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Pencil Rebel Walkthrough

Pencil Rebel

Pencil Rebel WalkthroughPencil Rebel 2 is a new point and click type escape game by Grzegorz Kozakiewicz. In this game, you need to find a way to escape by finding items and solving puzzles. You have to be patient while the game is loading. Good luck and have fun!

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can't load it :-(

anyone here? I'm in!!

Trying to start here.

I just got a black page with pencil rebel at the top...is that the start?

I have this weird bee and snail game while the english version loads..any1 else getting this?

Just have to be patient while it loads. They even have a little "game" for you to play while it loads.

taking ages to load :(


ok, i'm stuck in a room where i have a code, but keep getting electrocuted and can't find my way out. anyone else there yet - help!!?

It's pretty cute though. Found 3 secret places. This bird has the key I need.

nvm I'm out of there. Really like this game so far!

ne1 pass 48%? Been stuck here for almost 10 min.

Oops, finished but didn't find all the secret places. Only 3. You can't go back after a certain point. Going to try again.

yes i'm out too but missing 2 x secret places. nice game...

Damn, Diana..I was here b4 you and got stuck at 48% for 12 min. and you are out once already! LOL..not my night! (ok early morn. 6am here in Ohio!) I will try later today. Good luck all!

Just fyi...if you get stuck loading, when you refresh, it starts loading again where you left off...

i think i'm stuck in a dark room but cant find a light switch or anything, help please!

Where did you get into the dark room? I was missing 2 secret places and am wondering if that's one of them.

i went down the zip line and into the file box at the bottom, then went right to the next screen and its all dark and i cant do anything

Hmm, when I landed in the file box it wasn't completely dark. There was a radio that plays a tune....trying to think.

i went right from the radio room

Hmm, that room is lit up for me w/o me doing anything.

Have you heard the tune on the radio and played it on the cell phone?

no I dont have sound on pc, i'll restart i think

Hmm, I really can't find these last 2 secret places. Anyone found significance to the sounds that the wine bottles make in the bar?

Ah ok, found the 5th one, but missing the 4th.

Tami: clear the browser cache and try again
Laura: there is one secret which gives you combination so you don't need the sound (it's alternative solution to pass phone room :) )

Ahh, got all 5 secrets...

Anyone get past the noughts and crosses game?

Never mind. I think you have to get your three in a row, with only three crosses. If you use more than three to win the game, it wont unlock.

Yup, I've been out. Just played again to get all 5 secrets.

I think for tic tac toe each player gets an even number of turns. So even if you win, if O gets one more turn and wins also, it doesn't count? Just keep playing and it will eventually open when you win.

OK Im stuck. Have won noughts and crosses, have pick, money and paper clip. Barman wont talk to me, guy in cage needs key and bird wont give it to me. Hint please?

Power of posting - he talked to me!

Got slingshot, but when I go to the bird to use it ito get the key, I lose the slingshot and have to talk to the barman again. A bug or am I missing something?

Sounds buggy philippa. I didn't have that problem.

I think so too Dianna, as the little guy wont walk into the room and the bird just sits there. NVM, will try game another time as its getting late here and Im tired. Night all and happy gaming and escaping!

i'm stuck. Any chance of a walkthrough?

it's loading and stuck at 86% for like ten minutes:(

where is the cell phone?

After you go down the zip line from the top of the file boxes. You go right and the cell phone is there.

I can do a walkthrough.


-Complete the “Tower of Hanoi” puzzle. You will fall through a trap door in the floor.
-Go left to the secret(1) indicated by the black marker. Click the cat in the picture to reveal a red button. Press the button and get the pick axe.
-You can also turn on the TV but it just shorts out.
-Go left and then down the ladder. Go right to the secret (2) indicated by the red marker.
-Open the potato cabinet and get the paperclip. Click the butterfly on the picture frame to reveal the secret (3).
-Leave the room and go back up the ladder. Go all the way to the right and go down the zip line.
-Continue past the first room and to the right. Click the cat on the shelf and reveal the secret (4). Note the numbers on the piece of cardboard. (If you go too far to the right you will get electrocuted).
-Go left again and click the switch on the bottom right of the second number “1”. If you turn the radio dial you will hear a tune.
-Right again and the slider phone is now open. Enter ”1155665” in the phone. The electrocuting gate is now open.
-Down the rope you go.
-Go right and then up the ladder.
-Click the obvious book on the lower right side bookshelf for secret (5)
-Try to open the safe but it’s locked.
-Play Tic Tac Toe until you win and it opens. Get the €20.
-Go down the ladder and to the right.
-You were told to talk to the bartender. When you do, he will tell you to come back later.
-Go through the bar doors and note the guy in the cage. Continue to the right and notice the bird has the key.
-Go back to the barman and he will give you a slingshot.
-Back to the bird and hit him with the slingshot (about 5 times) so he drops the key and flies a way.
-Go left and click the lock. Yay, you’ve saved the day!

Strona czasowo niedostepna.
Site currently not available.

Prosimy sprobowac pozniej.
Please try later.

does anybody know an alternativ link?

Alternative Link


Hey guys,
thanks a lot :)

I fixed the problem with server. Please use the main domain

http://www.pencilrebel.com and click redirect. I am updating the dnses for domain.


Very easy game...I found out without any help!

Really easy!!

Hmm.. I played the brussel sprout game and got it right the floor opened up but I didn't fall in..and I can't do anything else.. is anyone else having this problem too?

oh.. nvm.. after refreshing so many times and all that stuff..it finally worked

i cant see the cat on the shelf for the 4th secret!!!

nevermind found it

       Anonymous  7/21/08, 11:48 AM  

Im late to play but I had to comment of the beauty of this game, It took point and click games to a new level! I expecially loved the Archimboldo painting in the veggie room. Hope to see lots more. Thank you to the makers of this awesome work.

what's with the brussel sprouts game how are you supposed to move them?

nevermind lol solved it

no matter how many times I click in the bird for the key he waont give it me?

Really beautiful game,cool gameplay,absolutely love these kind of games - more of these,please!!!
Many thanks to the makers :)))

taking AGES to load!

i have completed loading the game, got an option of polski english or chinese but now when the first page loads i cannot do anything it has three stands ana one of them has three balls on it and a door to right what do i do?

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When you get to the end, make sure to check out the movie to see how he made the game. REALLY COOL!!!!

anyone here?

great animation...very enjoyable!

Here's the link to the production video. Very creative!


Very creative and fun to play.

I'm starting to get addicted to this escape-game business :D

that was easy


Gr8 game ... did save the day :D
but didn't use hamer/axe, paperclip and 20 € ... where do i need those for ?

Still great 10 years later!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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