck again

30 looks like patrick bergin or chris reeve- oh damn

finally- thanks to the friends hint -ok bed time that was fun and thanks for the hints - most of them were fun- not difficult though :D

       Anonymous  7/3/08, 4:16 AM  

for anyone else that has not played this & needs hints:
1- born as Richard Starkey
2- English singer, composer & pianist
3- American 'Late Night' talk show host
4- Actor, usually has his friends in his movies
5- Actor, played in Titanic, Catch Me If You Can (last name is spelled wrong in this one, replace the first I with an E)
6- former stockbroker, spent time in jail
7- American comedian, had his own tv show
8- American actor with his own tv show, comedian
9- American actor, casts in many movies such as Top Gun & Cocktail
10- British singer became famous in the 60's, "She's a Lady"
11- American actor, many movies including "Bad Boys" & tv show "Fresh Prince." Also a former rapper.
12- actor, was usually left alone by his family in many movies
13- actor from "Tomb Raider"
14- actor from "Mr. & Mrs. Smith"
15- host of "Jeopardy" (first name is spelled wrong, use x instead of c)
16- actor, played in "Rainman"
17- former vice president of the USA in 1993
18- English rock guitarist, composed "Here Comes the Sun"
19- another American actor, "Late Night" talk show host, also known for "Stupid Pet Tricks"
20- American actor, former husband of Demi Moore
21- actor of "Ocean's 11" & "Fight Club" former husband of Jennifer Aniston
22- British actor, including 7 James Bond movies
23- actress, played in "The Others" & was married to a very popular American actor.
24- five-time Academy Award winning American film director, actor, producer & composer. Better known for his 'tough-guy' western movies.
25- American actor, played in "Ocean's 11" & "O Brother, Where Art Thou"
26- American model, played in a few movies & a tv show "The Simple Life"
27- English musician & actor. Hit songs "Rebel Rebel" & "Diamond Dogs" & played in "The Labyrinth"
28- Royalty
29- Actor, comedian. "Fat Albert"
30- American actor. "Three Men & a Baby" & "Mr. Baseball"

I hope this helps & doesn't give it away too much..

who is number 9?

isn't 12 mccauley culkin? i typed it in but it didn't work

who is 26???

#9 starred in #Risky Business"

#12 is spelt--macauley culkin

#26- only famous because her daddy owns hotels..was recently jailed..
had her own goofy show for a while about farmlife

My number 26 is a half of a mans face..who the heck is that???? It's a regular picture, not a characiture

lol..om gosh, I dont know..just try paris hilton

you sure your on the correct level?

25,26,or 27

This game.... how in the WORLD do you play it? Someone help me, and I'll give you my account.

lol..kyle..when you know who the caricature is you type it in like this:

Be sure to add your level number on the end each time..

Whatz #7!!!!! been stuck on it 4 hrz!!!!!!!PLz help!!!!!:(

Thought it waz andy rick wit the clu provided but it isn't is it?

Delilah, your just one letter off...andy dick..

somenone knows number 8? im so stuck

#8-jerry sienfeld

why is nothing happening when i try to go on it

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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