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The Mystery House - Escape from the Beginning Room Walkthrough

The Mystery House - Escape from the Beginning Room

The Mystery House – The 2nd Stage WalkthroughThe Mystery House – The 2nd Stage - Escape from the Beginning Room is sequel to Mystery House Japanese point and click type room escape game series from Bianco-Bianco, who is also creator of Atibon's Gift, Escape from Debth, The Third Space Station Tokio, and Atibon's Rival escape games. In this game you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by collecting items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Oh I think I might be first - here we go!!

Hey hey, just starting here.

So far have 3 ghosts, a stick, a screw, and a match. Can see a bloody axe, some firewood, and plugged/unplugged light that has no electricity.

I used a ghost/inspiration on the ax but got no result.

Hello all, found a few things, but no idea what to do with them. Where is the axe Diana? I havent come across that one yet.

If you use an inspiration on the mirror, you see black shadow and then a face. Will try it other places, I can.

oh nevermind, found it! Its always the way when you have asked...LOL

Same here Diana - also used an inspiration on the red box and the fireplace but with no effect. tried to put screw into back door but it says I need a tool. Screwdriver hunt!!

shall we take bets that the screwdriver is in the locked draw? LOL

Always a screwdriver hunt!

Up to 10 inspirations. Even tried multiple ones on the same place, but still no effect.

Wow, the inspirations keep coming. Have over 30 now. Gonna keep trying to use them.

Oh, a mystery, the blood on the axe is not the master's. Hmmm I wish I could pick the axe up and chop the wood for the fire.

All I seem to be doing is going around in circles, catching ghosts.

Well - just spent 10 mins trying every possible combo on the locked drawer with no success. Guess we need to do something first :)

First time posting and out without any help.
Use ghosts like hints and try everything you couldnt do without ghost.

and I'm out... :)
Yes, screwdriver is in the drawer.
Hint: Use inspiration with something and it will show you the code for the desk drawer in a shadow.

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And on the locked doors, I get blood on the floor.

Hello everybody. Did u realise that if you use the inspirations on the floor that there is blood?

Yes, but I can't make anything out of the blood. Have used inspirations in every nook and cranny but can't find a code.

I guess I must be a dummy, because the inspiration isnt working on anything for me....anyone have any hints...please?

RabidThinking: do u mean with shadow the shadow of the woman?

If you're in certain views where inspirations can be used, something will happen. Like when you're viewing the mirror, click the inspiration and you will see the shadow.

You need inspiration and light.

Has anyone noticed the close up view to the right of the bookcase thing? Inspiration doesn't seem to work, but I assume there IS something there.

Ahhhhh click inspiration and the lamp, a pen appears and forms 3 numbers.

Can't get electricity or match for light. How come when you first click the stick w/ the cobweb, it says "The water in the cup"?

Thanks Stolter! got the screwdriver now - was clickin in the wrong place for the light

Yeah, stoler said it: You need inspiration and light (so use your inspiration somewhere that will allow you to somehow get light, and the light will make a shadow, and the shadow will show the code)

Have tried inspiration on the lamp a number of times, but get nothing.

gee, guess what I found in the draw?...LOL

Wow, I'm out without help for a change!

Is it the outlet, b/c I tried that too.

Argh, got it. Had to click that little bitty spot on top. Geez.

burned the newspaper

And out!! :)

and out :-)

Out, I wonder if there is another type end.

newspaper? ......keep clicking Jen....LOL

Haha, you need a key to get to it so...and if you find the matchbox, look inside.

I am finally out! The wood and the axe are red herrings.

This game is a little buggy- I had the newspaper in the fireplace, then it vanished!! Have to restart..

This is a nice series. I wasted WAY too much time collecting inspirations though, haha.

i got everything but the key to escape ... wondering that red box in the cabinet ... how to open it ?
Thinking the key to the exit is in there.

I feel the end is near, what do i need to do next ?

what to do with the woodblocks ?

Tell where to start with the inspirations

Don't worry about the firewood. You need a newspaper and fire to start a fire in the fireplace. That will give you the item for the red box.

Nothing is done with the wood or the axe, they're red herrings.

All I found with inspirations is "capture the ghost"

out by myself wow :]
I like that it was in english for once and the little ghosts are cute

Use the inspirations to show you things. They can shed a little "light" on what you need to do.

out out out! :-)


-Go left and click the cabinet. Click the right side and get the stick.
-Zoom out and click the left side of the cabinet. Get the match.
-Go right and use the stick on the cobweb. Get the screw.
-As you go around the room, look for ghosts or inspirations.
-When you get one click the desk. Then click the left side to plug in the lamp.
-Zoom out and click the inspiration, then click the switch on top of the lamp. Note the code that the ghost draws 683. (*You can always get extra inspirations by going around the room).
-Use this code on the desk drawer, zoom out, click the drawer and get the screwdriver.
-Go left to the door and click the doorknob. Use the screw, then zoom out and open the door.
-Go right and use the stick to get the matchbox.
-Open the matchbox and get the cabinet key.
-Use the key on the cabinet and get the newspaper.
-Go to the fireplace and place the newspaper. Use the match on it to set it on fire.
-When the fire extinguishes, get the brooch
-Use the brooch on the red box on the cabinet shelf. Get the door key.
-Use the key on the door and you’re out!

*You can get as many inspirations as you want and use them to show you things around the room that you can’t see with the naked eye. Trying using inspirations in the mirror, in the view of the exit door, in the zoomed out view of the fireplace, and on the ax to the right of the fireplace.

Now I understand.
Too much light in my room. I couldn't see the switch on the lamp.

I had a hard time with that too. I clicked the lamp a million times but not that switch at the top.

Thanks for the reactions Tosca, Diana, i was gone shopping because i didn't get anything anymore :D

When the fire extinguishes, get the brooch ... dont see this appear, so gone start the game all over although i was nearly at the end of the game.

Thanks for walkthrough Diana, hope i see the brooch now :D

It appears in the fireplace, right ?

yes, it should fall down.

Now i see what i missed ... the match :D ... placed the newspaper in the fireplace but never burned,
thats why i didn't get the brooch tyvm Diana !

Didn't have to zoom out to get the code from the lamp dough.

Escape succeed ! down to the basement now :D

       Anonymous  7/30/08, 7:12 AM  

I have more than 40 ghosts. Is that right?

Don't waste your time getting ghosts...I did that. Technically you only need one, but you can get more to have them show you things.

Zoom out from the outlet/plug view to the lamp.

       Anonymous  7/30/08, 7:16 AM  

Oh, I get it. there's a box above the ghosts that you use to release the ghosts for clues. I am officially dense!. Oy! :)

       Anonymous  7/30/08, 7:17 AM  

I figured if I caught enough ghosts, they would merge into one big ghost that could pick up the firewood and be my ghost slave. Wrong assumption. :)

Not at all! I tried clicking the ghosts themselves until I saw that ax say something like "use the inspiration".

       Anonymous  7/30/08, 7:22 AM  

I'm releasing so many inspirations, I'm starting to feel inspired. Perhaps today will be a productive work day because of all the "inspiration." Seriously, I should keep my day job and not go into comedy!

Hope you find your way out, dan/froggy! Gotta go!

       Anonymous  7/30/08, 7:26 AM  

Take care, Diana. Nice to be posting at the same time.

And I'm out! That was a fun game...thank you to Diana and everyone else for the hints. Didn't need a walkthrough but just needed a kickstart to get going!!! On to the next game! Whoo hoo!

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can't play the game.. it won't load :(( too bad - I love this series..

Out!! <:]

Woo fun game x]

To the basement next? (:

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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