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Scarygami Riddle Walkthrough

Scarygami Riddle

Scarygami Riddle is a new challenging online riddle game created by Gerwin Sturm. This is an URL-changing riddle, meaning that at most levels (if it's different you will notice) you will have to change the URL in the address bar of your browser to proceed to the next level. Please don't spoil this riddle for the others by posting full solutions or answers. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
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Spoiler:   Use This:


try to look for the size number of pic, try to change names to phone code, no clue

any1 passed level 1 ?

Check the source code for the answer. His friend is Cody Source. The answere is there but I haven't been able to get it to work.

wat level r u up to?

new riddle!

Nor me, lazyelk, not sure how many to go up to, or whether written or numeric, tried all sorts now

2 I've made great progress lol ;p

       Anonymous  10/25/08, 3:34 PM  

I'm on 3! = )

4 now :0)

       Anonymous  10/25/08, 3:37 PM  

what's 3 pinky4eva?

       Anonymous  10/25/08, 3:37 PM  

nvm, got it!

This comment has been removed by the author.

An aside, there seems to be progress going on for lvl 28 of Riddle Odyssey.

Are the # in order, scrambble, how long.... I think the other riddle puzzle used all the juice in my brain

in order, first four, in numeric form, dont forget level number at end!

this is sad. I'm stuck on 5!

this is even sadder, I'm stuck on 4!! Clue please?

totally stuck on the origami fruits and veggies one.

       Anonymous  10/25/08, 4:13 PM  

level 4: what produce is debated to be both a fruit and a vegetable?

level 5: what can you make with those ingredients?

This comment has been removed by the author.

awesome hint/clues beaches!

       Anonymous  10/25/08, 4:15 PM  

to type in the answer you type your answer and the level number.

Ex: if scarygami was your answer for level 1, you would type "scarygami1" in the place of level1 in the url.

I'm still confused about how to type the answer for lvl. 1 is there supposed to be anything between the # answer and the # level?

       Anonymous  10/25/08, 4:16 PM  

thanks ;)

like, if it was the answer to level 2, would you type ####3?

I thought of that but if it doesn't involve cheese I'm lost.

the number is the level you're currently on. the Prime # one is2

       Anonymous  10/25/08, 4:20 PM  

no, you would type #####2 yoshikawa.

still confused
found google Code Search.
but what am I looking for ?

except, beaches, the recipes I'm coming up w/ for 5 aren't working. :(

       Anonymous  10/25/08, 4:22 PM  

trish: it's austrian and it starts with a k ;)

Yeah, that's what I've been trying (even copying and pasting b/c I don't trust my spelling) but it no likey.

Doh! I was using a capital "k". Silly me.

       Anonymous  10/25/08, 4:25 PM  

make sure the first letter isn't capitalized and be sure to add the number at the end...

a little hint on #1... thanx

Oh good lord what to do with the floorplan. I've tried everything that I thought might relate to the title bar, but no dice. These riddle puzzles always make me feel like such an idiot! :)

niv, no need to type anything on lvl 1, just click on something!

trish, dont type in a million different parts of the house like I did, just look at end of the sentence

sorry , ment for level 2
I wrote too many comments
and I still didnt figure out the numbers to enter

oh you've got to be kidding me with that broken vase.

on 11 now,is anyone with me?

       Anonymous  10/25/08, 6:17 PM  

stuck on #10...

I can't even get past #2 it won't work for me

anyone still here that can help?

       Anonymous  10/25/08, 6:42 PM  

make sure you add the level number at the end...

I remembered that, it's first name in numeric form plus level right? or am I doing it all wrong

Finally made it woohoo!

Hey, a new riddle..Oops looks like most are already done.

Anyone still playing? If so, can you give a clue for level 9 please?

Nvrmd, got it...

help with level 6?

okay maybe i shouldn't go any further, i can't even figure out level one. someone give me a clue

im sorry i meant lvl 2!

long time lurker, first time poster... ahah
im with you faye though..

got it with some help of another site.. pay attention to the end of the sentence dunno how to make spoilers..?

Oh for heaven's sakes...
I spent 10 minutes trying to type in the answer to level 4 by putting a 5 at the end.... grrrr....
it feels counter intuitive

any one still on 2 here, need help. either they taught us mathematics wrong in school or my brain havent started functioning efficiently yet

nvm mind out, it seems that my school was wrong all along.

Hmm I appear to be stuck on level 2. I'm looking at the source code, can see the stuff about prime numbers, but it doesn't seem to be getting me too far.

@Susan- Read the instructions first. Then enter the first few prime numbers. Note that 1 is not a prime number, hmmmmmmmm

... I'm feeling really dumb right now. I still can't get it.

Haha I really am dumb. I assumed "the first few" meant the first three. So I tried the first four and lo and behold it works!

@Susan dont forget to put the level number at the end of your solution. That is the level you're currently at. for example, if you're on lvl 2 then the answer to that level should be ####2.php I don't think that I'm allowed to give away the solution but this should be the best hint out there.

Now when you're done with 3 pls tell coz I'm stuck. I think its because I haven't played url riddle games for a long time now.

Likewise. I can't work number 3 out either. My poor little brain isn't used to thinking this much! I wonder if beer will help? Lol.

guess we'll have to wait for other gamers here

Figured it out. It's pretty simple really. There's a couple of questions, just answer one of them.

Thats, what I've been trying to do but with no luck so far

So the two main things are "where should we go next?" and "are you as hungry as I am?". Link them and answer. I'm stuck on 6 now. People have just said to pay attention to the end of the sentence but I'm not sure I know what that means...

thx........... guess I'll be needing another cup of coffee

I'm starting to wish I liked coffee. I wonder if water will do the trick.

@ susan for 6 concentrate on the last sentence. and read the page title.

Hmm, still not getting it. Maybe I'm just not cut out for these kinds of games.

@susan go to where he's telling you to go. use "the"

Ahh, stupid me, I didn't use "the". Thanks!


I just copied and pasted into paint and then used the little paint bucket thing to paint the black stuff white and then the writing showed up.

can someone help me?.. i'm stuck at level 7.. what should i do? i'm lost?

@SUSAN i think this is 7, 8 is the one with the broken vase

Oh yeah, I don't know how you're supposed to do that one without photoshop. I kinda cheated and looked at another messageboard.
The clue was "something people use to heat their house with (uses wood)"


I'm stuck on level 10 now...

plz help me i cant cross the level one

Juhi - do you mean level 2 where it talks about Cody Source? Have you read the instructions? Right click somewhere on the page and select "view code".
Done 10, now onto 11.

ya got the ans. of #2 now in #3

Anyone past level 10?
Im completely hopeless....
Heeeelp please :)

plz help me with #4

Hi there all,
I'm stuck on 13... I don't have a printer... so if anyone could let me know what it says please...

I'm here to help with other levels if people are still around

what was 4 again?

sry with #5

can you remind me of 10 and 4 please

hey penny, could you help me with 10. The one with the favourite book

I'm stuck on 11 as well, Angie. I'm trying to figure out if the numbers have a common factor, but I don't know if I'm on the right track.
Juhi - It might help to read back on the comments that others have posted. I think there's a clue for number 4 on here somewhere.

its an anagram... run it through a solver and then type the words in with no spaces and no capitals plus the level number

Angie, the best site I found was http://www.anagramsite.com/

For 11 read the source code, google the name of the person and read their story in wikipedia... if you need more help... I'm here

thank you :)

no worries angie :-) but hurry up and get to 13 so you can put me out of my misery...

There's so many to choose from. I've looked at the two that seem most relevant but not really sure what I'm looking for..

Susan - the queen of hearts she made some tarts...

...all on a summer's day... I'm missing something.

susan cant get it either it its a foreign dessert or in India it never used in food culture as i m from India

It's an Austrian dessert, if you google the ingredients you should be able to find it, just make sure you don't use capital letters. I can't remember how to spell it but it starts with K.

Sorry, I was still on the favourite book...

Ok so have you read the source code...

Googled that name... read the story in wikipedia...

Pay special attention to the section headed 'the deciphered message' it will tell you what to do with those numbers

ok i'll try to search it

Sorry juhl completely missed which level you were on...

Juhl for that level too you have to watch the spelling... I got led on a bit of a wild goose chase but finally found the right dessert...

google austrian dessert + plum sauce

go for the wiki

I'm trying to read and understand the wiki article but it's doing my head in and I don't know how to apply it. Argh!

Don't worry it did my head in too for the longest time... take the first letter from the numbered words... I don't want to spell it out more than that...

That's what I thought but it doesn't work. Or maybe I just can't count. Let's try again.

Haha, I'm an idiot. I worked it out. I had it written down right but somehow my brain changed the last letter when I typed it.

it didn't work for me exactly but it was close enough so that I could sort it out...
it starts with p and ends with t and is another word for a photo of someone

Too difficult for me on a sunday :)
I guess I give up...level 11 :)
Thanks for helping...Ill try later, maybe

you're nearly with me...

Keep going...

'we don't need no education...'

nooo Angie don't gooo....

I think it's getting too late for this. I'm stuck on level 12 lol.

Ah I got it. Now for 13. I don't have a printer but I'm gonna get some paper and try to make a copy.

Susan... We don't need no thought control...

All in all your just another brick ...

Wow... dedication... copying is well past me.. its just past 1am and I should be in bed

again i stuck on #7

Susan any chance you can leave the name that will be unveiled in the note? So that everyone without printers doesn't have to go through your torment?

I can't keep my eyes open any longer...

again i stuck on #7

again i stuck on #7

Juhl mate... you need to give us a bit more detail...

If that is the one where it is dark you need to use a photo editor to make it brighter.

ok off to bed... nite

Night Penny, thanks heaps for your help! I may not get to this one tonight, maybe tomorrow. I'm getting creepy prank calls. They just won't go away. :(

I've made out the words "That's the way" and "You are". I couldn't be bothered copying it so I'm dissecting it in Paint.

Hi, long time follower first time poster. for no 7 use copy and paste into paint or adjust contrast and brightness of monitor. thought it was mirror but no joy.

       Anonymous  10/26/08, 7:12 AM  

omg cant get past #9..someone help purrty plz!!!

Help with 3 please, i saw prev comments and i still do not understand :(

#13: the name is neil armstrong, but it needs to be a code. Trying some dates now...

Hey all, Im back at it..Having trouble on 15..Help anyone?

for 9-"read" (a what)
for 3-where do you eat at your house?

for 13- (for those with no printer)first name on the weird note is neil..there are 2 people with the exact name(first & last)

#13: there's even three ;)
Got it now. Source code helped as well.

I need you help Mr. when you to 15,K?

I'm at 15.
I suppose the code ahs something to do with roman numbers, which would return
83 80 69 65 75 70 82 69 78 68 65 78 68 69 78 84 69 82
then, but still no clue what the word/code AS on the key stands for.

mmmm Add/Substract perhaps?

Oops, forgot one: must be
83 80 69 65 75 70 82 73 69 78 68 65 78 68 69 78 84 69 82

Thats all I've got. Tried many ciphers,and elements table, to no avail.

even went back to the beale cipher clue for dec.of indp.(still nada)

A.S. dragon seems to be a fench rockgroup. But don't see the connection...

hi!im stuck on lvl 9.
i know its a nonogram but not sure on wat im supposed to get on solvng it
any hints?????

Hey nottypomy, its a picture of something that has to do with reading.

Been checking into that Mr., maybe a song?? I see none that has to do with key though.

thnx vbranam.on lvl 10 now

Whew got 15. Did you get it Mr.?

Nope. Just ate dinner.
Hints are appreciated ;)

I can read the words for level 7 but I am at a loss for what it means.

@millertime: you can look through it

thank you thank you!!!!!

Mr.use yours numbers in ascii code..

Yah TY!

im stuck on 13 now
ive got it that its not neil armstrong.but which one is it then.is he a writer,actor,singer?
ive tried all birth years of names found in wikipedia.mayb i missed sumthng?????

       Anonymous  10/26/08, 11:44 AM  

omg lvl 11...is so f-kin hard!!!!i dont undeerstand wat to do

For 13--it is him,just not the one on the moon..lol..yes,birth year

For 11-the beale cipher was about counting words on a page.

I have first clue for 17, but dont know where esle to go.

need help on 10, each set is a word or unscramble all of them together?

hey, i'm on 16 an lost.
i read on another site to focus on "6 pockets" but i'm not really sure how to apply it.
any ideas?

for 10- use anagram solver for each color..you will have it after just getting 1st name, well known book,story,cartoon,movie,

for 16-the one thats missing

yeah alexander thats right.just dont forget the color.

oops sorry,alexandra

thanks saw it as soon as I went by color

hehe that's okay. are we supposed to "play" the rest of the game? i'm stumped.

Alexandra, wasnt that a green 6 on that level?

I have no idea.
I feel dumb. ha.
Is it a hidden image or something?
I really have no clue.

Yeah, it was a green6 on level 16.

well that worked. i have no idea why, but i'm not complaining!

thanks vbranam!
17 is one of those that you need to look at the image properties i bet. i hate those because i don't use windows.

I cannot find another (not the moon guy) wiki keeps sending me right to his page :(

look at the very top of the wiki page where it says something about "for the article on___________" and click that.

yeah, i've got nothing for 17.

help please? :-)

i can help with previous levels too!

ok tried dob with 0's and without and with 4 digit yr and without no luck :(

nm got it

ok i am obviously loosing it because 15 looks like it is impossible. Maybe Tina Turner should have sung whats the key got to do, got to do with it :)

ok I get to use askey hee hee but have no clue how to translate

Im still working on 17, yes we have to have image properties, and then some..be back in a few.

lol, millertime..translate from roman first.

i tried pixels but that didnt do it

does ne1 have excel?

Morning all - I'm obviously not refreshed after a good nights sleep so need some help with 14. have read source code and et who but don't know what to type in

remind me what 14 was

14 - dragon designer

Im back, for 17 I had to download a program, because I had nothing to use for it..Got it from PH

for 14, answer is there just click on it

had to dl a program??? I needed help seeing roman nos, now they want me to use an unknown program? heeeellllppppp

No, millertime I just didnt have anything on my computer..You probably do already. I went and got photo studio to be able to read the file info.

all i can see is size and pixels

thanks - i was thinking the wrong thing...
got it now

Are you on 17 miller?

yes and I found the clue that says it just tells you where to look but the one place is blank and the other has a lock on it

15 - I did roman to ascii translation but that doesn't work when i type it in... I think I need to include the key but how?

@penny-if you did it right it tells you to "say" something-insert type for say

am I missing the information on 17? i can't seem to get it

yeah, thats why I had to go get another small program..I dont know a thing about the first clue.This program gives the details..

Penny, did you get a sentence? with 4 words. you use only 1 word

on 15 got it - went too far and translated into elf... unnecessary

ok well first clue was the tag but I dont know what I am supposed to be looking for to know if its there or not

That tag you found millertime, that tells you where to look..I didnt have a program that had that on there..When you get that info, you will find a question in the info field..answer it

what kin of program do you need for 17 - i'm on a mac and have looked at the file info in finder and iphoto... what am i looking for?

Hey Penny, Im back...:) and completely stuck on 15...help???

mine does not have a question it just says add text

heya Angie,
read all the comment addressed to me of late they're all about 15

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