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Escape from the Pillars Room Walkthrough

Escape from the Pillars Room

Escape from the Pillars Room is another Japanese point and click type escape the room game by Tesshi-e, who is also creator of Mild Escape, Escape from the Underground Room and Escape from the Forest of the Fairy, Ground Escape games and many more. In this game, you are locked in a room and you need to escape the room by finding and using items with solving puzzles. There are 4 possible endings. Good luck and have fun!

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first ?!

there are four endings in this game..have fun,everyone.

got hammer, screw driver and stick

2 more sticks

I can't find the screwdriver...hint plz?

nvm, found it

Use screwdriver, unscrew screw at windows, take windows, break glass w/ hammer....

I can see the green key...can't get it:(

       Anonymous  10/21/08, 12:02 AM  

also got box w/ card suits hammer, screwdriver, 2 windows, and 3 sticks.

have hammer(used), screwdriver(used), 2 windows without the glass, 2 pieces of wood together in inventory, a club-heart-spade-diamond box and a single piece of wood.

I need hint for the screwdriver..

       Anonymous  10/21/08, 12:05 AM  

any point to knocking down the big board?

same here! Morning all!

H...some help with screw driver please?

Blue 3 in window of house in view where you found screwdriver

knocking down the big board, made a "bridge" to the house!?!

Find screwdriver in view of wall opposite of windows, left beam, top.

take nails with hammer 2 get screwdriver

tami , how to unscrew the windows ?

i can't do anything with that board(bridge) we knocked down...there's a box where the green key is, can't get into it tho...

power of posting. got the windows. :)

click both windows so they are on the right, then click upper left of open side of window, there's a yellow screw you need the screwdriver to undo.

       Anonymous  10/21/08, 12:08 AM  

can't move the board, though

combine window with 2 verticl stick

looks like there's a ladder below with that elusive green key as well

take the two pieces of wood and view then put both empty window frames in there. makes a ladder like thing where to use?

I must have tried combining things for about 20 min now lol...ty

do you think the heart over the two sticks means that # 2 = heart?

Where do you get the other two pieces of wood?

cool..first time i'm playing a LIVE games where everyone are playing along too

       Anonymous  10/21/08, 12:13 AM  

pic on side of box shows heart as III

you smack one of the x pices of wood I can't remember which one use the hammer

working on that heart as well...thought we needed the "new" ladder to see what's above it, no luck...

thank you chabui! :)

Club = V, examine screwdriver better:)

your welcome, I love these games!

When you examine the "new" ladder, you get a diff. view, but I can't seem to see anything there...

what big board do we knock down and how?

check the deck of cards


       Anonymous  10/21/08, 12:19 AM  

looks like wall, devon

@nuno...anything on the deck of cards except heart=3?

I don't really walls, i see boards that make up a structure but I wouldn't call them walls.. so i am still confused :)

where is the screwdriver?

tami: looks like we will have to "hammer" the suits in order,I, II, III, IV, V, but there are only 4 suits!!!!..

use hammer on card box, hit
1 diamond
2 heart
3 heart
4 spade
5 club

box opens

Devon, think of all the boards as the framework...one part of the framework is "filled" in with a sheet of plywood to enclose the room.

in the view with trees looks like a wall to the side, smash it w/ the hammer

i was close!!!!!!!!!!

yes, use hammer to knock on the box, in this order:
1st = diamond
2nd & 3rd = heart
3rd = spade
4th = that flower thing (forgot the name)

TY, then use those screws on the new ladder, 2 top right, 2 top left, 2 bottom right, 2 bottom left.

What is that in the card box??

then set ladder on wall we knocked down

use box on ladder in close views

bizden kimse varmı????

Got "four" spelled in the green trees, and seven spelled on red roof above...also got magnet and rope...combined them...gonna go get key

thanks...got it.

in the view with were the window was, is that were the board was knocked down? i might have knocked it down without realizing it because i am not seeing the wall.

combined rope and magnet with last stick...thought it would reach the key...no luck:(

No devon, in the view with all the trees, look at the floor...

help ! I can't set my ladder on the 'veiw of trees'. :(~~~

in close view of ladder, use screwdriver on screws

had to restart.. turns out i had knocked down the wall :) lol

devod..i'm looking at the view with all tree, but i cant knock on anything. i could only set my ladder there. pls help

click ladder then floor

Mouse-you need to first screw 8 screws into the new ladder, then you can click the bottom of the screen with the trees and place ladder on the floor.

Cherry-if you can place ladder, you've already knocked the wall down:)

nuno...is it that it won't work if I've alreadi knock down the wall ?

take the ladder back and tie the magnet to that, then get the key no idea what is in the box!

rope ladder. Where does it go?

tami..hahaha..thanks. but...i only could see the word OUR and F below the wood frame. where's the magnet?

tami - i have put in the screw. But still cannot lay the ladder.:(

woo hoo! it goes where you got the key

4 screws 1 @ each corner of the ladder

magnet up the ladder to the right

k back up to speed i think. I have the ladder saw the word for but don't see rope or magnet.

mouse completly check the ladder, you have to fit 8 screws!

nvm..found it. apparently once we're up the ladder and viewing at tree top, you could click on the left view.

nm power of posting

i cant get the screws out of the box. must be doing something wrong....

end 8?

this is the first time I actually got to play while others were on! YAY! Too fun!

any 1 with different end?

shuchan said there were 4 endings

help..i've attached the rope+magnet to stick. but i cant seems to get the key by using it. what am i missing?

And out!!! Nuno...where did it tell you what end you got? At the end I still had the 4 numbers-blue 3, green 4, red 7 and yellow 8.

where do we put the new ladder from the box?

       Anonymous  10/21/08, 12:51 AM  

In the view of the box, I once clicked to the right and kind of fell down. Dunno, if that was something like the "short end" or "bad end" or whatever

i got 8 too. hmm

got the nails in the ladder and got up, now have the magnet. i can see the rope but i cant pick it up!!?

maybe i'll try for a different end tomorrow almost 2am here!

finally got it.. have to use screwdrive to secure the screws on the ladder....

only see n8 yellow when down, played again but same, once you are down you can not go back up or anywere...shuchun says there are 4 diferent ones!

almost 2 here to chabui. Are you in mountain time?

yes I am in denver you?

9am here

is your name devon or is for devon rex cats?

Nuno, that yellow 8 you see is the last of 4 numbers we find throughout the game, I don't think it means "end 8". But I am replaying to see where we are to use those 4 numbers.

how do i reach the rope?

i am in denver too :) My name is devon though i do like the devon rex cats :)

tami - wat should I do to the magnet when tie to the stick ? I cannot get the key. :(

After I placed the rope ladder and went down, I did NOT click that orange arrow....but I can't seem to do anything else. I have 3 open spots, so I am guessing that's one end.

mouse connect it to the ladder (after you have picked it up again and got the rope)

me too, I am a total cataholic. I fun fun talking with all of you. See you all later, my three cats and I are off to bed. I really hated killing that cat in halloween game. I told 123bee that was bad. You know with that lady here Devon, and her little dog she tied up!

Mouse- magnet and rope go on the bottom of the ladder to get the key to open the box. NOT on the stick.

Use the stick to get the rope.

good night chabui! yeah the story about that lady trying up her dog and then lighting it on fire was just horrible! :(

i've tied my rope+magnet to end of ladder and place the ladder at the view of tree. then what? i still cant take the key.
i feel so stupid

Cathy did you find the rope (you're from Perth WA?) so am I.

devon - thanks ! me really have no logic sense today. Keep getting stuck. :( I have place the ladder(w magnet) on the tree screen and cannot do anything else

tami - like my eariler post...I am HOPELESS !:(((

Found the rope opposite side to magnet used stick...

Mouse - i know it now...just click to the view of that green key...click on the ladder+magnet+rope, click around the key and it'll get the green key!

Cant find were to put the rope ladder?

yes ! thanks cherry. :)) tried that eariler but it did not work. It work only after I saw your post ! :P

Out ! finally.

Hi redroobar. Yep I am from WA and yes I found the rope thanks. Finally out. Will try for another end tomorrow. Off to do some drinking! Have fun all

first time manage to play wiht everyone around and I played badly. :~~~~~

Hey mouse, I am still trying to get out! Cant find where to put the rope ladder...late in the day and the brain's not working!

       Anonymous  10/21/08, 1:31 AM  

To redroobar: place the rope ladder at where you just got your green key, get down, and you're out!

...Though I still don't get what the numbers mean...

Found it at last...never did use the numbers?

       Anonymous  10/21/08, 1:34 AM  

Never did use those numbers, and no idea what they do. O_o

Although shuchun says there are 4 endings...

thnx for all hints:)i'm out with one end but i didnt use the coloured numbers

hi, still somebody around? Got the green key but don't know what to do next

Once again, I'm totally stuck. I've got : a hammer, a screwdriver, 2 windows, 2 sticks, 1 stick, an opened box with yellow stuff in it that I can't get...

Just played..Pascales,after you break the glass out of your windows, combine windows with 2 sticks to make a ladder, then put in screws(click right side of ladder at the frame) then left side,then same for bottom..use screwdriver to secure the screws..then you can place your ladder.

Oh yeah Pascale, the yellow stuff your speaking of, is your screws for the ladder.

Thanks a lot, vbranam1. Now I've got a ladder (with 8 screws). I've seen "four" spelled in the trees, but that all...

I meant "that's all" (-:

You're Welcome Pascale, I saw colored number also, but I couldnt find a use for them..There are different endings. I only played once.(the ones I found)

Blue 3

for an alternative ending, throw the magnet through the window of one house and break it in the screen where the eindows were, a man comes and you can leave with the ladder which was lying on the floor

this is a test...

Ok. So I can't seem the get the ladder where I need it to and I can't get the nails out of the box. Seems like I'm stuck in not even the half of the game... What am I doing wrong??

did you have the numbers corresponding to heart/spades etc.? You should find it also in one of the above posts. Hit the symbols in the correct order with the hammer and the box should open

       Anonymous  10/21/08, 7:11 AM  

To evillyn: You do not have to take the yellow screws out. All you have to do is to get your ladder in view, with the 2 window panels placed between the 2 sticks.

Next, just click to the side of your ladder to get a side view of it, then click once on your screws, click back onto the side of the ladder and then the screws will automatically be there. Last part is click once on the screwdriver and then click the screws to secure the screws in. You have to make sure you have clicked for 8 screws to be fixed in, and make sure you do both sides, not just one side.

Once you are done, just place the ladder onto the huge board that you have hit down with your hammer to climb up. Don't click the ladder again because you'll just take it back.

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hi, i`ve just found another ending. After you remove windows don`t break them with hammer but use screwdriver and windows will stay on floor. You`ll see a code for coloured number. Then do everything as previously and after you climb down with rope ladder you`ll find box where you can put the code and you`ll find the happy coin. I`m going to find the last ending :)

from another forum
here's are other 3 ends:

1)climb down without coin
2)flow magnet into the window of the one of the houses
3)die from falling to the ground(in the view that you see the green key, click the top right corner of the screen)
4)climb down with coin

For going out with the jump, take hammer and jump.
For the magnetsolution, you must smash the windows with the hammer.

any body is here?

anyone here? I just can't seem to locate the screw driver even tho i've looked at all the posts...

Screwdriver is located in left board in same screen shown above these posts. Hit board with hammer.

walkthrough please

walkthrough please

Finally out with the happy coin end. Nice game. Thanks all for hints.

Could you please post a walkthrough? Thank you!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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